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ATTN: Vehicle Whores

Patrick Star
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1ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-23, 10:02



Need some tips, I just started using more vehicles because I can and I've had mixed results:

Tanks/IFV: Kinds hard to mess up, have good and bad times with them. My problem seems to be that I'm always against the team that teams up to take them out.
Heli's: Just got the flying down, starting to make less and less mistakes, but have problem against more "advanced" helis. I just figure I need to keep unlocking stuff
Jets: Can fly them with out a problem, but because I have no flares I get shot down fairly quickly, so I can't get any point for unlocks.

Just looking for any pointers.

Thank you in advance

2ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty Re: ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-23, 10:34

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

For tanks use proximity scan as soon as you get it unlocked it helps a lot. Use guided shell in the MBT if your going to be playing with the SeC since we all use the CITV station. If your having difficulty in the jet i would recommend tapping both triggers at the same time whilst turning you turn pretty faster than normal.

3ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty Re: ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-23, 10:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

practice practice practice. Thats all you need for the jets and helis is just a lot of stick time to learn how to get yourself lined up for shots.

I find that the most important part of being effective in vehicles is self preservation. If you take some damage, retreat and heal. You keeping a tank or heli alive is worth more than the couple of kills you may have gotten staying in a fight.

4ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty Re: ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-23, 18:02



When in tanks, try not to be far away from your team, and know when to back out.

I usually lose a tank when I decide to go cap a flag by myself and half the enemy team spawns there.

5ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty Re: ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-23, 18:31



Tanks: keep the enemies in front of you. pretty much what milk said, dont get surrounded by engineers while capping a flag. gotta have support.

Helis: For the attack choppers you pretty much have to have a gunner that you are communicating with to do well, so you can coordinate flare and ECM use, otherwise youre probably going to get shot down. Also try and not get too surrounded by enemies. go in, blow up a tank or two then fly away out of stinger/AA gun range, wait for ~30 seconds then go back in. And prey to god the enemy jets dont crash into you.

For scout helis, its good to have an engineer on board to repair. Plus, Laser designator + Guided missile combo means you can take out enemy choppers in one hit as long as theyre not using ECM jammer (which few pilots use). Just fly low and try and take out as many infantry as possible as the minigun completely shreds people.

Jets: harder to give tips/strategy for jets tbh. When im not spinning in circles with other jets, I pretty much just fly around emptying rocket pod salvos into tanks/dropping guided rockets onto them. If youre using Rush jets, focus as much as you can on tanks. The CAS minigun kills them in ~2 seconds. Conquest jets are simply less useful to your team, as they cant really do too much damage to tanks, and taking out enemy jets gets the team nowhere. once you get good try taking out enemy choppers, but I find that pretty hard to do.

6ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty Re: ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-23, 19:11



I'll add,use the t shell on ifv's.

7ATTN: Vehicle Whores Empty Re: ATTN: Vehicle Whores 2012-01-24, 16:14



thanks guys, I appreciate the tips

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