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Pissed off at school

Patrick Star
HydrasBreath ♜
9 posters

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1Pissed off at school Empty Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 19:08



So. I now have a viable desire to see my precalc teacher dead.

He has a homework system (yes, he is the only high school teacher to collect homework). He collects it all at the end of a chapter, and if you get anything wrong, there is a solutions manual online. You're supposed to use it to identify your errors and fix them. When it comes to homework, I am meticulous and I rarely get things wrong, since I prefer to only do a problem once. Well, on five out of seven assignments, I had no errors. On these assignments, he took off 30%, since he said I didn't do corrections. Apparently, the fact that I did everything right the first time doesnt faze him, so now I got a 78% on my homework, because I did everything fucking right. Bullshit like this makes me sick. Not only did he say he won't give me the points back, he also threatened to give me a 0% on today's test if I continued the question before class. I want this asshole to die, as he is (unrelated to this) the worst human being I know, and he deserves a spike molten steel driven so far up his ass it roasts his brain.

2Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 19:43


You're the only one who can give him this lesson. Just keep repeating those words in your head.

3Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 19:49

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

call me a geezer but back in my day they gave you points for getting things right...not fucking up then doing a mulligan. And also all homework was to be handed in.

What kind of witchcraft is this?

seriously though that dude has some seriously backwards logic.

4Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 19:50

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I suggest a well placed kick to the testicles.

5Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 19:51



ha fucking ha

Hydra, I learned how to do homework from one of the best teachers I've ever had. He was my physics teacher and he was literally the first teacher who actually convinced me to do homework. I did the homework right the first time, and because of that I learned to do it right every time. And now I'm being punished for being right.

6Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 19:59

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:ha fucking ha

Hydra, I learned how to do homework from one of the best teachers I've ever had. He was my physics teacher and he was literally the first teacher who actually convinced me to do homework. I did the homework right the first time, and because of that I learned to do it right every time. And now I'm being punished for being right.

I still don't even understand how this is possible. Did they change how you're supposed to do homework and I wasn't told? I was under the impression that getting it right was the whole point of doing it and handing it in. It's not a hard concept.

can you go over his head with this? I'd talk to the principal about this or something cause loosing 2 whole grade points because you got shit right is so fundamentally fucked up I just...I don't even...

7Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:21



HydrasBreath wrote:
I still don't even understand how this is possible. Did they change how you're supposed to do homework and I wasn't told? I was under the impression that getting it right was the whole point of doing it and handing it in. It's not a hard concept.

can you go over his head with this? I'd talk to the principal about this or something cause loosing 2 whole grade points because you got shit right is so fundamentally fucked up I just...I don't even...

this is the teacher who gives detentions to let a student go to the restroom. And is the only teacher who completely ignores the schools correction policy, does his own shit and doesnt fucking care.

Yeah, I'm telling my counselor to monitor my grades, then I'm going to wait until the next round of homework. I wrote in obvious letters "no errors/corrections" on all the flawless ones, and if he so much as dares to drop a single point, I'm going straight to the principals.

8Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:22



HydrasBreath wrote:
Pariah wrote:ha fucking ha

Hydra, I learned how to do homework from one of the best teachers I've ever had. He was my physics teacher and he was literally the first teacher who actually convinced me to do homework. I did the homework right the first time, and because of that I learned to do it right every time. And now I'm being punished for being right.

I still don't even understand how this is possible. Did they change how you're supposed to do homework and I wasn't told? I was under the impression that getting it right was the whole point of doing it and handing it in. It's not a hard concept.

can you go over his head with this? I'd talk to the principal about this or something cause loosing 2 whole grade points because you got shit right is so fundamentally fucked up I just...I don't even...

Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad that sucks man....I've never had a teacher that mean...Some were even nice and said she wouldn't give us lower than a 70 ever on a homework as long as we tried on it

9Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:43

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
I still don't even understand how this is possible. Did they change how you're supposed to do homework and I wasn't told? I was under the impression that getting it right was the whole point of doing it and handing it in. It's not a hard concept.

can you go over his head with this? I'd talk to the principal about this or something cause loosing 2 whole grade points because you got shit right is so fundamentally fucked up I just...I don't even...

this is the teacher who gives detentions to let a student go to the restroom. And is the only teacher who completely ignores the schools correction policy, does his own shit and doesnt fucking care.

Yeah, I'm telling my counselor to monitor my grades, then I'm going to wait until the next round of homework. I wrote in obvious letters "no errors/corrections" on all the flawless ones, and if he so much as dares to drop a single point, I'm going straight to the principals.

Well if you know he's gonna do it (and it sounds like he will) just save yourself the time and go ASAP. It's complete fuckery that you're getting punished for doing things right and it needs to stop. Like he could be fucking your chances at getting into a good/better school or something.
And if the principal doesn't do something I'd get the media involved. I'm sure that would change their tune pretty quick.

10Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:47



I'm waiting for the sole reason that this latest batch of homework is perfect, and if he dares go against it, I'm going to complain.

Oh, another complaint. One day, he got pissed at the majority of my class sitting there like frightened rabbits, so gave us the books and said "I'm done, teach yourselves this."

I spoke up (argued vehemently) and he gave in.

11Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:50

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:I'm waiting for the sole reason that this latest batch of homework is perfect, and if he dares go against it, I'm going to complain.

Oh, another complaint. One day, he got pissed at the majority of my class sitting there like frightened rabbits, so gave us the books and said "I'm done, teach yourselves this."

I spoke up (argued vehemently) and he gave in.

ah well I suppose you can wait then and make sure you give him hell and make a big stink if he fucks you around.

12Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:52



*shudders* I hope that I never, ever have this teacher.

13Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 20:53



Honestly, I'm having trouble deciding what my biggest wish is. Him fired in disgrace or him dead.

14Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 21:04



sharkins is aight

15Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 21:04

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The worst thing that happened with me and a teacher was when my 10th grade chem teacher fucked up my mid term exam grade by somehow forgetting 20 points. Thankfully she gave us the actual exams back to look over and I noticed that the points didn't add up. So I was like Bitch where are my points!

She didn't like me cause I didn't take notes or really pay all that much attention in class but I still did pretty awesome. I kind of suspect she did it on purpose cause when she handed it back she said "64% you need to study more" and I knew damn well I didn't do that bad on it. I couldn't prove anything though and I ended up with the 84% I really got on it so whatever. I didn't have any other problems after that.

16Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 22:08



Fuck him(woah), don't do his homework. That shit is such a waste of time imo. It doesn't help me in the slightest and the only reason I do it(mostly at achool, rarely at home) is to not piss my teachers off(most of my teachers are pretty cool so..)

The only time homework is useful to me is in US history, because my teacher gives us tests every week on the chapter in the textbook, and he lets us use our hw as well.

17Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-05, 22:21



the thing is im fine with the homework. I do it and it actually helps me. But this grading is just r*******. and for fucks sake, I mean penalising me for being right?!

edit: whoops. Forgot the r word is banned here.

18Pissed off at school Empty Re: Pissed off at school 2012-03-06, 00:12



I wagged* so much in high school they didnt even know if they had given me Homework

If I was actually there on a deadline I was all like "But I didnt get the assignment Very Happy"

Also my science teacher accused me of studying when I got the highest test scores in class once the bitch

Frostbyrn dont study Very Happy

*Wagged:Played hooky,Skipped,Ditched,Cut,Didnt go to class

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