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Wish me luck...

HydrasBreath ♜
Bama Psycho
Patrick Star
Mrs. Terry of Hat
11 posters

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1Wish me luck... Empty Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 21:18

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

They are sedating me and taking out all of my wisdom teeth tomorrow. I'm freaking out.

Also, I can't eat or drink after 5 am so I'm gonna be wicked hungry on top of that...this is going to suck.

2Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 21:21

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

May the force be with you mrs hat!

3Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 21:22



Good Luck!

4Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 21:23

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Good luck, I had all mine cut out when I was around 18 years old and it wasn't as bad as I expected...but then again with the stuff they had me on I don't remember anything from that day except showing up at the place I was getting them taken out at.

5Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 21:46


Don't worry you'll be fast asleep when it happens right?

6Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 22:16

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Yes, I will be asleep when they do it! I'm more worried about after, I've never been sedated for one, and I have no idea how much pain I'm going to be in. Yuck.

I'm getting Vicodin or something though so I'm sure I won't care afterwards, haha.

Thanks guys!

7Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 22:26



Good luck with that Mrs Hat. Since you're getting all 4 out they'll surely give you some heavy shit.

8Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 22:28

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

good luck! I'm thankful I'll never have to go through this.

9Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 22:47



Ah, mine are most likely going to get pulled in a few years but it all depends if they grow in straight or not! Atleast you aren't getting a local anesthetic, then you'd be awake D:

but good luck! Eat lots of icecream after!!

10Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 23:47



good luck Mrs. H! We're all rooting for you.

see what i did there? Very Happy

11Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 23:54



Pariah wrote:good luck Mrs. H! We're all rooting for you.

see what i did there? Very Happy

Implying you would Root (Have Sex with) a drugged women?

I C wat u did thar! Very Happy

12Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-13, 23:56



why the fuck...Frost, you disgust me.

13Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 00:00



Your all "Im Immoral blah blah blah" until somebody gets hurt Very Happy

14Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 00:19



Oh no, the disgust is impartial. Nothing being hurt, still a statement of fact.

15Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 00:32



Is this what I get for putting a roofy over your head!

16Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 00:33




17Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 05:49



aww......good luck.You'll be ok.I had 3 out yesterday....bottom right wisdom tooth,and the bottom 2 right molars that had been bothering me forever.They gave me vicodin (just a fancy name for hydros aka hydrocodone XD)

I got the 500mg version,but,I'm gonna go try to get the 750mg version today,they take the pain away but they don't last too long on me.I could only sleep like 4 hours,probably gonna pass out in a little bit...

I had a panic attack when they were sticking that big needle in my gums a bunch of times with the novacaine.If I wasn't so scared of the gas I'd just tell em to put me to sleep.It feels soooooo weird like feeling them pull em out,and hurts a little,but mostly pressure...

wisdom tooth came out real easy,it had short roots,one had a root break off,the other he had to cut in half it was in there so good.

be sure to take your antibiotic as well Razz

It's soooo weird not being able to spit,or,having to only eat on 1 side so no food gets in the still kinda oozes a little bit but it's getting better,I had to get some dis solvable stitches too

all in all...I wish I wasn't born with really weak enamel....teeth suck and gettin em out sucks even more lol

18Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 08:40

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Wow, Frost. Just wow.

I'm hoping they give me dissovable stitches and not regular ones...going out of town next week so that would suck to get them out right before I leave, haha. I'm so glad they are IV sedating me...from what I hear I won't remember anything at all.

On the down side, I'm fucking starving already. I usually eat breakfast at 6:30 and I'm so hungry and thirsty, wahh Sad

19Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 11:01

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Hang in there Mrs Terry! It probably sounds worse than it is >_>

20Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-14, 16:18



I'm on a diet of chicken noodle soup,spaghetti o's,bananas,and Mandarin oranges in the cups lol

when you take the vicodin it makes you feel soooooooooo good dude and you forget you even had teeth taken out.I can see how people get hooked on this stuff....the feeling of euphoria and not having a worry in the world is amazing

21Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-15, 07:09

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I am not even kidding you when I say that so far the Vicodin hasn't even dulled the pain. I can't even tell that I've taken it! I took two yesterday afternoon when we got home, I figured it'd make me sleep but I was up until ten last night. My mom didn't believe me when I said I'd taken two, she said that should be enough to knock anyone out for a few hours at least. Took another before bed and slept all night, and I just took another so we will see how this one goes. My mom told me to alternate with Ibuprofen and that should help with the swelling.

Apparently I'm Vicodin resistant.

I have a wicked bad sore throat too...uuuugh. And I'm all bruised today.

I've been eating mass amounts of applesauce and pudding, haha. And Ehat made me sweet potato soup last night so I'm gonna eat some more of that today...yum!

22Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-15, 12:17

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pain killers don't do much for me either. I have to take several to have any pain relief. So your not the only one.

Gald to hear EHat is taking care of you! Very Happy

23Wish me luck... Empty Re: Wish me luck... 2012-03-15, 15:17

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Much better today, the Vicodin is dulling the pain without making me tired so that's nice. I can't open my jaw very wide and my throat is sore but other than that I feel pretty good!

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