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Anyone speak other languages than English?

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Just curious. I speak French almost fluently and am learning Spanish.



Language in order of fluency

Korean/English (My English is getting better as my Korean is getting worse...)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Cantonese)

I do not speak any Latin based language besides English...



I took five years of Spanish in middle/high school. I loved it. I still retain a lot of the vocabulary and grammar and whatnot, but it's been about six years since I've studied it.
I was never fluent, though. Found that out in the military. I couldn't understand native speakers very well, and when I speak it comes out slowly, and I sound like a gringo.
I was always better at writing and reading it, though...

same goes for English...


I'm much better at speaking French than I am at writing it. I should really speak Spanish, my mom is Hispanic and it was her first language. I recently got to do some work in the Dominican Republic and they all thought I was the biggest gringo ever, I can't wait til I can speak it decently.



I understand some Japanese. SOME. Probably fifty words, or something. I couldn't name them, though. If I heard them, I could tell you what they mean.

I wish I would have had more of a chance to immerse myself in Japanese culture while I was over there. Being on an American base, though, everyone there speaks English (of course), and outside the gates and in the town, pretty much everyone is fluent, or at least understands you. There was no need to even learn Japanese. I just picked it up here and there from living over there. Also, anime taught me a bit.

I always wished I would have taken some courses for it, though.

I <3 Language.

Storm, what ethnicity are you that you speak so many different Asian languages? (If you don't mind me asking)



Not at all.

I am Korean, and my family lineage is pretty boring for the recorded 600 years; all Koreans.

I have spent most of my childhood traveling around Asia. Hong Kong is the place I have lived the longest out of all the counties I have lived in so far. This has helped with the two forms of Chinese. Japanese is pretty similar with Korean in terms of grammar, so all I needed to do was to memorize some words, and substitute them.



That's kinda cool. I understand only English and very basic Spanish. I know about 5-20 words of each other language, but that's about it. :/ Living in an isolated area isn't a good way to learn culture.


I know what you mean Bob. I was lucky enough to live abroad, and that's the only reason I can speak French well. Seattle has some diversity, but it's mostly an Asian population (for foreign languages) and I know I'm incapable of learning an Asian language.



I loved going to State Fair in Puyallup; watching the Asian tourists (not racist) always fascinated me.

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