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Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam

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1Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 12:04



probably gonna get has the expansion which was not available in the US before. Something to do with the original company going backrupt or some shit

anyways,cool game,it's like diablo and co op if anybody wants to get it

2Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 14:36




3Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 14:59



I have 26$ in my account. I'm considering getting this, and I kinda want From Dust too. But then, I'm hesitant since they might have some awesome End-of-Sale deals.

4Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 15:06



From Dust was just ok to me

It wasnt what I was expecting

You go into it thinking its a God game, but its really not.

Its kind of shallow too

5Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 15:10



Yeah, I saw. It still looks interesting. Though right now, I'm hoping that Skyrim goes 66% off. I want that damn game.

6Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 15:58



I really want this sacred 2,and,dead island goty looks good too.but idk,I have enough games on my backlog already lol

7Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 16:35



JrTapia1991 wrote:dead island goty looks good


Dead Island seems like a good concept. But I played it a while ago, solo and MP, and it blows. Hard.

8Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 17:03



A lot of people liked Dead Island....

I bought it, haven't played it yet though. For less than $10 I doubt I'll regret my purchase.

Thinking about buying RAGE now....

9Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 21:40



RAGE is pretty good.

I enjoyed it

10Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 21:55



they actually had an expansion for it come out last week I think >___> didn't look anything up on it though,thought it was random as hell for them to do anything for the game. It was ok,but I knew it got alot of hate

11Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-01, 22:03



It got hate because its ID

Every ID FPS is under the microscope, just like Bioware is with RPG's.

It wasnt Doom and Hexen and people flipped.

12Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam Empty Re: Sacred 2 Gold 9.99 steam 2013-01-02, 18:43



well I was going to get this game for co op but found out the servers are long gone....

might just get diablo 2 instead ha

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