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Console vs PC (Guide ... sorta)

Ron Swanson
Ars Diaboli
Manila Plague
11 posters

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Yes this was a post that infidel made, but making a new post about this is good.

Alrighty folks let me break this shit down. I'll try and keep it based on facts. I own all current gen and a few older gen consoles, plus a pc that can max settings ANY game out at the moment.

PC Con - You need to spend at least 800, or better yet 1500 to 2k bucks on a new pc.

I'm going to counter this con, but not completely disagree with it. If you're savvy, or have a savvy friend, you can save lots of money. Sure, if you want MAX settings and future proofing spend a bit more. First off when something is new, it's expensive. If you compare the cost to buying the latest gen console that just came out (fuckin ps3 was what like 600 bucks?). Most people have computers already that if purchased in the past little while just need an okay video card and HOLY SHIT A GAMING PC! (seriously it's not like a gaming pc has to cost 1k-3k) It'll run games at settings near or better than consoles (depending on their age however, and their age also determines THEIR price as well).

PC Pro - Legit free games!

You're gonna get a hell of a lot more free content with PC games. Some of which will be indie games and maybe less demanding pc power-wise.

PC Con - They are more complex and more can go wrong

Consoles have a benefit of being easier to use. PC games can have errors, and driver upgrades and this and that. If you can't handle this at all, then play your fucking console. As long as you keep everything up to date, and arn't trying to pirate games (piracy takes half a brain, and strangely not a lot of people have even that). Also consoles arn't insusceptible to problems (RROD, YLoD).

PC Pro - Mod-ability

A lot of games are wide open to modification. Sometimes when the dev wants it, and even when they don't intend on it.

Triple PC Con - "Consoleized" games, shitty ports of games that were made for consoles, and games that arn't available for PC. Funny thing is, this is BECAUSE of consoles. There's enough PC games out there, you can avoid those.

Sym wrote:Aim assist doesn't exist in the PC world.

Sad thing is it does, and a prime example of "consoleized" design). I always turn this shit off.

PC Pro - Community

The PC gaming community is better. I mean this in general. We have our shitty players too. It's just the demographic is different somewhat. Less 13 year old boys bugging their moms for an Xbox so they can call people fags when they get killed.

PC Pro, and Con - Learning curve of control system is higher, especially if coming from consoles. I think this is really the only killer of PC gaming. Console controllers really have come a long way, and they're not half bad at all. However the level of control of a keyboard and mouse, is higher, period. When it comes down to it, it's the amount of distance you can move. I have the opposite, I have issues with console controllers. Using them every once and a while though was enough for me to get alright with them.

TL;DR computers are better... for me.

Last edited by unisyst on 2012-04-16, 23:37; edited 1 time in total



I am pretty sure when someones says legit free games they are referring to pirating everything, not getting free content updates which are actually rare these days. Anyways simple fact is that PC gaming is almost always better with the downside that the initial cost is a lot more and most likely you will have very few friends who game on pc.

Last edited by PrototypeT800 on 2012-04-16, 00:31; edited 2 times in total

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i think he means FTP games



Manila Plague wrote:i think he means FTP games

Yah true, anyways I forgot to add is that even though initial cost is pretty high for a good gaming pc I feel in the long it is actually cheaper than a console if you buy your pc games on sale because of how crazy good pc game sales are compared to console game sales.



PrototypeT800 wrote:I am pretty sure when someones says legit free games they are referring to pirating everything, not getting free content updates which are actually rare these days. Anyways simple fact is that PC gaming is almost always better with the downside that the initial cost is a lot more and most likely you will have very few friends who game on pc.

Every console I have is modded.

There are so many free or ridiculously cheap games for PC (Freeware, Free to Play online games). Plus old games (DOS, abandonware).

Then less legally legit of older game roms.

Then pirating. However I can just as easily pirate games on PS3 and 360, Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii etc.

Also having a good computer benefits in .. well having a good computer.
The only useless part in my computer for just use (and hell isn't really
that useless as it can decode video and such) is my video card.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Think of it this way.

If you were going to buy a computer anyway... you might as well drop an extra $500 and you get a monster rig if you're smart. That is, IF you're smart. Basically, you spend what you would in a console, in a video card and power supply. BAM! Gaming PC.



Exactly. Who doesn't have a computer? Especially if you don't have your own. FUCK THAT. I could NEVER EVER share a computer.



I could never go back to playing consoles only. No way in hell. The line has been crossed.



I wouldn't mind pc gaming but the price tag really throws me off =/ all I could afford was the cheap 360

the money you'd save with game sales would make it up tho >__> .I'm not tech savvy at all tho.I wouldn't even care about max long as it looked as good as consoles I'd be good,but I guess that kinda defeats the purpose of pc gaming in the 1st have uber good graphics.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Consoles are better because thats what I play




Terry Corp. wrote:Consoles are better because thats what I play


I agree. PC gaming is something I never want again.


I miss PC gaming but I don't miss upgrading and the headaches. I pay one price for a console and I'm good for that generation (roughly.... 5-8 years?). No hassle with driver conflicts, etc...

You can't trade in games on PC like you can on console. You can't rent games for PC like you can on console (Actually, this one... I'm not so sure of. There might be some program out there that lets you). Both of those make the console a much cheaper option for me. Not to mention console games tend to be much more stable to play than their PC counterpart (I'm looking at you, Morrowind).

If you want to retro game the PC is great but you can retro game on pretty much any cheap-o computer you buy at this point.

To me, PC gaming is a money pit of upgrading and technical hassle. The cycle usually goes something like:
New console comes out and graphics are better, or equal, to PC.
Time passes. Ignorant people start saying things like "those console graphics are outdated." NO SHIT MORON! I haven't had to blow money on another graphics card.

PC gaming has always been about eye candy. If you're going to do it you need to have disposable income. I'll stick to consoles. I just don't have the energy to keep getting the newest graphics card that comes out. Let's face it... if you aren't getting the newest graphics card that comes out... what is the difference between your PC and console? Other than the obvious keyboard and mouse setup.

That's just how I feel about PC gaming. Total opinion so take it for what it's worth.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

*agrees with above poster*

If or when I am rich I will probably get a gaming PC, but until that day I will continue to live in the past on my console. The PC may be better, but when combined with price and accessability I will stay right where I'm at.



VictimOfNada wrote:I miss PC gaming but I don't miss upgrading and the headaches. I pay one price for a console and I'm good for that generation (roughly.... 5-8 years?). No hassle with driver conflicts, etc...

You can't trade in games on PC like you can on console. You can't rent games for PC like you can on console (Actually, this one... I'm not so sure of. There might be some program out there that lets you). Both of those make the console a much cheaper option for me. Not to mention console games tend to be much more stable to play than their PC counterpart (I'm looking at you, Morrowind).

If you want to retro game the PC is great but you can retro game on pretty much any cheap-o computer you buy at this point.

To me, PC gaming is a money pit of upgrading and technical hassle. The cycle usually goes something like:
New console comes out and graphics are better, or equal, to PC.
Time passes. Ignorant people start saying things like "those console graphics are outdated." NO SHIT MORON! I haven't had to blow money on another graphics card.

PC gaming has always been about eye candy. If you're going to do it you need to have disposable income. I'll stick to consoles. I just don't have the energy to keep getting the newest graphics card that comes out. Let's face it... if you aren't getting the newest graphics card that comes out... what is the difference between your PC and console? Other than the obvious keyboard and mouse setup.

That's just how I feel about PC gaming. Total opinion so take it for what it's worth.

Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Sym wrote:Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Let me ask you this then Sym. How long will you be able to play games before you upgrade? 3 years maybe? at best?

the xbox 360 came out in 05 and it still plays games. How many gaming PCs from 05 can still play top of the line games? Not too many I would imagine, but I don't really know.



Terry Corp. wrote:
Sym wrote:Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Let me ask you this then Sym. How long will you be able to play games before you upgrade? 3 years maybe? at best?

the xbox 360 came out in 05 and it still plays games. How many gaming PCs from 05 can still play top of the line games? Not too many I would imagine, but I don't really know.

I can wait awhile before I want to upgrade. Now I WONT have to upgrade for at least 4-5 years.

Another misconception is every PC gamer has to MAX everything, which is simply not true. My GPU I have in my PC is already more powerful than the next gen of consoles will be. So I could play console quality games for a very very long time. Plus the added benefits of PC-

- Open platform
- Mods
- Choice of control inputs
- Free online
- Cheaper software ( usually big difference if you wait for sales )
- Resolution( big for me because I have bad eyes )

The only reason Im pointing this stuff out is there are alot of misconceptions of PC gaming that simply arent true. I hope I dont sound like a fan boy because Im really not, it is just my preferred platform.



Terry Corp. wrote:
Sym wrote:Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Let me ask you this then Sym. How long will you be able to play games before you upgrade? 3 years maybe? at best?

the xbox 360 came out in 05 and it still plays games. How many gaming PCs from 05 can still play top of the line games? Not too many I would imagine, but I don't really know.

But the 360 is not playing top of the line games in term of graphics. A high end gaming pc from 2006 can pretty much still play almost all games on the pc, at reduced settings of course.



PrototypeT800 wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:
Sym wrote:Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Let me ask you this then Sym. How long will you be able to play games before you upgrade? 3 years maybe? at best?

the xbox 360 came out in 05 and it still plays games. How many gaming PCs from 05 can still play top of the line games? Not too many I would imagine, but I don't really know.

But the 360 is not playing top of the line games in term of graphics. A high end gaming pc from 2006 can pretty much still play almost all games on the pc, at reduced settings of course.

This also

Plus I love my SSD and my non exsistant load times.



SSD's are nice. Plus building a PC rig doesn't mean you're in a "mine's bigger" e-peen contest. PC building is more of a hobby than anything else.

My uncle's rig he built in 06 (only upgraded the gpu once) can play BF3 with mid-to-low settings at about 40 FPS.

Plus you don't have to deal with M$ or Sony BS.

Also I tried playing BF3 on my PS3.

The fucking community. I've heard you guys complain about randies all the time and always thought you were exaggerating. Then I go back to console when my PC breaks down and now I know what you are talking about.



Terry Corp. wrote:
Sym wrote:Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Let me ask you this then Sym. How long will you be able to play games before you upgrade? 3 years maybe? at best?

the xbox 360 came out in 05 and it still plays games. How many gaming PCs from 05 can still play top of the line games? Not too many I would imagine, but I don't really know.

the whole reason for this is because the people who make the console game have to work with what they have, i'm sure that they would love to be working with the best that the can but they can't they are stuck with the current gen, PC game devs have the opportunity to make their products look the best that they can, why would they force them selfs to work on old tech where unlike consoles they have a choice



Cool to see more PC gamers on here these days. Now if we could just organize a TF2 session or something.



I've been trying to. BmmFlash now has a Mac capable of playing TF2 now so we should get him to join us.



I know Tom, Duan and Manilla said they would be down with the idea.



Alright so all the arguments you guys have about PC vs Console is upgrading and hardware.

Prepare to have your minds BLOWN:

Hardware in a console is a PC.

are different processor architectures granted. PC uses x86, 360 (Xenon)
uses a custom PowerPC, and so does the PS3 (Cell). The PS3 was
expensive because this is when multicore processing was new and they
went a custom approach.

The GPU in a 360 is basically an ATI
Radeon X1800. The GPU in the PS3 is very custom, and was designed by
Nvidia, it is only slightly more powerful than the X1800 (and I mean

This analogy doesn't really work anymore, but it's
like Macs vs PCs (Macs are A LOT like PCs now). Macs are always
pre-assembled and non-upgradeable (unless you wait for a new one). PCs
are sometimes pre-assembled, but completely upgradeable. Hell I can even
make a new thread with PC vs Mac.

Graphics settings on PCs are
changeable (depending on your hardware). Depending on the age of the
consoles, max settings will match a new console. That only lasts for 6
mo to a year. After that the settings get less and less to match a
console. Before a new console comes out, we're getting to around maybe
medium settings (cause low is usually pre-console).

computers have been capable of 1080p for 12 years+. Resolution is such a
TINY aspect (lololol pun) of game graphics. I am no expert on game
development, however I do have an understanding of different terms and
functions of hardware.

This is the biggy. New hardware based
functions. Consoles are still direct X9, and now we're at 11.1 in the PC
world. Direct X is kinda shitty though in general, lots of people wish
OpenGL would be the king, but Microsoft has a great grip on this.

sum it up in saying. There's NOTHING wrong with being a console gamer.
It still has it's benefits. I own the consoles, I am a gamer and I
appreciate them fully. I'm just trying to help get rid of the
misconceptions of the differences.



But those PHSYX are so sexy



Consoles actually last a bit longer than PC's because developers are forced to code efficiently because the console hardware is all they have to work with whereas PC developers can make a game that no one without the latest tech can play, I would speculate at least.

Yeah but still, you can buy a new PC when the lastest console comes out and it will last you just as long as the console would, the graphics on the games will just look poorer and poorer compared to current tech as time goes on (on consoles and an old PC).

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah it's the PC revolution on the SEC

sorry metal but us elitists are taking over

i have most of you guys on steam but if not make sure to add me

playing eve all day every day atm so unless we get a group on for some serious sam BFE i'll just stick to eve



Dave wrote:Consoles actually last a bit longer than PC's because developers are forced to code efficiently because the console hardware is all they have to work with whereas PC developers can make a game that no one without the latest tech can play, I would speculate at least.

Yeah but still, you can buy a new PC when the lastest console comes out and it will last you just as long as the console would, the graphics on the games will just look poorer and poorer compared to current tech as time goes on (on consoles and an old PC).

For the most part yes. The best hardware at the time will beat the current console, unless they sell the consoles for less than what they cost to make. Like the PS3 did. They make the money on the games, and DLCs etc.

There is a computer/tech law that I do like (I keep forgetting who made it up), but it goes that as hardware gets better the software gets worse. However I'm not honestly sure this is so true for graphics. Let me explain.

There are two types of rendering computer graphics. Real time rendering (video games), and prerendered graphics (Movies). You can prerender some pretty amazing stuff, like they do for movies. When there is enough processing power to use techniques that were prerendered in real time rendering, it makes a nice leap in what is possible.

I think for something big and powerful requires a sufficient hardware leap. Each new thing can be optimized for sure, and that matures over time. Games for PC and console go through the same strenuous process of being optimized. You know the scene in Half Life 2 when you first go outside from the train station? It took Valve quite a while to stop that from lagging. They had to shave off as much data as they could.

The main reason why optimization is hard, is data vs code. Video games now are exponentially bigger than they were before. Processors and video cards can pump gigs and gigs through every second no sweat. Code can always be optimized but bam' just like that there's a new technique to make things look even more pretty.

Now one HUGE problem with all of this. Graphics in general. There is a very very important thing that everyone needs to keep in mind. There is a difference between GRAPHICS and ASCETICS. Both complement each other. For instance, you can have a graphics engine that would make old PCs cry, but suck ascetically if you muddy it up and make it all brown and colourless. Other end of the spectrum you have Minecraft. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L game. Even with default skins, people have made things in that that is mind blowing.

Also you get used to whatever you use. That's human nature. However game programmers have points where they like to show off awesome stuff (usually amazing vistas, or cool explosions etc etc). Game making is an amazing blend of science and art.

I'll be a gamer till the day I die.



Dave wrote:Consoles actually last a bit longer than PC's because developers are forced to code efficiently because the console hardware is all they have to work with whereas PC developers can make a game that no one without the latest tech can play, I would speculate at least.

Yeah but still, you can buy a new PC when the lastest console comes out and it will last you just as long as the console would, the graphics on the games will just look poorer and poorer compared to current tech as time goes on (on consoles and an old PC).

You are sorta correct with that. The reason that consoles are able to last so long with outdated hardware is that unlike pc developers console developers can code directly for the machine and do not need to exclusively use an API like directx. This allows them to suck every last bit of performance out of the console. The reason why pc's are so far ahead of consoles (and now so much cheaper to build to max out just about every game) is because of how crazy long this generation has lasted compared to previous ones.



Sym wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:
Sym wrote:Sorry but I disagree with this big time. On my current PC Im running a 580 which is no longer the newest tech. My current GPU is about 15 times more powerful than current gen consoles. The GPU will still be more powerful when next gen consoles are released. I have no plans to upgrade my GPU for a very long time.

Let me ask you this then Sym. How long will you be able to play games before you upgrade? 3 years maybe? at best?

the xbox 360 came out in 05 and it still plays games. How many gaming PCs from 05 can still play top of the line games? Not too many I would imagine, but I don't really know.

I can wait awhile before I want to upgrade. Now I WONT have to upgrade for at least 4-5 years.

Another misconception is every PC gamer has to MAX everything, which is simply not true. My GPU I have in my PC is already more powerful than the next gen of consoles will be. So I could play console quality games for a very very long time. Plus the added benefits of PC-

- Open platform
- Mods
- Choice of control inputs
- Free online
- Cheaper software ( usually big difference if you wait for sales )
- Resolution( big for me because I have bad eyes )

The only reason Im pointing this stuff out is there are alot of misconceptions of PC gaming that simply arent true. I hope I dont sound like a fan boy because Im really not, it is just my preferred platform.

damn it now I wish I had money for a pc worth a damn Razz my laptop acts like it wants to die when I tried playing FO :New Vegas on it with low settings.

And I was too lazy to quote it,but BigDG, Morrowind on the console (xbox) would eventually become unplayable due to the cache filling up,something to do with the "block size" but no such problem on pc,you could mod it to have 2012 graphics if you wanted,or I saw a mod of it running on the oblivion engine as well.Also there's the unofficial patch which pretty much fixed everything in the game,and if there was a problem you could just use console command Razz .


Is modding on pc as simple as it is on Fallout?Or Oblivion?Just drop the new files into the "data" folder?

I have steam but only half life 2 and the zombie panic mod for it...I noticed on steam it seems very basic(unless I'm missing something) it only lets you add people,you can't sent offline messages or even messages when they're online >__> .I spent like an hour trying to send this guy a message because he was giving away left 4 dead 2 gift codes but could never figure it out.

I really do understand you guys' points now,it's just the initial cost really throws me off,like it did with the damn $600 ps3 lol.That's why I'll probably never get a pc

A big thing that sticks out to me is also,for a "basic" gaming pc (probably),you could buy all 3 consoles and probably still have left over money.

but the free online on pc,and the really cheap,or even free games I think would make up the cost.....

Cool Is there a place you can look up builds and how they stack up?For the longest time I've been asking around for a pc gamer build that could do 720p (I really don't care for 1080,don't think it's worth the money) and have graphics as least as good as the consoles,and could do at least 30fps....60fps just honestly feels weird as hell to me Razz

what would you compare BF3 on the xbox to on pc?I heard it's on like low settings with no AA,and obviously less players Razz

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

so there is a cheap way to do this Jr

take any normal computer - $400 all in one package from some retailer

swap out the power supply and drop in a videocard and BAM gaming PC

i did this with a rig and the total cost was under $200 takes in

so for the cost of three new release games i got a basic gaming PC



JrTapia1991 wrote:
Is modding on pc as simple as it is on Fallout?Or Oblivion?Just drop the new files into the "data" folder?

I have steam but only half life 2 and the zombie panic mod for it...I noticed on steam it seems very basic(unless I'm missing something) it only lets you add people,you can't sent offline messages or even messages when they're online >__> .I spent like an hour trying to send this guy a message because he was giving away left 4 dead 2 gift codes but could never figure it out.

Simple for one mod. The more mods you add the harder it can get (compatibility, mod order etc). Steam released Steamworks for Skyrim which is pretty awesome.

JrTapia1991 wrote:
A big thing that sticks out to me is also,for a "basic" gaming pc (probably),you could buy all 3 consoles and probably still have left over money.

but the free online on pc,and the really cheap,or even free games I think would make up the cost.....

Cool Is there a place you can look up builds and how they stack up?For the longest time I've been asking around for a pc gamer build that could do 720p (I really don't care for 1080,don't think it's worth the money) and have graphics as least as good as the consoles,and could do at least 30fps....60fps just honestly feels weird as hell to me Razz

what would you compare BF3 on the xbox to on pc?I heard it's on like low settings with no AA,and obviously less players Razz

I'll price out some computers. There was an awesome guide but it was a while ago.



ahh....So it pretty much needs to be a dual core cpu then?Honestly here at least in stores it's pretty hard to find dual core cpus....most are really sucky ass single core cpus (like my laptop).My laptop has ATI HD4200 graphics card,which I think would be ok for like new vegas but....the sucky ass cpu really brings it down





Holy crap there are a lot of words in this topic!



For modern day gaming you want at least a dual core. I dont know much about them however...Quad core if you can swing it.


PC gaming is fine for those that are into that shit like I used to be. Consoles are a great option too. They both have shortcomings. It is personal preference which makes it an opinion. It sounds ignorant saying PC is superior and stating it as fact. Someone's preference in this matter is subjective not quantitative. Give me stats and figures all day about how superior the hardware is... doesn't prove shit. I like console (and when I use "I" here, I'm using it in the meaning that all people that like consoles). It is my choice. I'm not going to say your preference is wrong. I'm just saying my preference is what is better for me which is what was at the heart of what I said in my first post which a couple people jumped all over.

The whole debate over which is better is just plain stupid and ignorant. It's all personal taste, the means (money) they have to work with, and what they choose to spend it on.

What I was also getting at in my first post was this:
If you are not constantly upgrading your PC (pouring more and more money into it) you are doing basically the same thing as consoles. You're using the same hardware for a long period of time. So other than the trivial stuff that not everyone gets into (mods, etc.....), what's the difference at that point? I'm not looking for an answer here. It's rhetorical.



I dont think anyone is saying anything is superior....

There was even a pros and cons list......



Sym wrote:I dont think anyone is saying anything is superior....

There was even a pros and cons list......

Yeah I did say tl;dr computers are better.

Cause no matter how you slice it, it boils down to preference and the games themselves. I guess I can take that out, so it's more neutral.


unisyst wrote:
Sym wrote:I dont think anyone is saying anything is superior....

There was even a pros and cons list......

Yeah I did say tl;dr computers are better.

Cause no matter how you slice it, it boils down to preference and the games themselves. I guess I can take that out, so it's more neutral.

Ah... Uni beat me to it. I will also state that I am a bit tired and irate so... I still stand by my statement even though I now think it is a little strongly worded.



VictimOfNada wrote:
unisyst wrote:
Sym wrote:I dont think anyone is saying anything is superior....

There was even a pros and cons list......

Yeah I did say tl;dr computers are better.

Cause no matter how you slice it, it boils down to preference and the games themselves. I guess I can take that out, so it's more neutral.

Ah... Uni beat me to it. I will also state that I am a bit tired and irate so... I still stand by my statement even though I now think it is a little strongly worded.

Well I guess I over looked that part.



VictimOfNada wrote:
unisyst wrote:
Sym wrote:I dont think anyone is saying anything is superior....

There was even a pros and cons list......

Yeah I did say tl;dr computers are better.

Cause no matter how you slice it, it boils down to preference and the games themselves. I guess I can take that out, so it's more neutral.

Ah... Uni beat me to it. I will also state that I am a bit tired and irate so... I still stand by my statement even though I now think it is a little strongly worded.

I feel you are exactly right. It's always better to be more like Wikipedia, neutral and stating legit sources. In the end, I agree, it doesn't matter. It's minor differences.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

<_< >_>

I hear people who play PC smell!

*runs away*



It feels to weird to be a console gamer who is also a PC elitist.



Hey I shower!

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

dammit who farted

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Hey I shower! feces!!!!



whenever I get all these teeth pulled out I'll save up slowly and join you pc dudes,some of the pc games really intrigue me.Maybe if I had an actual good keyboard and good mouse it would be better than trying to game on this laptop,it's very wonky

I heard lots of good things about the GTX 460 (I know,not latest and greatest thing....came out beginning of 2011 I believe) ,I heard it trumped all the ATI cards to that point *shrug*

I'm alright in the knowledge department besides when it comes to GPUs,extremely confusing with all the brands and model numbers,etc....I'm alright when it comes to cpus.

I forgot who said it but somebody said earlier that the pc wasn't about e-peen (which honestly I thought it was...I guess browsing gfaqs ruined my view on humanity) ....I honestly thought it was always about having the latest and greatest thing lol.

I'd be cool with a pc that could play games that look as good as the 360 does in 720p

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

for less than the cost of a new Xbox you can just buy a cheap video card and a power supply and BAM gaming PC that will look better that 720p xbox graphics



I wanna get a good wired mouse too,I dunno about macros and all that,maybe,idk lol...I have a wireless mouse but it disconnects randomly in the middle of games,I can't tell you how infuriating that is man lol

really intrigued by the pc.It's more cost up front,but free online and the cheap games would make up for it I think >__>

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