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Holy flaming bat balls batman, 6k+ for an FNC?!

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I could almost buy and build my G36c for that much. People are nuts, on a side note, it would be cool if I could get one though. On the up side, most of these ARE class 3 and select fire.

Damn it all, it's a pain in the ass to find one that's simply semi auto. FU clinton for boning us all with your assault weapons ban of 1986! FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!



Im more of a pistol guy myself

But damn thats alot.....are you thinking of buying one?

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Fuck, if I can find one that's semi auto? Yes. My plans are as follows.

PTR91 (US made G3 Clone)
CAI C93 (Parts kit assembled in the US for the HK 93 scaled down G3 chambered in 5.56)
FN FNC (If I can find one that hasn't been converted) + a shit ton of extra firing pins. The FNC is notorious for breaking them.



yea I think it's bullshit how they banned new ones after just drove up the price of the ones already in circulation above what many can afford.Many cost more than a new car.A full auto AK is like 20k,M16 is about the same....the cheapest is a mac10 for like 2-3k >__>



Id want the FAL the most out of those. My god that would be fun to shoot.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'll eventually own them all, but god it's such a pain to find the FNC. They stopped importing them well over two decades ago. I'm sure one will show up eventually if I search around long enough.



I haven't really shot to many cool rifles in my life sadly. Mainly pistols.

Id love to have the opportunity to shoot something like that.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

If I ever get my hands on all of them and you happen to be in town, I'd be glad to let you try them so long as you help pay for ammo lol.



If I ever find myself in Arizona I might take you up on that offer haha.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

To give you an idea of what each looks like

Holy flaming bat balls batman, 6k+ for an FNC?! 2006

Holy flaming bat balls batman, 6k+ for an FNC?! Hk-93-gun-nicknames

Holy flaming bat balls batman, 6k+ for an FNC?! SA58C16

Holy flaming bat balls batman, 6k+ for an FNC?! Ares-FN-FNC-Para-2-800



I plan to get a select-fire FNC eventually. I have loved the look of that rifle since I saw it in Heat. It will be mine. . . at some point.



>___> I'd love a real AEK-971 or AN-94 but good luck finding one lol

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Neither is in full production from my understanding. The AEK-971 only a handful were produced, and the AN-94 was rejected due to how costly it was to produce. I don't think they'll ever make an export version of them. Might be able to find a means to dress up an AK to look like an AEK-971 though.

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