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Walking Dead.

HydrasBreath ♜
Manila Plague
Ron Swanson
10 posters

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1Walking Dead. Empty Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 09:52



Im confused.

bitten/scratched = zombie


stab zombie with knife > cut hand with same knife =/= zombie...

2Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 12:24

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

some characters you don't want to turn into zombies. They are far more resiliant than your average person.

3Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 13:29



I wish they hadn't made half of this season so far more like Desperate Zombie Wives than Dawn of the Dead. I literally skip past when the women are talking On Demand because it's stupid drama not relevant to shooting zombies.

4Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 13:37

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

a damn shame

5Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 13:43



AMC sucks too? Why is it that every media publishing company seems to be in the business of ruining everything is sponsors?

6Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 14:06

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah I know the interpersonal drama bullshit is getting pretty lame. The last few episodes have been pretty slow. There needs to be alot less pity parties and alot more shooting zombies in the face.

Edit: grammar fail

Last edited by HydrasBreath on 2012-02-27, 14:45; edited 1 time in total

7Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 14:39



Its because they dont understand their target audience

They think we want serious survival drama with some zombies thrown in as scenery and a plot device

What we actually what is shit tons of fucking zombie killing with maybe a tiny semblance of plot when they run out of decaying human flesh to throw at the main actors

Resident Evil understands this despite having almost no plot whatsoever

8Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 14:48

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Frostbyrn wrote:Its because they dont understand their target audience

They think we want serious survival drama with some zombies thrown in as scenery and a plot device

What we actually what is shit tons of fucking zombie killing with maybe a tiny semblance of plot when they run out of decaying human flesh to throw at the main actors

Resident Evil understands this despite having almost no plot whatsoever

yeah pretty much. We're horror fans. We want copious amounts of blood and guts and dead zombies. It's like every zombie movie ever. How could they fuck that up?

9Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:13



yeah man season 2 has been so slow.......

I still watch it tho Razz

it's supposed to pick up soon tho since the other day they said they hired some dude to play the Gov. for season 3....the gov. is this dude who controls like a whole town and is crazy from the comics I heard.

seems like they're gonna keep Shane around after all

my theory on what was up with those zombies not having any bites,everybody is infected and turns at some point,the survivors maybe had like an immunity or something.Maybe the virus is airborne or something.Because I honestly can't see how the whole world pretty much could have gotten infected so quickly

=/ I wish they would find out what caused it and/or why....was it a gov. experiment gone wrong?meteor like in the old school movies?

maybe I'm too used to Resident Evil or other games where the enemy is clear.I can't stand it when the back story is never told...a pet peeve of mine I guess

I started listening to world war z audiobook on youtube,but got bored with it....

edit:yeah I posted that link awhile back when I found out about it,that's why this whole season has been at the farm,because the budget was so'd assume with how much of a success the 1st season was,they could have afforded to have the same budget....not slash it in half....but whatever I guess

Last edited by JrTapia1991 on 2012-02-27, 17:16; edited 1 time in total

10Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:15



They think we are a better class of people than we actually are Very Happy

Stupid Optimists Very Happy

11Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:16

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Honestly I LOVE the series as it is. As a GIANT fan of the comics, you guys don't know how much it actually falls in line with the comics. The comics were NEVER about zombies, it was about survivors dealing with themselves and other peoples while in the midst of a zombie invasion.
The comics were never about the zombies, but the people. And this show emulates it perfectly.

12Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:17



What works fine in one form of media doesnt necessarily translate well into another

13Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:20



Read the bloody comic..half the stuff thats happened doesnt happen in the comic. Comic was really good zombies where a side thing characters and sotry where the main thing.

14Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:23



*sneaks up behind Lemon and puts his hand over his mouth while simultaneously stabbing him in the heart*

Shhhhhhh everything will be okay

*Drags his corpse out of the SeC*

15Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-27, 17:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What Lemon said. most of the stuff in the show, granted has not been there. But in my mind it has greatly strengthened what was in the comic. Like if they had just outright had that finale where the barn was open in like the 2nd or 3rd episode I don't think it would have had such a strong affect.

I can't wait to see what they do with the prison.

16Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-28, 01:38



The whole biting/scratch thing was probably the shows way of finally getting around to having the characters discover that everyone is infected and all the bites do is kill. After someone dies unless the brain is destroyed, they will come back.

17Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-28, 03:45



Like for the comic way before the barn happens...


Shane got shot and killed by Carl
*End Spoilers*

so ya

18Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-28, 03:48

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah before they even left teh woods

I hope Shane is still around when the Govenor shows up. I want to see them clash.

19Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-28, 03:51



Yeah, it's ridiculous how different from the comic the show has become. The show still has some nice zombie killing action. . . when it stops being all talky and shit.

20Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-28, 04:03



anybody else notice when Rick was on the ground shooting those zombies and ran out of ammo the cylinder or hammer didn't even move on the revolver when it was making the clicking sound Razz

21Walking Dead. Empty Re: Walking Dead. 2012-02-28, 16:58




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