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College has made me hate english

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Maybe it's just the teacher but.. FUCK.

I probably spent the last two hours trying to come up with some BS for the last part of this paper i just wrote.

We have to write about the most boring stories ever and it's hard to write about something i am not interested in. Since this english class is about gathering research resources we always have to include someone else's insight about our article(which i think is lame but whateva) and i mean it's good for filling up space on the paper but then you have to cite the work which is also extreamly boring. I just don't get it, i feel like i am just hopeing for a C in this class and get it over with. The strangest thing is i actually like algebra better than english now.

I decided to look ahead to see if we're getting any work over springbreak and it's a ton of readings upon figureing out are research topic+thesis statment+annotated biblography for our final paper. =X




damn dude just reading that fried my brain already XD

I hated english too...most boring stuff ever =/ I'd rather do math and that's bad dude lmao

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

My GF is struggling too Gil. I'm sure glad I don't have college homework to do. Seems like anything that you can say " I like algebra better" about should be killed with fire.



Somebody get the flamethrower Razz

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah 15-20 page research term papers are the best...glad I'm not a psych major anymore haha.

how many pages do you need to bullshit your way through gil?


HydrasBreath wrote:yeah 15-20 page research term papers are the best...glad I'm not a psych major anymore haha.

how many pages do you need to bullshit your way through gil?

Two weeks ago was 4 but this one they gave us some extra time and it's only 4 but there's not much to write about it which is the hard part. Final paper will be 7-10 i believe.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah that sucks man I remember the papers I used to do. The psych articles and research we had to wade through was so convoluted with jargon that you needed a dictionary to understand any of it. Those were great Rolling Eyes.

Well good luck man. 4 pages doesn't seem so terrible. If your having trouble filling up 4 pages try 1.5 interline Wink. You could probably squeeze out like half a page or more like that if you already have close to 3.


HydrasBreath wrote:yeah that sucks man I remember the papers I used to do. The psych articles and research we had to wade through was so convoluted with jargon that you needed a dictionary to understand any of it. Those were great Rolling Eyes.

Well good luck man. 4 pages doesn't seem so terrible. If your having trouble filling up 4 pages try 1.5 interline Wink. You could probably squeeze out like half a page or more like that if you already have close to 3.

The teacher always gvies a format for them if we don't use the format the paper isn't accepted.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

chunckylover53 wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:yeah that sucks man I remember the papers I used to do. The psych articles and research we had to wade through was so convoluted with jargon that you needed a dictionary to understand any of it. Those were great Rolling Eyes.

Well good luck man. 4 pages doesn't seem so terrible. If your having trouble filling up 4 pages try 1.5 interline Wink. You could probably squeeze out like half a page or more like that if you already have close to 3.

The teacher always gvies a format for them if we don't use the format the paper isn't accepted.

ah one of those...yeah those are mega lame. If the teacher is kinda lazy sometimes you can get away with messing with the format but I'm guessing from what you describe your teacher isn't one of those teachers.

Don't know what format you're using but in Psych we had to use APA and we had to buy a book the size of a bible that had all the little rules and variations for the APA format. Citations are the worst for variations. I thought it was so stupid. You could loose soooo many points just due to the punctuation and order/capitalization of the names in the citations.


We're useing something called an "MLA" and yeah the teacher told us ahead of time that she doesn't have many classes to teach this semester so she will be looking at our papers a lot...

Well this starts week 6 out of 15 so... just 10 more classes to go!! Get my paper that i handed in two weeks ago back this week so will get a general idea of what i need to look out for on this one.



chunckylover53 wrote:We're useing something called an "MLA" and yeah the teacher told us ahead of time that she doesn't have many classes to teach this semester so she will be looking at our papers a lot...

Well this starts week 6 out of 15 so... just 10 more classes to go!! Get my paper that i handed in two weeks ago back this week so will get a general idea of what i need to look out for on this one.
Im in the same boat. My teacher LOVES mla, which sucks. We have to write a paper anywhere between 5 and 15. Im also going to Florida with the band on Wednesday, which means I miss the rough draft day. Fuck.


Ha, looks like you're working harder than me Bmm.

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