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Anyone here still play Pokemon?

Dropped Da Soap
HydrasBreath ♜
Ron Swanson
Artimise Flare
15 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm not ashamed to say that I do occasionally. It's a great time burner, the latest Black and White Version actually has a pretty decent plot as far as the antagonists are concerned. Despite their ridiculous design which is reminiscent of a bunch of LARP'rs who stepped out of the Renaissance festival their motives were pretty thought provoking and deep for a children's game.

There is supposed to be a sequel coming out, so I may just pick those up to, makes a great distraction for those long drives or flights.



i still play occasionally



i started playing my old leafgreen the other day which i hadn't played since i was like 10. i started a nuzlocke challenge because i wanted a challenge and its actually pretty fun. basically in nuzlocke when your pokemon faints you cant use it ever again and you nickname all your pokemon.

right now my raticate named "FAK" is tearing shit up



I have a few of the games that I play occasionally.


I am sure i will since i plan to pick up a 3DS soon.



i have friends that play it but my gameboy broke like 6 years ago



I loved Yellow,Blue,Red and Gold,Crystal...never played Silver or the GBA ones or DS/3DS

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I actually recommend Black and White, some of the pokemon look ridiculous (An ice cream cone pokemon? Really?) But the plot line for the "villains" is actually quite good.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I played the original when they first came out, but I haven't really played since. The GF still plays her Pearl ( I think) version from time to time.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Red and Blue were cool...I never played the others. I'm OG like that Razz

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

FUCK YEAH I still play Pokemon!

I have almost every game on the DS, except for the Ranger games.

If you got wi-fi we can try battling sometime. My Conkeldurr will reck shit



Pokemon is amazing. No reason to be ashamed of playing a game because of a children's anime was made from it.

Also, I always get annoyed when people say the newer pokemon designs are terrible and unoriginal while the original 150 were perfect. A pool of toxic waste, three magnemites and three digletts, some fish, etc. are so original and creative amirite?



I played Pokemon snap back in the day. Does that count?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Kyuubey wrote:Pokemon is amazing. No reason to be ashamed of playing a game because of a children's anime was made from it.

Also, I always get annoyed when people say the newer pokemon designs are terrible and unoriginal while the original 150 were perfect. A pool of toxic waste, three magnemites and three digletts, some fish, etc. are so original and creative amirite?

Got to agree. Every generation of Pokemon has had its share of stupid, outright dumb Pokemon. You can't just choose one gen and ignore the rest and say that the new gen sucks.

For every crappy Pokemon in each gen, there is 5 or 6 awesome ones that make up for it. Hell Conkeldurr is already one of my all time favorite Pokemon.




And I bet $100 that in gen 6 there's gonna be a cablevision cable box with arms and legs as a pokemon.



Khfan60 wrote:Yes.

And I bet $100 that in gen 6 there's gonna be a cablevision cable box with arms and legs as a pokemon.

Maybe a new Rotom form?



I do on my phone sometimes lol. I downloaded an emulator and some roms on my Inspire. It brings back my childhood!



Hmmmm. I've playe poke a girl before but I don;t poke mons...... just not my thing


I, at one point or another, had a copy of all of the Pokemon games on the GameBoy handhelds. I haven't played any of the DS titles though.

I enjoyed the laid back spirit of the games. The combat is simple but strategic. Good times. Hell, I even enjoyed the Pokemon Trading Card Game on GameBoy (never touched the real cards though).



I used to have sooooooooooo many pokemon cards,and I learned how to play once (most decks didn't come with instructions.... Sad ) but then was actually really fun....I liked yugioh cards better tho Razz .that was like the in thing to do in middle school


I played Magic: The Gathering when I was in school. I have a YuGiOh! game for my DS. I put it in every once in a while and have some fun with it.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have a YuGiOh! game for my DS as well. something something 2009 I think. Never got far in it, the AI cheap as hell.



VictimOfNada wrote:I played Magic: The Gathering when I was in school. I have a YuGiOh! game for my DS. I put it in every once in a while and have some fun with it.

I've been meaning to get back into MTG, but there's nowhere around me where I can play against people. :/

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