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Final Fantasy 13-2 review,seems good

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It's not linear anymore and you can catch monsters and use em on your team now Razz

I still wanna play through 13 one of these days.I saw gamespots review and it made me want it.I heard alot of trash on the internet about it,but everybody I know in real life who played it loved it.They said it was linear but FF10,one of my favs,was very linear as well and I still liked it.

Surprisingly 13-2 is only 1 disc for the xbox I read.I guess either it's shorter than 13,or they figured out how to compress all the data

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

FF was once my favorite series. FF2 and FF3 SNES (technically FF4 and FF6) were my favs. I've played through FF6 like 5 times Shocked

FF7 was good, 8 I liked less, 9 I didn't really care for, 10 I hated, never finished.


Evil Terry wrote:FF7 was good, 8 I liked less, 9 I didn't really care for, 10 I hated, never finished.

What the fuck?



I got almost to the last disc in FF8 only to get stuck and read online "lol you weren't supposed to use summons,you were supposed to just lvl up your regular people" and I wasn't about to start over so fuck it I said lmao....

got to where you go to some black cube in the sky on the 3rd disc and these people from the rival school or something completely destroyed me...funny thing is,up until that point,the whole game was very easy just keep casting summons(GFs) and boosting their power by square+select

9,bought from gamestop years ago and of course it only had 3 discs -___- ,anyways once I got to the forest in the beginning it crashed and I never got another one

10.I played to death.Pretty burned out on it honestly,but it was cool while I had it.I think I had like 80 hours,then my data got corrupted....damn you action replay max....I was copying some madden rosters or something then the action replay froze and when I turned it on my data was gone Evil or Very Mad

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I didn't like a lot of things about the games

FF8 I HATED the way enemies leveled up with you, there was almost no equipment to buy or weapons to upgrade. No reason to do anything other than draw your spells to 100 and run from every fight afterwards.

FF9 was too cutesy. The begining was cool, but Kuja was an awful enemy. I hated how rigid the charicters were to. if you can do normal damage you get NO magic, if you have magic you might as well not attack.

FF10 I just didn't get the story. Maybe I missed the boat but I didn't like any of the charicters, and the story seemed vauge and totally unimportant.



the story in 10 was pretty confusing....pretty much

spoilers....since the spoiler tags never work worth a damn....

Tidus daddy was that sin monster somehow,swallowed him in the beginning,he wakes up on the island,meets cutie yuna,goes on adventure,then turns to dust at the end after they beat sin again 0____o

well don't feel bad....I never understood the damn halo stories either...I just played the game lol.


JrTapia1991 wrote:the story in 10 was pretty confusing....pretty much

spoilers....since the spoiler tags never work worth a damn....

Tidus daddy was that sin monster somehow,swallowed him in the beginning,he wakes up on the island,meets cutie yuna,goes on adventure,then turns to dust at the end after they beat sin again 0____o

well don't feel bad....I never understood the damn halo stories either...I just played the game lol.

There's a lot more to it than that. You'd have to google it to get the exact answer.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I shouldn't have to "google" my games to understand them. If you can't explain it in game you failed at storytelling, and failed at making a good RPG IMO.


Evil Terry wrote:I shouldn't have to "google" my games to understand them. If you can't explain it in game you failed at storytelling, and failed at making a good RPG IMO.

Or the person playing the game isn't listening.



FF7 was good, 8 I liked less, 9 I didn't really care for, 10 I hated, never finished.

Me exactly. Hated 10 so much I couldn't finish it. Hated it so much that I actually hate all FF games now and will never touch another one.



there's apparently DLC coming for FF13-2 now to have an arena where you fight old FF bosses.

I know what you mean now thinking of it,FFX did feel dreadfully slow in places.I like FF6 and 7 the best out of all of them



They kinda trash this new one you're talking about in GameInformer.
The more they talked about it sucking the happier I got, which shows you just how much I dislike the series now.


How can people like 7 and not like 8 and 10? 9 i can understand it felt a bit weak overall and the card game sucked compared to FF8's.



8 felt like they were trying too hard with realism I guess.Just felt bland I guess.It was alright.Not the worst I've played but it was a real bummer the game was easy till the end of disc 3 where you could just spam summons,story kind of went no where as well.Can't remember much of it,just some evil witch lady you keep fighting



JrTapia1991 wrote:8 felt like they were trying too hard with realism I guess.Just felt bland I guess.It was alright.Not the worst I've played but it was a real bummer the game was easy till the end of disc 3 where you could just spam summons,story kind of went no where as well.Can't remember much of it,just some evil witch lady you keep fighting

I thought 8 was the one that went all anime style with cutesy characters... 9 was the realistic one with the gun-swords wasn't it? I think that's the one you could spam summons and you didn't even to use any other gameplay mechanics it was so broken.

10 was the one with the lamest characters in the lamest story with the lamest premise with the lamest art with a lame sport with a gameplay system that felt like it hadn't been meaningfully changed in a decade. Lame. Oh yeah, box art was also lame.


Cutesty anime style.. FF7?

FF8 had the gunblades. And the summoning thing only works sometimes, it doesn't mean you have to spam them.

FF10 is one of the best FF's, the battle system is a lot better than previous FF's. I found the story interesting and the game was a bit challenging.



yeah 8 was the one I just spammed summons the whole game till I hit a brick wall at the end of the 3rd disc.It was the one trying to be realistic =/



Ah, then it must be 9 that went back to cutesy anime style. My roomate played all the way through 8 insulting it every step of the way since you didn't actually have to play the game to win.

It's cool you like 10. I didn't.



they're supposed to remake 10 on the PS3 this year Razz


I don't get it "trying to be realistic?" it's a fantasy game...



I guess how the characters looked Razz

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