While I prefer the versatility the M249 affords me in most cases, I find using the M60 in cases where accuracy is necessary a good thing. It doesn't feel as powerful as it did when the game first launched. I personally use the Irons, since I like having both medic specs in use when I run around as one.
To me, it feels like DICE balanced it pretty well when compared to the other LMG's now. It's low rate of fire seems to couple nicely with a fairly powerful punch per round, as opposed to the hundreds of gnat bite shots the MG3 shoots (don't get me wrong, I love the MG3. I always have a blast when I find an opportunity just to let that beast loose)
Thoughts? Discuss.
To me, it feels like DICE balanced it pretty well when compared to the other LMG's now. It's low rate of fire seems to couple nicely with a fairly powerful punch per round, as opposed to the hundreds of gnat bite shots the MG3 shoots (don't get me wrong, I love the MG3. I always have a blast when I find an opportunity just to let that beast loose)
Thoughts? Discuss.