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ME3: Guns you love!

Cardboard Fox
Ron Swanson
7 posters

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1ME3: Guns you love! Empty ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 13:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Here is my short list of guns I love so far in the game. I'm about 12 hours in.

Deciple (lightweight shotgun that still pwns? yes please)
Carnifax (Two shots. The average amout of rounds it take to kill regular enemies)
Graal Spike thrower
Arc Pistol (Anything that can charge is instantly awesome)
Hornet (I think, its the burst fire smg but not the shuruken)

2ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 13:06

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I haven't used many yet, but I'm really liking the Paladin and the regular Widow.

3ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 13:13



The N7 Crusader and the N7 Hurricane. Slugged shotgun and an SMG that fires over 1000 RPM. Shitty that they're not available in MP. The Crusader would be all kinds of awesome with an infiltrator.

4ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 19:00



I liked the Asari shotgun,pretty lightweight,holds 4 and still strong,I liked the regular assault rifle,it gets good when you upgrade it,and the viper sniper

5ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 19:05



The Javelin is pretty cool its like Predator vision the only problem is the weight

I wish they had Ultralight materials for all guns

6ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 20:54



The particle rifle is the shit. Works really good on heavily armored enemies and vaporizes light ones pretty quick.

I also like the deciple. It just sounds really cool and is also lightweight.

I normally run with an assault rifle/shotgun combo. Haven't really tried a whole lot of the assault rifles though since the particle rifle is so damn good.

7ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-12, 20:56



there was a shitload of different guns you could buy in the citadel but I never found em worth it really....the default assault rifle (which I upgraded to level 5) was strong and accurate and good with inferno ammo.Never used ice ammo or warp or other stuff even in ME2.I just played it like Gears of war lol

8ME3: Guns you love! Empty Re: ME3: Guns you love! 2012-03-13, 16:47



My favourite weapon is the M (somethinge something) falcon. Gernade launcher that is aawesome.

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