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People that cannot speak English.

HydrasBreath ♜
Keyser Söze
Dropped Da Soap
17 posters

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Do you think they should be allowed to live in this country?
I don't.

I don't necessarily think we should spend the money to round them all up and ship them out. I do think we should no longer let anyone into the country that doesn't speak English, unless they are just here for a vacation. Say 2 weeks tops.

Hmmm... now that I think about it turbans should be made illegal too.



Have you some gripe against the East Indians chap?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im fine with them not speaking Elnglish. Its that im EXPECTED to be able to speak their language is what pisses me off.



Yeah its kind of Bullshit when they Immigrate then expect you to learn their language

That being said I do have a lot of friends whose parents don't speak English very well



MH wrote:Have you some gripe against the East Indians chap?

I didn't actually have any ethnicity in mind when I wrote that.

The turban thing was a completely separate thought.



I also think it should go both ways. For example I don't think I should be allowed to move to, or live in, France without being able to speak fluent French.

It should also be illegal to speak anything other than English in public.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I am now convinced that Metal is Billy Milano.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You come into this country
You can't get real jobs
Boats and boats and boats of you
Go home you fuckin' slobs
Selling hot dogs on the corner
Selling papers in the street
Pushing, pulling, digging, sweating
Where you come from must be beat

You always make us wait
You're the ones we hate
You can't communicate
Speak English Or Die

You don't know what I want
You don't know what I need
Why must I repeat myself
Can't you fuckin' read?
Nice fuckin' accents
Why can't you speak like me
What's that dot on you head,
Do you use it to see??



The Question wrote:Im fine with them not speaking Elnglish. Its that im EXPECTED to be able to speak their language is what pisses me off.

 yea me too....honestly I have no interest in learning another language. I know chickenscraps of spanish here and there but nothing good.

I thought it was stupid they made us take spanish back in school for 2 years.....wouldn't it have been more productive for them to make immigrants take english? >_>

they act like we needed to know it for daily life when you really don't.....I just wouldn't associate myself with anybody I couldn't understand. I don't really care if they want to come live here or not, at least they work hard which is more than I can say for a large population of US citizens. I'd prefer if they would learn some english,and not me having to learn their language,since they came to my country to begin with ya know lol



JrTapia1991 wrote:
The Question wrote:Im fine with them not speaking Elnglish. Its that im EXPECTED to be able to speak their language is what pisses me off.

since they came to my country to begin with ya know lol

Arent you like Half-Mexican? Very Happy



If you're going to be here, be here legally, learn the language, learn the customs.

I don't mind learning a language for travel but I will not learn just because your butt decided you wanted to live here and not learn.

Working in a grocery store where there is a high number of hispanics, its aggravating. Some of them try to haggle...its damn grocery store! Not a market in the middle of the hovel town!



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I am now convinced that Metal is Billy Milano.

I forgot all about that song. I used to listen to Stormtroopers of Death in highschool.

EDIT: Just listened to it and it's still badass.



Metalzoic wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I am now convinced that Metal is Billy Milano.

I forgot all about that song. I used to listen to Stormtroopers of Death in highschool.

EDIT: Just listened to it and it's still badass.

They had High schools back when you were a teenager?

I thought you were required to sign up for the Union Army? Very Happy



I don't particularly care. It'd be nice if they could work on their accents though.



MEGA MILK wrote:I don't particularly care. It'd be nice if they could work on their accents though.

Especially if they work in the Drive through

Im pretty sure New Zealand puts the people with the worst accents in the Drive through

Fucking Troll country Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I am now convinced that Metal is Billy Milano.

I forgot all about that song. I used to listen to Stormtroopers of Death in highschool.

EDIT: Just listened to it and it's still badass.

They had High schools back when you were a teenager?

I thought you were required to sign up for the Union Army? Very Happy

Shocked Mad 


*smacks Sheep on the ass.



Metalzoic wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I am now convinced that Metal is Billy Milano.

I forgot all about that song. I used to listen to Stormtroopers of Death in highschool.

EDIT: Just listened to it and it's still badass.

They had High schools back when you were a teenager?

I thought you were required to sign up for the Union Army? Very Happy

Shocked Mad 


*smacks Sheep on the ass.

Apart from the Sheep Ass smacking my Mum said something similar the other night

When she got home from work I ran through the house ringing a bell and yelling "The Gingers are coming"

Of course me and Dad found it hilarious Very Happy



yea I'm half mexican lol but I'm as white(pale) as a ghost >_> . My dad jumped the border back in the day but eventually got his green card and knows pretty good english. But I was born here and everything


My ex girlfriend had the most beautiful accent, she was portuguese.. Aww man i miss her.



chunckylover53 wrote:My ex girlfriend had the most beautiful accent, she was portuguese.. Aww man i miss her.

Sounds like you got a case of Jungle fever boooy! Very Happy

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Metalzoic wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I am now convinced that Metal is Billy Milano.

I forgot all about that song. I used to listen to Stormtroopers of Death in highschool.

EDIT: Just listened to it and it's still badass.

Of course it's still bad ass. What the fuck's the matter with you?



jesus christ.

I live in new hampshire. There were like two black dudes and one central american guy in my highschool.

Yesterday i drove NORTH, I drove further north in what is pretty much the whitest state in the union, to a lake.

When we got to the lake, there were literally hundreds of central americans there. More than I had ever seen in my life combined. I had no idea wtf was going on.

So many screaming children ( i hate children in general). So much shitty pop/latin music.

Now I have no problem inherently with mexican culture or really any cultures inheently. But if your culture manifests in being extremely loud and disruptive you need to stfu and go away.





Metalzoic wrote:I also think it should go both ways. For example I don't think I should be allowed to move to, or live in, France without being able to speak fluent French.

Like anyone would willingly want to live in France LOL.

Although I can live anywhere in Europe I want haha.



People that cannot speak English. Tumblr_mowqpyejz91ssguwbo1_250

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

RStudios wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I also think it should go both ways. For example I don't think I should be allowed to move to, or live in, France without being able to speak fluent French.

Like anyone would willingly want to live in France LOL.

Although I can live anywhere in Europe I want haha.

I'd consider living in France.



HydrasBreath wrote:
RStudios wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I also think it should go both ways. For example I don't think I should be allowed to move to, or live in, France without being able to speak fluent French.

Like anyone would willingly want to live in France LOL.

Although I can live anywhere in Europe I want haha.

I'd consider living in France.

But you are in NB....only mandatory official Bilingual pronvince eh?




 People that cannot speak English. OlN1xe1

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Who gives a shit?

If you can't communicate with someone, don't. I sure as hell don't bitch at the chinese and taiwanese people that don't know Spanish here. Then again, I don't live in the U.S.



Ars Diaboli wrote:Who gives a shit?

If you can't communicate with someone, don't. I sure as hell don't bitch at the chinese and taiwanese people that don't know Spanish here. Then again, I don't live in the U.S.

Do they expect you to know Taiwanese or Chinese though?

One of my Chinese friends told me I should learn his language because more people speak it than English

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

No, that would be stupid. Just as I don't expect them to learn Spanish, I won't try to learn their language unless I'm personally interested in it.

Also, your friend is an idiot Very Happy

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Learn Chinese or die!


Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Learn Chinese or die!


Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

MissSym wrote:If you're going to be here, be here legally, learn the language, learn the customs.

This is pretty much how I feel about it. Years ago I use to work at a Walmart and I'd see Mexican families come through where the 5 year old kid was the only one that could speak English and they would have to translate between the cashier and the person paying.



RStudios wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Learn Chinese or die!


Seriously though you think people would learn


People that cannot speak English. AG9VMKz_700b_v3



RStudios wrote:People that cannot speak English. AG9VMKz_700b_v3




Pariah wrote:

 People that cannot speak English. OlN1xe1

It was a joke, again



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HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

menacinglemon wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
RStudios wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I also think it should go both ways. For example I don't think I should be allowed to move to, or live in, France without being able to speak fluent French.

Like anyone would willingly want to live in France LOL.

Although I can live anywhere in Europe I want haha.

I'd consider living in France.

But you are in NB....only mandatory official Bilingual pronvince eh?

Yup. Though it's only mandatory for government services. Not everyone is forced to learn both.

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