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Grr, so annoying about trying to upgrade weapons

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's a pain in the ass, half the time I get stuff I don't need. I'm still using the freaking rank one Mattock on my soldier. Wish I would get an upgrade already, got a rank five Avenger, but big whoopdy doo. The thing is ok, but I need to be able to lay down some serious accurate firepower in a short period of time, not wait until I expend a million rounds before doing any respectable dents into the enemies armor.



Yeah the RNG seems to give you exactly what you don't want.

I've wanted the Geth Plasma Shotgun and Asari Adept since the start but no luck. My packs have been filled with Graal Spike Throwers, Falcons, Strikers, and Kishock Harpoon Guns, coincidentally all guns that blow if you're not host(Kishock is alright though).

Avenger is actually considered one of the best AR's though. Mattock is definitely better if you can aim though. Also the Revenant is awesome if you use Turian Soldier.

But anyways jsut keep buying veteran packs if you want the mattock, only 150 maximum to get the level 10 revenant if you happen to not run into any repeat character cards which you definitely will. You will get repeat character cards until the end of time.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I got the Geth SMG, and already have the Revenant, but I'm a human soldier since I've yet to unlock the Turian. Frag grenades are awesome though if you know how to judge distance and use them at the right moments. It's usually how I dominate the battlefield. Grenades are really my bread and butter when it comes to a human soldier. I just wish I could respec my points so that I can take them out of concussive shot and put them into fitness.

Whats wrong with the Falcon by the way? I know it has a low capacity for ammunition but is it weak as well or something?



I haven't used the Falcon a whole bunch, but when I did I really felt worthless to my team. It fires pretty slow(slowest firing AR I believe), damage isn't bad but it doesn't seem to have a great DPS. I've heard it has potential but I didn't see it when I used it.

Also this game deals with lag and explosive weapons REALLY badly. If you are using a grenade launching gun, only 3/4-1/2 of your shots will hit if you aren't the host. Same goes for guns that you have to lead like the graal spike thrower I believe. I've missed shots at stationary targets aimed at the center of mass with that thing.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Are you playing on console? PC seems to be different



Yeah I'm on the 360.

But it seems like people on the PC have the same problem with lag making the falcon/striker suck(according to GFAQS). Decent guns if you're host but sub-par otherwise.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Interesting, will have to remember that. Now question, how do I unlock the additional customization options for my characters? Is that done through the character cards or what?



Yep that's through the character cards. And the character cards keep on coming even when you have all the options unlocked.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

just tried my first silver match, and I have gathered that I'm still far too weak to play in that game mode. A mattock II is not going to cut it, I can barely take down the shields of a centurion with a full magazine.

Really irritating. Only weapon worth noting is the avenger since it's the one I have most upgraded.

EDIT: Just tried again with the Revenant LMG. Is it just me or does the soldier seem absolutely worthless in the higher levels? The amount of time you must remain out in the open shooting leaves you open to being swarmed and just decimated. The tougher mods force you to pop out of cover, shoot for a few seconds and then retreat back into cover. It's as if you need to do a shit ton of damage in such a short period of time where the Soldier just can't seem to match that, at least a human one can't.


Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Is it just me, or does the soldier seem to suck on the harder difficulties?



Yeah, the soldier is pretty bad IMO.

The Turian soldier is a good support class with the revenant and marksman, but you won't be getting a lot of kills. Not sure if I would trust it on Gold.

I've also heard the Batarian soldier is good, but I don't have that yet.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Batarian soldier is awesome, and the soldier class can be used on Gold, but the class is only good when you start getting rank X guns to use with it.

The unlock system is kinda killing the MP for me. When the premium packs were out I bouth 5 in a row that didn't even have a gun in them! Yet I still don't have the Geth engineer after getting about 12 character cards in the those PSP's. I wish they would release a weapon pack or something >_>

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

So far the best setup I have on Silver, is setting concussive shot to the spec that has it applying my ammo power to it (Incendiary, Cryo etc.) and then carrying only my AR. Spamming the crap out of it works very well against most things, especially with a +140% recharge rate. Saved several of my squad mates with it actually when they were being skull fucked by Phantoms and the like.

Just wish I could get a better rifle, currently the Vindicator I is working alright for now, but it certainly can benefit from a significant amount of upgrades.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I would go Avenger if you have it above 3 or 4. It seriously does as much damage per second as the vindicator and it weighs half as much as the damn Mattock.

I ran Phalanx and Avenger on a lot of setups early on. The heavy pistols seem to be the best overall weapon class

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I tried using the Avenger, and it took forever to kill ANYTHING even though it was an Avenger V. The Vindicator at least allows me to place headshots at range with relative ease. I tend to stay a ways back anyway from the front since I have to expose my self for longer periods of time as opposed to other classes that have a much higher amount of burst DPS where they can get in get out fast.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Hmmm I guess I had a fairly high opinion of the Avenger, seemed servicable when I used it. but if you really want to upgrade the Mattock and vindicator, stick to buying the veteran packs. you can buy 3x as many as you would get Spectres and you will end up getting more commons.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, the Avenger is OK, but honestly, the higher damage multipliers to the head make up for the slightly heavier weight. Power heavy classes like the Adept, engineer and the like would benefit more from the Avenger' light weight as opposed to the soldier where the majority of our DPS comes from our rifles.

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