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Do You Vehicle Recycle?

Cubist Castle
6 posters

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1Do You Vehicle Recycle? Empty Do You Vehicle Recycle? 2011-08-04, 22:43



Vehicle recycling is one of my personal habits, and I've never seen anyone else do it. Basically, it means that when I stop using a friendly vehicle, i.e. ATV, I "recycle" it to the spawn by destroying it with a frag/C4/etc.

There are two main reasons for this:
1. recycling vehicles that aren't being used ensures that they are in constant use by and maximizing team mobility
2. unoccupied vehicles show up on the mini-map of both allies and enemies. Recycling helps to cover your tracks

Conversely, there is the opposite, vehicle denial, i.e. DEF team holding onto ATK team's ATVs. This is also something that I practice, which limits the enemies mobility.

So, does SeC recycle?

2Do You Vehicle Recycle? Empty Re: Do You Vehicle Recycle? 2011-08-04, 22:46

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I do it mostly so that the enemy doesn't get a hold of it, make repairs, and then own more heavy weaponry than my team does.

3Do You Vehicle Recycle? Empty Re: Do You Vehicle Recycle? 2011-08-04, 22:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i do this. but only in hopes that the enemy doesn't see the unoccupied atv drive into their on their minimap

4Do You Vehicle Recycle? Empty Re: Do You Vehicle Recycle? 2011-08-05, 00:05

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i usually do this myself mostly to cover up my tracks

5Do You Vehicle Recycle? Empty Re: Do You Vehicle Recycle? 2011-08-05, 00:09



I don't use vehicles whenever possible (I think they're downright cheap, unless I'm using the Blackhawk, because I can't resist using it/gunning; either that, or useless, in the case of the ATV), but whenever I do, I don't usually leave until the last possible second (so it's destroyed, but I survive, even though I sometimes don't) or I repair and keep it alive until the end of the game.

6Do You Vehicle Recycle? Empty Re: Do You Vehicle Recycle? 2011-08-05, 04:02



I recycle MBTs/IFVs. I don't give a shit if they see a light vehicle.

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