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RE6 supposed to be 30 hours long

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The RE:ORC page just posted,

"Resident Evil 6 Contains 30 Hours of Gameplay Horrific Atmosphere. Could well be one of the the longest games of 2012 according to Game Director Eiichiro Sasaki, who confirmed to NowGamer at last week's Captivate event that the game's three campaigns would last 'around 30 hours'.

"The three characters each have their own story and you can choose whichever one you want and play that story, experience that character’s story,"
"In terms of length, each character’s story is a little bit less than RE5 but when you combine them together you’re getting something that is much longer. While each character’s story stands alone, all of the characters wind up in the same area of the game, in China, so there is a certain level of overlap. They stand on their own but they do overlap in certain areas. You don’t have to play them all, of course."

“Chris’ campaign is an action-based thing but we’re still trying to bring horror elements to each of them in their own way, and even an action story can have elements of horror that you can’t do in, say, Leon’s story – that greater intensity and pressure [...] We’re really trying to recreate the horrific atmosphere fans remember from the first Resident Evils and going for more gothic horror feel for Leon’s part of the story [...] Usually we left every big story moment to the big cut-scenes. This time we wanted to bring that home to the player and make that more immediate. We tried to add those elements to the game itself and bring the player closer to those dramatic elements.”

Resident Evil 6 will now release on October 2, 2012 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC."

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hmm...if its three campaigns its plausible. But I would stick closer to 20-25 in my book.

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