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Two Worlds 2 or Sacred 2,or another RPG...

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Been thinking of some cheap games to get,

I was thinking Sacred 2,but I might be overwhelmed by it all... Razz

Two Worlds 2 is always a game I've wanted to check out... both are 17.99 at gamestop I believe when I looked today

Was possibly thinking FF13 which is also 17.99 but I've heard very bleh things about it.

Or to pick up Fable 2 ,it's only like 5 bucks now

ORRRR....DA:Origins Ultimate Edition, 20 bucks brand new.I could get it used for 17.99,since,all the DLC is on the 2nd disc kinda like how Fallout 3 GOTY was.I'm so glad when companies due this....I hate that single use code bullshit lol

or I was thinking Fear 3,20 bucks brand new or Army of Two 40th Day-$20 brand new

I was kinda wanting some new cool bargain priced games to play....Looking forward to I Am Alive early in March,but,not even sure how many points it's going to cost since it's only on the market place,and not going to be on physical disc from what I've read.



DA: Origins EU!

Sacred 2 is an rpg but doesn't have a lot of the rpg elements you would expect from rpgs these days. While Two Worlds 2 seems more Bauldurs Gate/Neverwinter style, Sacred is more Diablo style.

Dragon Age just kicks total ass.

I have Sacred 2. Only played a little bit of Two Worlds though.



:3 I think I might get it then Very Happy


FF13 really was not that bad. It is no more linear than FF10 was. Hell, if you think about it FF7 was just as linear but it gave the illusion of freedom. I loved the combat. Hope is an annoying character and Sazh is a worthless party member stat-wise. Overall though, the game is solid.

I have Sacred 2 on the PS3. My wife wanted it so we could play it together. I HATE that game. So damn boring. Just wander around and repetitively hit attack over and over and over and over and over... you get the point.

I just traded MW3 in and used the credit to get the ultimate edition of Dragon Age Origins and an used copy of DA2. I love Dragon Age but the combat is tedious with a controller. Tried it on PC at a friend's house and it flows a little nicer on that platform.

Pretty much any of what you mentioned is a good call though. Sacred 2 just isn't my thing. It is the same as Champions Of Norath on PS2. Then again, all of the games like that are pretty much identical.

My only experience with Two Worlds was the hour I spent with the first one. It sucked. The second one is supposed to be much better according to three of my friends.



Sym loved two worlds 2.

Haven't tried them myself.



yea I remember Sym and somebody else really seemed to praise Two Worlds 2...Hmm.Might end up being Da:origins ultimate edition after all.

yea sacred 2 seemed intriguing but I could already tell I would be bored with it from gameplay I saw...I didn't like the camera at all,having to read only text(what is this the 90s again >__>),no voice overs pretty much.Couldn't customize the races,only pick armor and weapons.

I guess the main thing that stuck out to me was how massive it is and that it's co op,but I could tell I'd be burned out on it...



If you still haven't picked one of these up yet I would recommend TW2.

Its a really solid RPG.

+ Its got a good combat system
+ Cool story and characters
+ Huge world with lots to explore
+ Massive customization
+ Favorite crafting/spell/armor system

- Kinda glitchy
- Kinda ugly

Good game for sure if you can snag it for cheap.



get fable 2 may seem meh at first but once you get over the beginning its really fun



Sym wrote:If you still haven't picked one of these up yet I would recommend TW2.

Its a really solid RPG.

+ Its got a good combat system
+ Cool story and characters
+ Huge world with lots to explore
+ Massive customization
+ Favorite crafting/spell/armor system

- Kinda glitchy
- Kinda ugly

Good game for sure if you can snag it for cheap.

Very Happy yeah I actually ordered Two Worlds 2 and Sacred 2 the other day off amazon...Two Worlds is supposed to come in tomorrow,and Sacred 2 on monday.Two Worlds 2 used with case and booklet was like 8 bucks and Sacred 2 brand new was 11

when I finally watched some gameplay of TW2,I really wanted it



Nice! Hope you enjoy it. Should keep you busy for awhile. My save was like 104 hours when I finished the game. Shocked



Sym wrote:Nice! Hope you enjoy it. Should keep you busy for awhile. My save was like 104 hours when I finished the game. Shocked

nice Razz that's about how long I had in Skyrim.Been meaning to play it some more,kinda miss it,I still needed to do the daedric quests

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