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Speaking Exams isn't that bad..

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So in my english class I had a "speaking and listening" exam thing for GCSE and I dread speaking infront of the class (But narrating something, psh. I can do that no problem.) because I hate the people in my class and my group didn't do enough work for the project which made me thing I'd get a sure D or possibly lower.

So we stood up infront of the class and this was about poetry (Not my Business by Niyi Osundare) and because I can read up close with my glasses on and I hate being in school without them because I think I look stupid and pressured (Don't know why). But that's besides the point, we read out the poem I made some errors on the poem which made me look like I can read some words even if I have a better spelling than 3/4 of my class and I also said some of the words a bit nervously and by the end I was embarressed.

I got a C (A high Marked C, 36 marks (2 marks from a B)) and my two partners got a C and a B (Just scratched the mark for being a little more indepth)

Its made me glad that I got it out the way and got a decent mark but the first one we did I backed out of and got no mark.

Just wanted to share because it's a subject I hate infront of a group of 29 people.



Public speaking is tough, especially if you don't do it often. I used to do it alot, but it's been long enough that if I had to do it today I'm sure I'd be quavering I bit.

There's actually a med you can take that removes the nervousness.. very usefull but I can't remember what it is. It works though.



I do a lot of public yelling in my office, it that counts. LoL

The process that I had to go through with IGCSE was slightly different from what I remember, but it is either the difference in the International version, or the revise done over the years.



Zoloft can help with anxiety and stuff, Metalzoic, so can Effexer or however you spell it. But I don't have a problem with speaking in front of groups luckily.



Hmmm... I'm pretty sure what I'm thinking of is over the counter. It's not for anxiety it just happens to be a side effect. Maybe I'm mistaken though...



I'm pretty sure they don't have anything like that for over the counter, but I'm not completely sure.



Now that I think about it it may be something for air sickness... wish I could remember...



HAHA I know what your talking about because my kids take them for long road trips. It calms you down and also helps with motion sickness. I used to hate speaking in front od people but after being in sales for a year and speaking in front of groups of up to 50 people it just sort of becomes something that you have to do and no biggy.



Did you see it in a commercial?



Huh? No like I said it's for something else entirely but I'm pretty sure it's actually for motion/air sickness. Maybe Dramamine? Is that for motion sickness?

Whatever it is it works for public speaking too.



perhaps your thinking of an herbal remedy lol



Thats it dramamine! It will make you sleepy depending on how much you take but it does calm your nerves as well.



StormEye wrote:I do a lot of public yelling in my office, it that counts. LoL

The process that I had to go through with IGCSE was slightly different from what I remember, but it is either the difference in the International version, or the revise done over the years.

With friends or people I've known I'm not bothered if I need to say or present stuff with people in my class? I hate them, DEPSISE them because they're dumb. It was raining a LOT last friday and I was soaked in water using some paper towel things to dry my neck i'm asked "Are you sweating?". I wonder how people get in this school with intelligence like that.
I would rather do it in front of my teacher or a bunch randomers because I can do that a hella lot easier for some reason.

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