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This site is so good

5 posters

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1This site is so good Empty This site is so good 2012-04-22, 19:11

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Looking back through some of the designs makes me wish I found it earlier.

2This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 19:45



me gusta

3This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 21:24



The fuck?

So they have a ton of designs, but you can't buy them anymore unless they get voted up again?

Why the fuck would you make a website like that?

4This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 21:43



They probably have some kind of production model where they can only afford to produce/sell one t-shirt at a time and they want some guarantee that it's going to sell well if they invest in it.

5This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 22:50



Sure, but it's weird.
Not exactly the best way to maximize sales and profits.

6This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 23:03



Metalzoic wrote:Sure, but it's weird.
Not exactly the best way to maximize sales and profits.

It's debatable. People probably do more impulse buying knowing they won't have much of a chance to buy it at a later time.

7This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 23:07



I found a better site.

8This site is so good Empty Re: This site is so good 2012-04-22, 23:19



oh u

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