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I won a copy of Zelda Skyward Sword

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and the music CD from work.

I haven't opened it yet. I'm not sure if I want to bother with it or just trade it away.
I know reading reviews won't really give me an objective view because nearly every reviewer will be "ZELDA WOOWOWOOWOWOWWOOOOOOOO!" no matter how good it really is.

Thought I'd see if any of you have played it and what you thought of it.




I havn't played my wii since back when I first got BC2! HAHA Poor little thing feels so negleted!

I used to love me some Mario Kart on it tho!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have played it. Its OK. Not a great Zelda title IMO. The combat with the sword isn't fantastic. The art in the game is very cartoony, with weird colorful characters. There isn't an open word to explore. You can flay around in the clouds (which are empty for the most part) or go down to the planet to explore the 3 different areas. Almost every thing you do is one fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest.

All that being said, I have very high expectations from Zelda titles. I would give the game a 6/10 overall. If you can get past the boring enemies, and stupid characters its a Zelda game, and its very playable. Just not great.



I thought it was a pretty good game. Still haven't finished it yet so I guess that means it's not that great. Although the last time I played it I got really pissed off from failing the last boss in this 7 boss challenge thing.

It definitely has it's problems. Like there are several enemies that rely on the Wii remote having good motion tracking in order to kill them. The problem is that the wii remote does not have good motion tracking at all.

Other than that I thought it was pretty good, but nothing groundbreaking.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I got bored with the fact that there is only about 6 different normal enemies in the game. And 1 of them you see over and over and over, with different colors and different weapons.



I always wanted to get into the zelda games man,I have Orcarana of time and majora's mask on N64 still...haha



God haven't touched my wii in forever.


The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:God haven't touched my wii in forever.


that's so easy it would be self-deprecatory to even go there...



Thanks guys exactly what I was looking for.

I think I'll pass on it then and just trade it in. I have far, far to many other games I'm actually looking forward to playing to play one that I really don't care about.

Plus like DL and Sym said, I haven't turned that machine on in so long I don't even know if it still works.

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