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Speaking of birthdays

The Adli Corporation
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1Speaking of birthdays Empty Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:17



I will be 17 in 8 days. Meaning I can finally go out and buy Mass Effect 2 or Just Cause 2 or New Vegas! So many choices all of a sudden! Damn you ESRB, oppressing me for 17 years >Very Happy} (evil laugh emote)

2Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

JC2 is 17?

lol its a 15 in the UK. you'll love it anyway its soooo damn awesome.

ive played for 60+ hours and coompleted all the missions, and im only just over 50% total

3Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:29



There is a massive gap between 13 and 17 in the US rating system.

Pretty odd seeing as we have all ages, 10, 13, 17, then 18.

Also not trying to steal the spotlight from Dark, happy birthday dude. I'm just excited about breaking a little bit out of this bubble Very Happy

4Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:33



Lol its R16 here we dont have that 17 BS

5Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:40



Ha yupp I can now buy M games. My first will probably be Dead Space 2.

6Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:43



Even when i was younger i could still buy Restricted games people dont really care what you play

I saw a 12 year old buy Black ops yesterday

7Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:45



Here your parents have to be present to buy a M game, and they have to ok it.

8Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 18:46



I dont think anyone really cares much here

9Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 19:27



Im friends with the dude who works at the gamestop where i live, so no problems there Very Happy

10Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 19:29



Isn't ESRB just a recommendation, not a law?

Meaning you can buy those rated M games regardless of age. Isn't it?

11Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 19:32



Yeah it's just a recommendation but most stores enforce it as if it is law. EB Games seems to always do it, they still sometimes ID me when I go there.

12Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-13, 22:03



They're trying to self-regulate so that it doesn't become an actual law. It's a good policy.

13Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-14, 02:15



So basically by enforcing it so it doesnt become an actual law theyve basically made it a law?

14Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-17, 17:59



yeah sort of. They've gotten a lot of shit from angry parents of kids who bought stuff like Manhunt so they decided to regulate themselves or something.

15Speaking of birthdays Empty Re: Speaking of birthdays 2011-01-17, 18:02


Sort of Frost, but it's better that they just regulate it somewhat loosely than have it become real law. Not like they matter much, my parents never cared. I was playing Halo 2 in 5th grade. Except now all of the sudden my mom realized there were age limits and she gets mad at my dad for having bought us M games when we were like 10.

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