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Sacred 2

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1Sacred 2 Empty Sacred 2 2011-07-29, 13:34



Anybody play this?

I've had a craving for it recently for some reason...seems like a cheap as hell RPG that would last you a crazy long time,in addition to multiplayer and the 2 different story lines,there's 600 side missions >__>

2Sacred 2 Empty Re: Sacred 2 2011-07-29, 13:50



I bought it expecting it to be like Champions of Norrath. It was too different and I ended up not liking it. Maybe I didnt give it enough of a chance.

3Sacred 2 Empty Re: Sacred 2 2011-07-29, 13:57


It was cool. Lot of content for sure. I just didn't get into like I thought I would.

4Sacred 2 Empty Re: Sacred 2 2011-07-29, 16:57



i rented it through Gamefly, but, i didn't really like it much, so i never finished it. it wasn't awful or anything, i am not saying that, i just didn't get as much into it as i would have liked.

5Sacred 2 Empty Re: Sacred 2 2011-07-29, 17:06


One thing I noticed is you need to grind your ass off and be really careful where you go because if not, you'll get your ass handed to you by some random boss in the middle of nowhere.

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