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Tacos are delicious.

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1Tacos are delicious. Empty Tacos are delicious. 2010-09-29, 18:14



Just look at these things:
Tacos are delicious. 5da7b321d55be003_m
FUCK! I wish I still lived in San Diego. Tacos everywhere, man.

Last edited by The Cramtron on 2010-09-29, 18:54; edited 1 time in total

2Tacos are delicious. Empty Re: Tacos are delicious. 2010-09-29, 18:39



Can we drop this issue? It will ultimately offend people. Either side. I understand this is the "Sex, Religion, and Politics" section, but it's become far too common to bash religion on the internet.

3Tacos are delicious. Empty Re: Tacos are delicious. 2010-09-29, 18:46



I thought it was funny.
You can delete it if you think it's going to get offensive up in here.

4Tacos are delicious. Empty Re: Tacos are delicious. 2010-09-29, 18:47



I just wish people would drop it. I get your point.

5Tacos are delicious. Empty Re: Tacos are delicious. 2010-09-29, 18:54



Let's change the subject, and have a high five.

6Tacos are delicious. Empty Re: Tacos are delicious. 2010-09-29, 18:56



Indeed, lol. I grew up on a lot of Hispanic food (Grandmother is from Mexico, Mom cook Mexican food), and I love all of it.

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