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So now I am working on what was supposed to be my only day off this weekend

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im here from 11 to 8 standing here promoting some damn rewards card to people. And I have bad knees where standing still for one hour hurts like he'll. So guess what im doing for the next 8 hours?

Really starting to hate my damn job



That sucks, but at least you're getting paid. Smile

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I haven't had a damn weekend off since mid august. I don't really care about being paid right now



Get yourself some knee braces and insoles for your shoes. I spend most of my day on my feet and am prone to sore knees, and that'll definitely take the edge off.



I hate that crap. Sorry Soap. If it makes you feel better, I almost went an entire year without a weekend off - not even one day of it.

You should take two weekends off in a row since it sounds like you've been working WAY too much.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ouch man, hate that shit

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Ick Sad I remember those days, not fun! Hope your weekend gets better!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I hope so too. I wont even be able to get home till sunday night and the freinds house I'm staying at has no way for me to connect to live I miss battlefield dammit!

On the brightside next week schedule came out today and I got saturday off so that's a plus. Still got to work Friday and Sunday though. But oh my god!! My knees are on fucking fire! I took 4 Tylenol 2 hours ago and they haven't done jack-squat. But most painful and boring 8 hour shift EVER



Dont they make some sort of standing chair of some sorts? Your pretty much sitting against a chair but its up high and angled so it takes weight off your legs but your still standing. Have no idea what it is called but I think I saw one somewhere.

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