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I think it might be a sign of the apocalypse

Manila Plague
Dropped Da Soap
Cubist Castle
Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
13 posters

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HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

So I was playing conquest with grader last night and we were tank whoring and being all awesome and whatnot and something truly astonishing happened.

When kharg island came up I guess the other team was I might bit miffed at our tank whoring ways haha because they were incessantly trying to jihad jeep us. And they did end up getting us once. So I decided to spawn at B since I believe it was being taken. So I take care of the guy that's capping and I was gonna go to C or something when a randy in a tank comes barreling towards me and stops right in front of me. So I'm like oh ok he must want a gunner or something. Nope.

He then proceeds to hop out of the tank and stare at me so I get in the tank and switch to the gunners seat (I don't take other peoples seats unless they prove themselves to be completely incompetent, unless they stole it from me in the first place or unless there's some immediate danger) but he still wouldn't get in. He actually drove the tank all the way from the spawn and sought me out so he could give me the tank.

I practically shat myself from amazement...A randy that not only is useful but is selfless enough to give up a vehicle to someone else who's better with it than him. Surely it is a sign of the end times Razz . Me and grader both had a pretty good laugh about it.

Oh and a few rounds later I had the best round points wise I ever had. It was pretty much operation grader and hydra do everything on Oman.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

damn that is a good round. I still haven't cracked 10,000. I got really close on an op metro game but it froze on the last base, and I had 9600 Sad

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Evil Terry wrote:damn that is a good round. I still haven't cracked 10,000. I got really close on an op metro game but it froze on the last base, and I had 9600 Sad

yeah I never cracked 10,000 before either. Closest I would have came was maybe around 8,500 or something. And yeah my xbox freezes sometimes when I'm doing really awesome. Such a piss off.

but yeah that round on oman our randies were just hardly even there. Me and grader would cap two flags then we'd go to the other two and immediately lose the two we just capped and it went back and forth like that for most of the round. It was really close till we got to about 100 tickets then we managed to keep at least 3 flags at all times so we pulled out the win. But yeah the majority of our points came from just riding around capping flags.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

That is so weird. I've always tried to help my team, but I've never gone so far as to seek out a player and deliver a vehicle to them! Impressive.



sounds like you had a better night then me,all the bullshit teams we were facing and utterly useless randoms (some higher lvl than me >__> ) made me and my friend rage quit... Evil or Very Mad

to top it all off,they kept killing us with sucky guns,and wouldn't die when we would shoot them...must have been some horrible servers combined with utterly useless team mates

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wow thats awesome



JrTapia1991 wrote:sounds like you had a better night then me,all the bullshit teams we were facing and utterly useless randoms (some higher lvl than me >__> ) made me and my friend rage quit... Evil or Very Mad

to top it all off,they kept killing us with sucky guns,and wouldn't die when we would shoot them...must have been some horrible servers combined with utterly useless team mates

Sorry, I would have taken it easy on you but I needed those wins.



Razz haha nah it was after I left and was playing some rush and conquest

>___> it probably put us in some french servers



Good games.Guy drives all the way to B,jumps out,steps away from tank,stares at Hydra,Hydra stares at him,Im staring at both of them it was kind of funny but that is awesome teamplay right there.



This nutterbutter guy was good too hydra I dont know if you remember him,he only stayed with us for a couple games.We fired rpg's while he would c4 them and was a good objective player a rare thing to find in a random.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i hope you guys FR that guy

behavior like that should not go unnoticed

when is the patch happening?

i've been on a break as i'm waiting for the patch

if you guys really miss me i could play tonight/over the weekend



Haha, nice round there.

This has happened to me before in Helicopters, dude will spawn and just go straight into the gunner seat for me Smile they always get a mag of appreciation



You should play Manilla but get on a little earlier.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Manila Plague wrote:i hope you guys FR that guy

behavior like that should not go unnoticed

when is the patch happening?

i've been on a break as i'm waiting for the patch

if you guys really miss me i could play tonight/over the weekend

YES! come to us plague! let us form a Canadian alliance and deliver our tank shells of justice into the buttocks of our enemies.

The patch is rumored to be sometime in march but I'm not holding my breath.

And yeah about the randy that hand delivered the tank I was so confused it took me awhile to process what was happening haha. I'll def send him some bro mail and a FR when I get back on later.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

xgraderx wrote:

This nutterbutter guy was good too hydra I dont know if you remember him,he only stayed with us for a couple games.We fired rpg's while he would c4 them and was a good objective player a rare thing to find in a random.

Yeah I vaguely remember him. I know he was pulling his weight pretty well. Competent teammates are always a bonus.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Something similar happened in Gears 3 to me, when playing horde.

I bought the Silverback, started destroying everything (shit is OP seriously), and then I just shared it with some randies.

What do you know, they start sharing it between them too, and even come all the way from the other side of the map to share it with me back again.

It felt as if I taught them the value of sharing ;-;

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That happened in Gears 3 once for me too. Bought a Silverback, got bored of using it. Got out, expected one of the 4 randoms to hop into it. It went untouched for almost like 9 waves before I got a party invite. 2 of the 4 randoms were in it, and they were like "Dude, cool if we use it? We'll pay our own money to keep it alive".

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i'll try to sneak in some early games with my canadian brothers

you all better be pro tank whores by now....

i miss thrashing around but i take breaks so as not to get burned out on a game

i started to get the "this game is not challenging" felling and that is not good

pro tip: if that happens to you go play league for a few weeks and you will be humbled

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I always find this game challenging, but I don't play in groups with you guys as much as of late. But I know if I don't bring my A game, my team loses about 75% of the time.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

SeC members in tank = GG no RE

try staying up an hour or two later terry and play with hyrda, grader and I

you will understand what i mean when the 4 of us beat a full team

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Manila Plague wrote:SeC members in tank = GG no RE

try staying up an hour or two later terry and play with hyrda, grader and I

you will understand what i mean when the 4 of us beat a full team

damn you plague I thought you were gonna show up last night! haha I gotta work tonight and tomorrow night so I won't be making an appearance over the weekend.

But yeah I'm a fairly decent tank whore now. I learned from the great mega milk Razz. I've pulled my SPM and KD up quite a bit since I started tank whoring more.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its a pretty tough sale to convince the GF to stay up and watch me play BF3 for a while after she gets home from work at midnight. But I will try.




Manila Plague

Manila Plague

@terry: tell her i said it is ok

@hydra: I ended up playing league till 2am with duan... there is a new champion out and she's FRENCH

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Manila Plague wrote:@terry: tell her i said it is ok

@hydra: I ended up playing league till 2am with duan... there is a new champion out and she's FRENCH

sacree bleu! haha alright I suppose you're forgiven Razz

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Manila Plague wrote:@terry: tell her i said it is ok

@hydra: I ended up playing league till 2am with duan... there is a new champion out and she's FRENCH

does her special attack involve impaling a white hankerchief on her sword and waving it in it the air?

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

when ever i play her i taunt my enemies by saying stuff like

"i fart in your general direction"

"your mother is a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries"

"now go away or i shall taunt you a second time"

and then the confusion ensues

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

@adli...her ultimate attack is actually a game breaker... it's a little OP

I think it might be a sign of the apocalypse BladeWaltz
Blade Waltz
(Active): Fiora dashes around the battlefield, becoming untargetable in the process, and striking random enemy champion(s) 5 times, dealing physical damage. Successive hits against the same target deal 25% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target. Each strike applies on-hit effects.

  • Cost: 100 mana
  • Range: 400
Cooldown: 150 / 130 / 110seconds
Physical Damage per Strike:160 / 330 / 500 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage)
Total Minimum Single Target Physical Damage: 200 / 412.5 / 625 (+1.5 per bonus attack damage)
Total Maximum Single Target Physical Damage: 320 / 660 / 1000 (+2.4 per bonus attack damage)

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

none of that means anything to me scratch

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

play the game and you will understand

it's free adli

use this link to sign up



Don't do it man!

It's a trap!

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

metal the dorkaphobic....



Do it

I think it might be a sign of the apocalypse BFrq8

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

those links that me and duan put up are legitimate referral links to play the game

if you use them then duan or i get a bonus for referring you

so please use them



At first I read that as
Manila the cannibal wrote:if you use them then duan or i get a bonus for eating you


Manila Plague

Manila Plague

nice metal

i approve that edit I think it might be a sign of the apocalypse 2855922021

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