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Anime Milwaukee Round 2

Dropped Da Soap
Captain Pirate Pineapple
10 posters

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1Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 02:23



Ok gang, more pics!

First off, some Silent Hill cosplayers
Anime Milwaukee Round 2 9xVbZl

then, our old boy Nathan Drake
Anime Milwaukee Round 2 J93rWl

Boba Fett and Optimus looking classy as fuck
Anime Milwaukee Round 2 C5kdNl

Siren getting friendly with our Furry-Friend
Anime Milwaukee Round 2 7JFY9l

Ante, brother ponies, a treat for you!
Anime Milwaukee Round 2 OUiZul
Anime Milwaukee Round 2 ThoOol

Oh, and I have some stories. I took these all off of my iPhone, which had a white back that is now covered in autographs. I got Spike Spencer (voice actor for Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion) Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) and Martin and Marianne Miller, also known as Little Kuriboh and Mrs. Kuriboh! Also, later on, I ran into Mr. and Mrs. Kuriboh and got a picture with them, as well as a hug from each!!!

Anime Milwaukee Round 2 RxHsWl

2Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 11:07

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

This thread lacks some more Boba Hot chick.

3Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 14:43

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

None of the pics are even showing for me

4Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 15:11



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:This thread lacks some more Boba Hot chick.

my iPhone was signed by four awesome people, and I got a hug from little kuriboh and his wife. your argument is invalid.

5Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 15:26

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Pariah wrote:
Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:This thread lacks some more Boba Hot chick.

my iPhone was signed by four awesome people, and I got a hug from little kuriboh and his wife. your argument is invalid.

The only name you mentioned in that list that I would vaguely recognize is the Neon Genesis person. The rest is all invalid to me as there's not enough half naked chicks.

6Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 15:32



you're not too big of a nerd are you.

7Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 15:36

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm more of a gaming and comic book nerd. While I do like anime, it was never the biggest thing on my list of nerd-ness.

8Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 15:37



I have to admit, I'm kinda with you on this. I love my games, not too much of a comic geek though. I like my anime, but I'm more centred on manga.

9Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 16:25



Any other VAs there? The only reason I think I'd ever go to a con is to get Tara Strong's or Jennifer Hale's autograph.

10Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 17:42



Heres the full guest list:

VAs: Chris Cason Robert Axelrod Wendy Powell Spike Spencer

Internet people: Doug Walker Little Kuriboh

Artists: Alan Evans Trevor Mueller

Entertainers: Uncle Yo Kobudojan Bristol Ren Faire August Hahn Dan Keding

11Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:01

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Seriously none of the pics are lodading for me.

12Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:10



Then maybe you should get a new internet. They load fine for me.

13Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:12

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I wonder if its because I am on my friends mac. He has some porn blocking thing on there. So it might be affecting that.

14Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:21



Yeah it's mostly hardcore porn that he posted so that's probably the case.

15Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:29



It blocks porn?

Must suck not being able to watch the Yogscast Very Happy

16Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:34

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


17Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 18:35



yep, you know me. i love my porn.

18Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 23:25



Pariah wrote:yep, you know me. i love my porn.

i just went back and looked at what soap can see of this....

Siren getting friendly with our Furry-Friend

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

19Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-19, 23:29



hehe we were talking to some interesting girls when Siren spotted the furry, yelled "FURRY!" and dragged me over the first time we met her.

20Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 00:01



Her outfit was so cool though, she handmade it and the mouth moved when she talked! Very Happy

21Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 19:07



I'll admit, it was cool. But I was sooooooo creeped out

22Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 19:12



Siren wrote:Her outfit was so cool though, she handmade it and the mouth moved when she talked! Very Happy

Anime Milwaukee Round 2 DhKBs

23Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 19:16



haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate

24Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 19:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna get boiled, mashed and stuck in a stew

25Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 19:21



that too.

26Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 20:20



I don't get why some people are creeped out by furries.

27Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 21:03



ok ante, if i may explain from my angle. I have no problem with furries, and as evidenced by that girl at AMKE, I like talking to them often. I don't mind them at all, its just the thought of that fetish doesn't feel right to me. As a cat owner, the thought of sex with animals feels wrong to me.

28Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 21:21



It's... not an attraction to animals though? That's called zoophilia, and is a lot different than being attracted to anthropomorphic creatures, which share more qualities with the human figure than that of an animal.

Furries don't want to fuck your cat, that's just ignorant, closed minded thinking.

29Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 21:23



I'm not afraid of them fucking my cat Ante...I'm saying that it doesn't appeal to me, and I suspect that may be part of the reason why... scratch

30Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 21:27



a small percent of the furry population actually have that fetish...

The concept of the furry fandom is really just a person associating themselves or feeling like they connect more to their fursona. It really has nothing to do with sex with animals or anthros >.<

31Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 21:58



People in fur costumes get under my skin. Always have. I fucking hate Chucky Cheeses.

32Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 22:13

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im going to have to agree with Wraith on this. People dressed up as giant foxes or wolves do scare me.

33Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 22:14



you mean Pariah?

34Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 22:39

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nope I mean Dick

35Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-20, 22:40



why thank you Very Happy

36Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-21, 08:19

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Normally I have no problem putting in my two cents when sex is mentioned, but I'm staying out of this one.

37Anime Milwaukee Round 2 Empty Re: Anime Milwaukee Round 2 2012-02-21, 18:33

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah Kalei I don't think this is a time I want to hear about your experience with thiss certain catagory of sex.

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