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Star Wars thread

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Captain Pirate Pineapple
HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
14 posters

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1Star Wars thread Empty Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 19:28



Who here is a fan? And what exactly do y'all like?

I love the original trilogy, but I don't have many complaints for Ep. 1, 2 &3. Though my favourite are the books of the Old Republic (Darth Bane trilogy especially)

2Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 19:30



Original trilogy was amazing

New movies suck

There needs to be a Star Wars Battlefront 3

3Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 19:58

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

All of the movies suck. Universe is cool, and I liked a few of the gmes. But overall I hate the movies.

4Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 20:01

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Empire Strikes Back is probably my favourite.

3 can die in a fire.

5Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 20:09



Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz wrote:Empire Strikes Back is probably my favourite.

3 can die in a fire.

Ok, I'll say this once and only once. I thought that Hayden Christensen as pre-biosuit Darth Vader was good. I like the air of contained genocide he gave off. But mostly, Anakin was a bitch.

also this
Star Wars thread WotIG

6Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 20:22

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

jar Jar Binks is an abonination.


7Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 20:26

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz wrote:jar Jar Binks is an abonination.


word. Star Wars doesn't really need comic relief in it.

8Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 20:34

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Because its already funny enough? And by funny enough, I mean stupid

9Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 20:48



Jar Jar disappointed me, but Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jin? Fucktotheyeah!

10Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 21:31



KoToR, and ToR!!! Bioware ftw.

11Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-04, 21:34



I just realized that it has been almost 3 years since the last time I watched a star wars movie. Looks like I am going to need to plan a marathon soon.

12Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 10:52

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

The original 3 was it. There was no prequel bullshit. I refuse to believe that was anything Star Wars related. Ray Park and Liam Neeson were the only good things in those movies, and well they both unfortunately ate it at the end of the first one.

13Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 11:04

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I like the prequels better than the originals...don't shoot me...

Also, I love Jar Jar Binks.

Han shot first.

14Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 11:07

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:I like the prequels better than the originals...don't shoot me...

Also, I love Jar Jar Binks.

Han shot first.

Wow, Mrs. Hat, I thought Ehat would have taught you better than that. Sad

And of course Han shot first. He's a pimp. It's where I get the "I know" line from that I use with the ladies. Pimping since Empire.

15Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 11:09

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I like the originals too. I like the story of the originals better too, for the most part. But I just can't get into the crappy light saber battles in the originals Razz

16Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 11:17

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:I like the originals too. I like the story of the originals better too, for the most part. But I just can't get into the crappy light saber battles in the originals Razz

Alright, I'll give you that.

17Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 12:27



But I just can't get into the crappy light saber battles in the originals

Haha! So so true.

18Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 12:59



I have a bad feeling about this...

19Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 12:59



I haven't watched any of them since I was a little kid, I liked them all then though.

20Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 13:04



ok, now to divvy up the ranks a bit:

Jedi or Sith?

21Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 13:11

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Sith. Jedi were a bunch of whiny bitches with rules and shit. People have emotions and feelings, but no, you can't have those to be a Jedi. Might as well make a bunch of robots.

22Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 13:14



Thank you! most people I ask that are like "Jedi, because I dont want to be evil!"

I just want to:

be a total badass
have the coolest looking lightsaber
be able to throw lightning from my hands
choke people with my mind
kill anything that is merely in my presence
be able to take a dragon, fly it up in the atmosphere of one planet, fly it into fucking space, and then onto a different planet and survive
be able to fuck with people minds like nobody's business
have basically a license to kill anyone and anything that annoys me
live forever

23Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 20:44



I dont care if the phantom menace is supposedly the worst in the series... im psyched to go see it in 3D this friday Thumbs up

I hope this brings enough momentum to the franchise to get star wars battlefront 3 going Very Happy

24Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 21:30

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


25Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-05, 22:58



get that star trek shit outta here

26Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-06, 02:27

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


*Gives the Vulcan salute*

27Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-06, 08:19

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

No Trekkies allowed!

28Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-06, 11:24

Rogue Jedi

Rogue Jedi

Love the original films, but hate the saber battles in those.
Dislike the prequels, but love the saber battles.
Han and Alderaan shot first.
Jar Jar can eat a blaster bolt.
Chewbacca never dies.
Jedi or Sith? Neither. I like that grey area between good and evil. The force isn't about absolutes.

29Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-06, 11:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Big fan of the series.

I don't love the new ones but I suppose they could have been worse.

The old movies had something no movie will ever have again. Character.

30Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-07, 23:51



Rogue Jedi wrote:
Han and Alderaan shot first.

Fucking laughed my ass off.

Rogue Jedi wrote:
Chewbacca never dies.

God damn Yuuzhan Vong

31Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-08, 21:30



Cicero wrote:Hey.

*Gives the Vulcan salute*

Star Wars thread Tumblr_lz1i8rVn0y1roba31o1_500

32Star Wars thread Empty Re: Star Wars thread 2012-02-08, 22:09



Star Wars thread Bkbcc

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