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Epic BF3 moment!!

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1Epic BF3 moment!! Empty Epic BF3 moment!! 2012-01-24, 11:38

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Attacking last night on Sharqi rush, and my team was struggling. Me and a few friends were all playing together but the defenders were really well dug in. But somehow with about 10 tickets left we sneak around the back and take the first base. Then with about 20 left we take the second base in a similar fashion. Each Mcom was taken by my squad, and always with heavy losses. Every player on my team, other than myself, was well below 1 for K/D, and all three of my friends wanted to quit because they were struggling so bad.

We start attacking the TV station part of the level, and we take the Mcom that is outside quickly enough. But they are set up hard in the TV tower. Our team throws themselves at the place for about 30 tickets before I started using smoke. I would smoke the porch and windows and me and my friends would climb up the ladder to the balcony. They hold us out until we have 5 tickets left and I get up there. All 3 off my teammates spawn on me. I throw smoke, and all 4 of us throw grenades, 3 kills, I blast in first with the 870 and drop 2 guys and start arming. I arm in but die, only to get revived, we no. We hold up in the room and take the Mcom with 0 tickets left.

Best match ever.

2Epic BF3 moment!! Empty Re: Epic BF3 moment!! 2012-01-24, 11:59



Sounds like that Sharqi we played with Sheep last wee Terry!

I so love and hate Sharqi all in one! THat last base is a bitch but besides that I think its a really good rush map!

3Epic BF3 moment!! Empty Re: Epic BF3 moment!! 2012-01-24, 12:09

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

It feels really good when you blow up that Mcom in the TV tower. It doesn't happen often, but damn it feels good.

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