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Body Armor

Dropped Da Soap
Captain Pirate Pineapple
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1Body Armor Empty Body Armor 2012-02-09, 21:52

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Alright, serious topic here people. Now, my brother is doing fugitive recovery (fancier term for bounty hunting basically). He's starting his own team up and wants me to join and help out. Now, he had said about body armor (bullet proof vest basically), and I was curious if anyone on here knew anything about them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 22:09



wow, thats some heavy stuff.... Are you going to join his team?

Also, I dont really know anything about body armor, sorry. Though if you could model somehting off of Iron man, it would be pretty bad ass!

3Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 22:24



there's different levels....

the common cheap ones will only stop like a 22 and maybe a 9mm...

if somebody is going after you with a rifle you would need like the most expensive one,I saw a vid on youtube of a dude taking 44 magnum and 308 FN FAL shots point blank with this vest and he didn't even stumble back Razz

the heavy armor weighs a ton tho...

it also depends how old it is,you need a pretty new one,the older it gets,it degrades.

:p looked into it awhile back when I was preparing for the zombie apocalypse

take it for what you will,but I read a story of where this dude was a tow truck driver,went to the ghetto to tow a car,guy comes out and shoots him twice with a 380 and the vest stopped it,but,it cracked 2 ribs I think,which in turn took out a golf ball size chunk out of his liver and he barely made it to the hospital before bleeding out

me personally,I probably ain't got the balls to be going against armed people Razz crackheads are crazy man

it would be a hell of a rush tho...

4Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 22:27



Pineapple, a bounty hunter.

Sorry, I need a moment to take this in. Too much awesome in one sentence.

5Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 22:29


ThePeavstenator wrote:Pineapple, a bounty hunter.

Sorry, I need a moment to take this in. Too much awesome in one sentence.

He'd give Dog a run for his money. And his wife or w/e kind of woman friend is on the show would be 100x hotter than Dog's wife.

6Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 22:30

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Get one that protects you from bullets and stops them from destroying your soft mushy insides.

7Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 22:31



there's a decent page I've been reading.

8Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:04



Is this even legal? Or is he part of the police force? Sounds like vigilantism...

9Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:07



Jesus ante

I mean just god dammit sometimes you just


10Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:08



Frostbyrn wrote:Jesus ante

I mean just god dammit sometimes you just



11Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:09



You might want to look up bulletproof crotch protection if you want to be able to continue your current lifestyle Pineapple.

12Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:10


I am pretty sure if someone has a warrant out for their arrest anyone is allowed to bring them in because they're a threat to the public (i think.)

13Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:12



Honestly sometimes you just come off as extremely naive and sheltered

But to answer your question yes bounty hunting is legal in the states and bounty hunters are often hired by bondsmen seeking to catch people who have jumped bail

14Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:21



Sorry, I won't ask any more questions.

15Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:23



Lol its not that it just sounded silly calling people vigilantes for going after wanted criminals

16Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:27




A vigilante is a private individual who legally or illegally
punishes an alleged lawbreaker, or participates in a group which metes
out extralegal punishment to an alleged lawbreaker.

Pretty similar. It's not like I was way out of the ballpark.

17Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:31



This all sounds really REALLY risky and dangerous. You sure you're up for it?

18Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-09, 23:56



This would be a great TV show. The only show on now that features Hawaii has 2 white guys and 2 Koreans as the main cast.

Anywho, heavy body armor is very noticeable. From what I can tell, if a criminal has access to heavy weapons, the police would prioritize that. If you run into any during a job, it's probably a much better idea to inform the police immediately.

As for small ones, you want to intimidate them into accepting defeat peacefully. Pistol stopping body armor to show you are serious, but heavy armor shows you are ready to kill.

19Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 08:54

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Twilight Sparkula wrote:Is this even legal? Or is he part of the police force? Sounds like vigilantism...

Yes it's legal. Bail bondsman hire groups/teams to track down and bring in people who jump on their bail for whatever reason. When doing this, I will get a badge, have to fill out paper work and everything. Not any average person can take a person in. With everything that I'm going to have to do/go through, it will be in legal terms.

As for the danger part, yeah, it could be, hence the whole question. I will be allowed to carry a gun (if I chose). It sounds like a whole lot of "fun" and well I believe I'm up for it. I don't see too many people in my area being very dangerous for jumping bail either, so it shouldn't really be needed, but you never know and I'd rather be cautious if I'm doing this than eat a bullet. The only other thing I'm really worried about though, some of the vest I've looked at will stop up to a 44 Mag, but I'm more worried about shotguns. Pellets have a wide spread.

20Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 09:27



yea true....shotgun up close,just about anybody is fucked,unless it's birdshot which alot of people think is soooo powerful >__> but only penetrates like 2 inches

I remember on that page it said one of the armors would stop 00buckshot I believe.

I dunno man Razz if you see a shotgun just runnnnnnn your ass back to the bar lmao.

21Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 10:12


Well Kalei if your area isn't too bad you can come to philly and get some work here.. I know the mayor is pushing for more help, offering more cash. A lot of scumbags in the news lately too.

22Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 11:34

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

chunckylover53 wrote:Well Kalei if your area isn't too bad you can come to philly and get some work here.. I know the mayor is pushing for more help, offering more cash. A lot of scumbags in the news lately too.
You'll be a folk hero pineapple! The children of the new generation will sing songs about what you did in philly.

23Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 12:52

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

chunckylover53 wrote:Well Kalei if your area isn't too bad you can come to philly and get some work here.. I know the mayor is pushing for more help, offering more cash. A lot of scumbags in the news lately too.

He wants to start out doing things in the York, Harrisburg and Lancaster area first. Maybe if things go well enough, might be able to move to out further.

24Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 12:56



Do they make armor that protects your penis? Dude on the cover of BC2 had this crotch plate thing.

25Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 13:31

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

MEGA MILK wrote:Do they make armor that protects your penis? Dude on the cover of BC2 had this crotch plate thing.

It's the reason I'm buying two. One for chest and stuff, other to double up my most valuable possessions.

26Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:44



Frost I think naive and sheltered is way to harsh for someone not being an expert on the differences between vigilantism and bounty hunting... why would that be relevant to anyone's life?

27Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:48



Also, get this

28Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:49



It wasnt just about this and I know im not the only person who thinks that

29Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:51



on a side now(just popped in my head),speaking of not being relevant,I remember 95% of school not being relevant to life.Man so many years wasted.Fuck it I should of quit and me and him join the pineapple bounty hunters.I'll take a Glock 17 w/33 round clip and an underfolder AK47

30Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:52



Regardless, this should not be any sort of contributing factor to that opinion because you could ask fucking stephen hawking about the legal intricacies of bounty hunting and I doubt he would know or care.

31Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:54



I'm surprised nobody has ever pulled a gun on Dog the bounty hunter.He must be going only after the soft ass criminals lol

32Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-10, 23:56



I counter with Shut up Ducksaws Very Happy

33Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 00:00



Darkwing Ducksaws wrote:Also, get this

I love how the highest rated comment is "its actually filled with nokia phones"

34Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 00:08



I kinda wonder why that thing never took off. it seems to be the best thing ever.

35Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 00:08



damn dude,yea get that dragon it's expensive as hell tho,but I was just about to say,you'd need something at least decent against rifle rounds.SKS and AK are pretty common and 7.62x39 packs a bunch and most of the ammo out there is russian steel stuff that penetrates

36Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 12:34

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

JrTapia1991 wrote:I'm surprised nobody has ever pulled a gun on Dog the bounty hunter.He must be going only after the soft ass criminals lol

I wonder that myself. I would love to see some behind the scenes footage of that show. Only watched one episode myself, and well I didn't like that show. Was cool to see a bunch of places that I've been to though.

37Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 16:18



Darkwing Ducksaws wrote:I kinda wonder why that thing never took off. it seems to be the best thing ever.

I think I read somewhere that it doesn't function right in high-heat, the discs dislodge or something. They are manufactured for civilian use though if you want to take a gamble!

38Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 16:57

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'd rather not take any chances when it comes to possibly eating a bullet.

39Body Armor Empty Re: Body Armor 2012-02-11, 19:32



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