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Some questions

Patrick Star
7 posters

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1Some questions Empty Some questions 2012-05-27, 15:40



Wow I got addicted yesterday.Just used the tutorial world from the 360 and built a house,then expanded it some for more room for a bed and chest.

I found obsidian and made the portal but what's the purpose of that place?A bunch of fire and a ghost floating around looking like the one from mario lol

found a little more diamond at the very bottom of this huge cave,then found a zombie mob spawner...I destroyed it,does that mean no more zombies should spawn?I've been placing lots of torches.I seem to have hit rock bottom with a huge pool of lava though.

any way to find diamonds easily?And what's the deal with the dispenser? Is it supposed to create new diamonds?I put some pork chops in there just to test it with a regular manual switch and it just spit out what I put in there,didn't create anything new.

kinda wanted diamond armor and weapon and axe,shovel,etc...

thought about doing raccoon city lol.

also what's the deal with growing food?I placed a bunch of wheat and checked it later and it disappeared with the grass grown over it.Still looking for sugar somewhere to make a cake for the achievement.that one about building a railway 500m in one direction seems a pain

2Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 15:44



I just got the game last night but played a little of the pirated version. I'm kinda lazy right now and only read something about food not growing and i guessing you didnt put it near water? its needs water.

3Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 15:48



yea it was next to this little lake.It was weird,some of the wheat grew normal,but others,it just disappeared.Was kinda wanting a way to have food available...hunting down pigs was a chore

4Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 15:59

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

THere has to be a water source near by for the wheat to grow. You'll know it's suitable to grow by the soil color it should be a dark brown color if its by water.
Dispensers are suppose to be used primarily for traps (put arrows or snow balls in there plus a pressure plate) But they can also be a sort of candy machine, just put some regular mats(materials) in there.
The nether is cool for collecting glow stone or finding nether fortresses( not included in the xbox version Razz) also lava buckets for dayz.(smelting ores).
As an alternative to growing wheat you can also fish which takes some patience.

5Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 16:00

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

a number of things will have changed sine B1.6.6 (PC is in R1.2.5) but the basics are still the same.

6Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 16:09



0___o is that enderdragon a real bitch to kill?haha I wanna go there,but,I don't even know if you can in the xbox version....something tells me I can't.But I don't see why I could go to the nether and not the End

anybody wanna team up? Razz

7Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 16:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

JrTapia1991 wrote:

0___o is that enderdragon a real bitch to kill?haha I wanna go there,but,I don't even know if you can in the xbox version....something tells me I can't.But I don't see why I could go to the nether and not the End

anybody wanna team up? Razz

the enderdragon isnt in 1.6.6. the nether was added waaaaay before the end. the end was added in R1.0.

8Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 18:21



Also make sure Animals dont walk over your farm tiles as that turns them back into dirt

Put your farm in a fenced off area

The Nether is good for getting mushrooms for Soup,Glowstone for lighting (Better than torches) and Netherack which will stay permanently on fire so most people use it in a fireplace

9Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 18:50



I'm gonna make it like that,although I don't understand at all how that works

10Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 20:16



Thats for Sugarcane

For wheat you want something like this


-Torches or other light source
~ Water
` Crops

11Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 22:22


JrTapia1991 it even worth it w/wheat?I heard about animal farming but dunno how it works...the complexity of this little game is boggling Very Happy

12Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 22:25



I dont think you can Animal farm in the Xbox version since friendly mobs despawn at night

So wheat is good for bread

And in future updates you have a hunger bar

13Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 22:29



really glad I got it,one of the best purchase I've made I must say....hell of a game for 20 bucks.I wish I got the real pc version too since I got it Razz notch lied to us lol

14Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 22:38



I dont think Notch is involved in MC much anymore

Its Jeb leading the team I think

15Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-27, 23:16

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

notch is bust making his new game

16Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-28, 00:26



his new game seems really interesting.......heard it'll be demanding as hell tho despite having Doom1 graphics

17Some questions Empty Re: Some questions 2012-05-28, 02:08



Isn't it supposed to be like a programming oriented (and you know what I mean, not just internal but necessary programming) game?

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