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Holy raging bat balls batman!

Ron Swanson
Artimise Flare
7 posters

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1Holy raging bat balls batman! Empty Holy raging bat balls batman! 2012-04-21, 06:31

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I fucking hate the Professional Russian assignment. I swear, it's so infuriatingly annoying. I'd rather be stabbed in the eye with a spork and anal raped by some fat dude with a pension for asian girly boys or something. I don't know WHAT the hell dice was thinking when they decided to make it the most ANNOYING mission to complete. Someone must have seriously pissed in some guys cheerios or banged his wife/girlfriend/mom or something because this is simply evil and sadistic.

To make it worse, even when I did have two other friends playing with me, we simply could NOT win a round for the life of us. We got owned every which way, I felt like I was playing Modern Rehash 12349378423 all over again! Even the rage that I always used to have while playing CoD was there, I've NEVER raged so much at a BF game as much as I did at CoD until i tried completing this awful assignment.

Any of you on PC that would be willing to help me get this over with I'd really appreciate it.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I think I found what works for me. M40 with red dot optic, straight pull bolt and sound suppressor. Was on a very good run until the connection to the server was lost. Very slow match, not sure why in hells name they wanted a 16 man server to have each squads necessary score to win be 70 but whatever. Sucks i lost my score, I actually had fun that round. *gasp*

Probably would have won too. Managed to get one round just by luck, keep on trucking right?



yeah that one took a while

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't know if I would have ever got this unless I had friends with me. Seriously my W/L dropped from 2.5 to 1.8 because of this fucking assingment.



Ha! Which assignment? I don't remember any of them being that bad?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The get 5 SDM wins, for the L85

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Pretty sure they're talking about the assignment where you have to win five rounds of Squad Deathmatch*.



Control the IFV.

Reactive/Smoke/Co-ax for the driver.
Proxi for the gunner.
Other two people play team NASCAR.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

FINALLY got the 5 wins, and friended some guys to boot. Pissed a few people off with the red dot M40, was accused of hacking one time actually. Last round was actually fun. Now I never EVER have to play that awful game mode again!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Artimise Flare wrote:Pissed a few people off with the red dot M40, was accused of hacking one time actually.

if they accuse you of hacking, you know you're wrecking face Very Happy

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

well I was 43/12, these guys were really awful, I got so may head shots from that game, and I've also fallen in love with the G17 suppressed. quiet, large magazine capacity and with a laser pointer makes it perfect for hip fire great combat recon side arm IMO.



Oh yeah. That one did take a few tries.

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