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 » The Lounge » Tacos!


Epyk MD
Ars Diaboli
Captain Pirate Pineapple
12 posters

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1Tacos! Empty Tacos! 2013-05-19, 21:25

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

And burritos too!

And now that I have your attention, how goes it peoples?! It's alright on this end. Been staying out of trouble and working on relationship things with the girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend, as in single, one, not plural. Working on quitting my drinking. Now, I'm not quitting outright, but quitting the daily drinking. My body can't handle all the abuse I put it through. Will still have the occasional drink, but that's about it.

2Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 21:41



Contemplating divorce....

3Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 21:54



How come symmy

4Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:02



We just dont get along very well anymore.

We always bicker, and its really starting to get me down.

Fucking women

5Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:09



This thread is a roller coaster of emotions and it's only 5 posts long.

6Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:17




Downer Sym

7Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:32

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Damn Sym. Sorry to hear that. I'm sure I'd be in your same shoes right now had I gone through with my marriage. It obviously wouldn't have worked since she was only with the guy she's now married to for 7 months. Was also a little less than two years that we split too.

8Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:35



I dunno

Part of me wants it to work, and part of me doesn't

Its a really bizarre feeling....

9Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:38



I know what you mean....been in a sad mood ever since this girl stood me up at the movies :/

10Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:42

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I was going to ramble about how you guys don't know real tacos, but I just fell into Kalei's trap.

11Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:43



I dont know he could have increased his chance of Sheep by making the title Cake

12Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

you keep saying that Ars, but until you prove it....

13Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:48

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

You guys just need to come over to Mexico, hope that you don't get shot/kidnaped/raped/cut into bits, and just ask the locals for the best real tacos in town. You'll know true glory. If you don't, you're not worthy or the locals trolled you and sent you to the dude that serves up dog/cat meat

14Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:51



Wait Real Tacos dont contain Chihuahua? Very Happy

15Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 22:57



Now Im hungry

16Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 23:08


Man i drank the other day which was like the first time in a little over a month and two beers and a half in and i am ready to sleep.. I actually didn't even finish the third.

17Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 23:26


And now i have a craving for pork tacos, thanks Ars...

18Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 23:38



Damn now I want Tacos

19Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-19, 23:43



There's a place not too far from where I live that serves legit tacos. They have cow tongue tacos too which are awesome.

20Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 00:19



Same here. We have a local restaurant nearby that's run by a family from Mexico. Glorious authentic Mexican food.

21Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 00:45



We dont have Mexicans in my country Very Happy

22Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 03:22



There is only so many ways to make a taco

23Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 06:15

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:We just dont get along very well anymore.

We always bicker, and its really starting to get me down.

Fucking women

Sorry to hear that dude.

I've been put through the wringer by women many a time. I've even had talks of engagement and babies with a few...thankfully I never went through it or I know I would have regretted it.

It's so hard to know if you're with the right person or not.

fucking sucks.

24Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 11:45



yea watch out for the cat/dog meat lol. off the top of my head there's 2 real mexican places here operated by real mexicans,maybe illegals,doesn't matter to me,the food is yummy as hell lol. I just know they don't know very much english >_> one is half of a ghetto restaraunt of a gas station routinely busted for selling fake weed/bath salts lol. Haven't been to either in a long time but good tacos. The 2nd is down the highway a little at this old building that used to belong to a U-Haul place anyways,real mexican tacos with real beef with some onions, cilantro, and squeezed lime juice over it is good as hell,I prefer the fajita beef Razz love alot of mexican food Razz

25Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 13:01

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Good to see you Kalei, and good to hear things are going well.

26Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 15:02



I got punched in the face last night by some drunk kid...


27Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 15:07




Did you punch him back?

28Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 15:23



I pushed him to the ground but then it got broken up haha. I smashed an empty beer bottle in the street, and he thought I smashed his bong, so he punched me... He's been sending me apology messages all morning lol.

29Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 15:36



What's with all the drama llamas people?

Get happy or I'm gonna start handing out spankings. And my spankings aren't kinky. They're mean, bitter assholes that will rock your world and leave you crying for your mommy.


That is all.

30Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 15:49



Cotton Hill wrote:I pushed him to the ground but then it got broken up haha. I smashed an empty beer bottle in the street, and he thought I smashed his bong, so he punched me... He's been sending me apology messages all morning lol.

Good man

At least you stood up for yourself

31Tacos! Empty Re: Tacos! 2013-05-20, 16:08



Sym wrote:
Cotton Hill wrote:I pushed him to the ground but then it got broken up haha. I smashed an empty beer bottle in the street, and he thought I smashed his bong, so he punched me... He's been sending me apology messages all morning lol.

Good man

At least you stood up for yourself

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