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So I am horribly pissed, and about to go into work to confront my boss. Wish me luck.

Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Apparently, I missed an entire shift that I was scheduled to work today, from 12 am to 830 am. Thing is, I was never scheduled to work that time.

I know, because yesterday I worked 4 am till 8 am. And I checked my schedule for the week when I got there at 4 to see what department I was working in, and when I left, to double check I had Today off.
I also check my schedule EVERY day before I leave just to plan my week out ahead. I know for a fact I spent several minutes looking at it yesterday because I was trying to figure out if I could be able to go to this art show screening thing a few hours away from me on Saturday. Not ONCE, NOT ONCE was I supposed to be there at 12 midnight this week, at all.

Well apparently they called my mom, saying I was supposed to be there at midnight last night. She called me at the place I am staying at several times to talk to me. But since I wasn't supposed to work, I was asleep.

Well, heard her messages, called them this morning. Talked to the bookkeeper told her what they said, and she went and checked the schedule for me. She came back and said it said I was supposed to work at 12. But that it was hopefully a mixup on their end, so it shouldn't be bad. I then spent a few seconds telling her I check the schedule every day and not once was I supposed to come in at 12.
She said not to worry it was a mistake hopefully.

Well I know for a fact I wasn't supposed to be there at midnight, because I checked it yesterday JUST to make sure I wasn't working Tuesday morning(I was off remember)so I could go see the Avengers with my friends at 8:45 at night. If I was supposed to work, even at 4 am in the morning, I never would have gone and seen it since its over 2 hours long.

So I am gonna go in, confront my boss, and hopefully everything goes well. This guy has only been our boss for a month or two, but we have already had over half the damn store quit because of bullshit like this and other stuff he pulls. I haven't had a problem with him personally, and even liked him. But this better be a damn mistake.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Fucking pissed as fuck. Just got back and apparently I was wrong. Apparently I was looking at last week's schedule which is pure bullshit since the schedule I have been looking at since Friday was completly different then the schedule I worked last week. I worked basically the same days and same hours, but it was different. I know for a fact because I was supposed to be there last Saturday 4 to 8, and this weeks schedule sais I was to be there 2 till 9, and that Friday was my 4 to 8.

Told my manager I believed something was wrong with it, and that I knew it changed since I look at it more then once every day I work. She brought me over and looked at it, and told me it hasn't changed since the 4th which was the date it said it was printed.

Got in an argument with her telling her that I remember every day and hour I was supposed to work, and she told me that I was looking at last weeks schedule.
Which I told her was bullshit since last weeks schedule was completely different from the entire schedule I had been looking at everyday, for the past 4 damn days.
She told me I was wrong since it hadn't been changed and I told her I didn't buy it.
And explained to her every reason why I knew the schedule was changed and that I wasn't looking at the old. From the fact that my hours on Saturday were entirely different on both schedules, and the fact that I worked 28 hours last week but was only scheduled 24 this week(which now says 29 on the new schedule).

Then she asked if I wrote my schedule down and I told her no I never do since I never forget when I need to work, and still remember LAST weeks schedule by memory. She told me that since I never wrote it down that it was my fault and she couldn't do anything. Then told me to be there at 12 tonight and that I need to learn to fess up for my mistakes. Said whatever I will be there and just stormed out.

I know for a fact that I was not supposed to be there at all last night, but apparently her and the schedule say otherwise. Since the date that shows when the schedule was printed was on Friday. But I know for a fact what I was looking at, and that I was not looking at the schedule in the back of the book for the past 4 damn days, but the one in the front. and the one there today was not that one.



Poor Soap, sorry to hear that bro. It sounds like your job is shit. Sad

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

from now on, just cap a phone pic of the schedule, then if she pulls this shit again you can slap her in the face with it.


The Adli Corporation wrote:from now on, just cap a phone pic of the schedule, then if she pulls this shit again you can slap her in the face with it.
But then it'll be photo shopped...

You'll never win just accept it, complain a bit and hope for a better next time.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The Adli Corporation wrote:from now on, just cap a phone pic of the schedule, then if she pulls this shit again you can slap her in the face with it.


The managers at my store pull alot of underhanded bullshit too. They've changed peoples schedules lots of times without even telling them. They try and get away with as much as they can without being called on it.

I guess all you can do is chalk this one up to lesson learned and next time you'll be ready if they try and pull a stunt like that again.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

weak man, I've had lots of run in with managers and whatnot. which is odd because I am a good worker, I am almost never late, never miss work. I just don't take stupid crap from people, and when they pull it I'm sure to point it out to them. All you can do if they won't budge is not make a huge deal out of it, just state what you believe and move on.



You guys just arent good at sucking up to people in power

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:You guys just arent good at sucking up to people in power

you kiwi's do though... right up in the top left corner Very Happy



We are still technically a british colony which is hilarious

I cant believe we havent asked for independence yet

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:We are still technically a british colony which is hilarious

I cant believe we havent asked for independence yet

because you would be invaded within days? Very Happy



Doubt it

We are more likely to be invaded as a british colony

NZ doesnt really make any superpowers angry

And I think the only reason we stay as one is because we get lesser Tariffs and crap for exporting to the Motherland Very Happy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Doubt it

We are more likely to be invaded as a british colony

that's because NZ in only intrinsically valuable as a 'fuck you britain' sign Very Happy



That and the fact we supply like half your dairy moron

Without us your Tea would be milkless



I'll stab her for you Soap. Smile



Bla penetrate a women?

Ill believe this when I see it



Soap has seen me penetrate things many times. And be penetrated.



None of those things were women

Unless your still pretending to be a girl Very Happy



I'm not pretending. Even ask TriggerHappy4U on here.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:That and the fact we supply like half your dairy moron

Without us your Tea would be milkless

pff, we buy local. the north can suck it Very Happy



Ah but without us the price would go way up

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Ah but without us the price would go way up

not if we kidnap the cows Very Happy



damn that sucks...never happened to me,but I know alot of people that were screwed over like that,mostly at fast food places tho like sonic,they winded up gettin fired over it

sounds like you'd be a better boss than that other chump lol

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I'd rather not be a boss though. I don't like being in a position of power or authority. Just don't like drama or stress. But did kind of snap on my co-manager, the one I talked to since our Store Director wasn't there.
She has nothing to do with the scheduling, and I have never had a problem with her and get along with her fine. But I treated her like a dick this morning, and I am actually getting my shoes on to drive back down and apoligise.


Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:I'd rather not be a boss though. I don't like being in a position of power or authority. Just don't like drama or stress. But did kind of snap on my co-manager, the one I talked to since our Store Director wasn't there.
She has nothing to do with the scheduling, and I have never had a problem with her and get along with her fine. But I treated her like a dick this morning, and I am actually getting my shoes on to drive back down and apoligise.




The Adli Corporation wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Ah but without us the price would go way up

not if we kidnap the cows Very Happy

This aint dunkirk son you dont have enough boats



Do you work retail?

Because if you don't...




i still love the motherland

Last edited by Duan on 2012-05-09, 00:26; edited 3 times in total

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah, I work in a grocerey store. Got promoted too, I run teh Liquor dept! NOW!!

Kalei would be so proud.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:
The Adli Corporation wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Ah but without us the price would go way up

not if we kidnap the cows Very Happy

This aint dunkirk son you dont have enough boats

my dad works in a boatyard and knows how to sail, we'll find a way Cool

Duan wrote:DON'T LEAVE US ADLI Sad

i still love the motherland

of course you do, now kill frost like a good little colonial! Twisted Evil

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