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BC2 Questions From a Noob

Artimise Flare
Epyk MD
12 posters

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1BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 22:59



I notice that when I play with you guys many of you get 20-30 kills in a match.
How the hell do you do this!?
I run towards the action too. I do all the shit you guys do so why is it when the game ends I'll have 5/8 or 5/2, for example? I don't even see 30 enemies in a match so I don't get it. Is it because all of you just know the choke points/maps and flow on Rush and Conquest?
I'm not complaining, I am just VERY curious and want to get better.

2BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:11

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Map knowlage and staying moving is what I attribute to it.
I never stop moving and I usually approch objectives from the road less traveled, this way I usualy see them before they see me. Reload after every kill, I always have LW on, try out a few rounds only hipfiring. once you get that down you can run while shooting, which gives more misses on their end.
You know that plays you always get killed? Stayway from it..but find a place that you have height advantage on it to kill EVERYONE else that's hiding there.

If your playing rush, don't stay right on top of a charged mcom on attack, back off abit and kill anyone that runs strait into it expecting you to be in" that spot everyone uses".

Conquest I keep moving with in the cap zone and keep an eye on the paths of least resistance.

3BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:12

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Most cases at least for me when I play the PS3, I tend to hang back and try to go opposite routes or locations where its uncommon for enemies to be, while maintaining a view of the popular routes. Panama Canal is where I'm most at home at, if I have a decent team, it's not uncommon for me to go 20 or 30 kills or more.

It's hard to really explain, part of it I think really it's 60% skill and use of tactics ,10% is luck (The enemy being stupid and such) 10% Map Knowledge, 20% is instinct. The last 20% is something that can't really be explained. It's something that you just know and automatically do, I'm sure there are maps that you usually on your A game most of the time, every player has something like that.

The best example I can give is a string of matches that I had (All of them on Panama Canal) I was using an M14 x4 Optic with MA. I was just on a roll, when my team went and recapped a flag at C, I went to B because they would most likely try another flag that's easier, I automatically thought about ways I would approach the flag, and tried to set myself up in the best position to cover those points. Most players when they're getting decimated tend to get frustrated or desperate, and stop looking around at their surroundings, instead of taking cover, charging in and such.

Again, this is not something you can teach I think, but something you just gain over time. My friend who plays with me on the PS3, is actually about your age Texas 40? 41? and he asks me the same question, and I don't know how to answer him. Give it time, and I think you'll be able to pull these insane 30+ kills a round.

Alternatively you can just blame the SEC members for stealing all the glory and never letting you get a kill an inch wise Razz

4BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:17

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Arti, invites expected when you convert.

5BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:19

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, no worries there, I'm just waiting for my bank account to recover, and for my tax returns to come so that I can buy the game again. Also I'm just waiting for my one PS3 friend to come along, He's a pretty good recon player, spots and isn't a bad shot either. Not too great on assault wookie or anything, but he doesn't just sit there going for the 1337 Sniporz shot.

6BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:21



I'm always doing the things you describe, except for hipfire, and I really need to do that more. I'm a devious bastard and I play that way but it never seems to net me much. I guess I need to just play rush and conquest more and observe you guys more.
I play a really tactical style of play most of the time I'm by myself. I move/kill/advance in that order and I do it very delibaretly. Against the SeC run and gun it just doesn't work. I wish it did because I just don't like the CoD run-n-gun style. I WANT a more tactical game.
Thank you so much for the advice, Epyk and I will incorporate more of it into my game.

7BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:23

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

If I ever get a damn capture card, I'll try and take a video of how I play. I'm no MLG player, and granted I AM going against PS3 players here, so when I finally do come back, I'll probably be terribly rusty.

8BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:27



Thanks, Arty! I understand these things and I execute them but they never pan out. Your "luck" comment really rang true! I have at least 40% less luck than a normal player. Not sure if it's lag or my "Staton" luck with life but I have to try harder than others, I think.

9BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:29

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

It is a bit of a run a gun ill admit. has soooooo many uses..ass shown in my epyk fail vol 1 know..when its not glitching.
Try the initiate while hipfiring then move into rds while firing, that's a good transitioner, after a while you'll notice you don't have to rds much anymore.

10BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-10, 23:38



I do admit I have the ADS syndrome bad but I have been trying to overcome it and have been succesful but I am really liking your advice on hipfire, Epyk.
Things that may be obvious to some of you are not obvious to us noobs.

Anyone's comments and suggestions are very welcome so give it up.

11BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 00:19



change your gamertag to haav the letters k-h-u-l- and t in it

people just bend over

12BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 00:31



The key to killing is to play aggressive. Get behind their spawn so their back is almost always towards you. When people get killed in and around their spawn they go rageface mode making them even easier to kill when they respawn. This also frees up a shit ton of room for your team to arm charges/cap flags.

That's my take on it, anyways.

13BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 00:52



You got me thinking about what it really takes to be a good player. im writing down a list of the things i think are most important, not done, i'll probably post it tomorrow

14BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 00:54



I'm the best in the world at what I do.

15BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 00:57

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Alpha male. Say it with me.

16BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 01:08


I'm with Arti about the instinct. At this point, I've finally learned maps, all the popular ways to do stuff, the ways people go, etc. You've just got to take advantage of that knowledge. Know which bases people go for, how people approach MCOMM's, which MCOMM/Flag they're most likely to go for first, etc. Sometimes you just know what to do. Now, I'm able to beat almost anyone in 1 on 1 fights in buildings because I'm able to predict how they're going to attack and counter it easily. You've just got to be a bit craft honestly.

The way I got good was literally playing exclusively Arica Harbor Conquest for like 20 levels, unless friends were on. Best map to get kills on IMO.

17BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 02:20



I'm going to reiterate what everyone just said basically. Learn the flow of the map, and know when to play it safe and when to go balls out. Instinct is a big factor in the latter.

18BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 02:33

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Couldn't have said it better myself Wacco.

I have my ups and downs, but when I'm on my A game, I decimate almost everything in my path. I think to this day my best record is 46-3 on Panama Canal, while that's not as impressive as some of you who go like 60 or 100 something, I'd like to think that since I was running solo with randoms, that's pretty good.

Regardless, it's something that's innate I think, something that you just pick up the more and more you play. Talent perhaps? The ability to look into a situation on the fly and be able to process it right then and there?

If you really look at it, a really good player kind of plays like a Chess player, always trying to think four or five moves ahead, and predicting the way the fight will progress. That same thinking kind of applies to games like this. Sure you can be great at aiming or pulling those no scopes off, but without that ability to adapt and react on the fly, that seems to be what really limits players.

Not to say you don't have those qualities Texas, it's most likely you've just not unlocked them fully yet. Time and practice I suppose are the best advice I can give you.

Another example, when approaching C on Panama Canal from the boat between C and A, people usually hide in three places, either in the crates, in the corner closest to the outside stair cases, or the small door on the opposite side. All three of these locations offer the best means to cover the various entrances, thus, you approach the door way at an angle so that you have a view of the stair case inside that leads up to the second floor, secondly you check the corner directly left of the door, and finally you make a quick sweep of the crates and then the far corner where they usually sit while capturing the flag.

At flag Alpha, four places they'll hide, either behind the dumpster below the tin shed thing, behind the destroyed car under the same shed thing, in the corner where another destroyed car is by the flag, or within the building next to the flag. Knowing these locations and committing them to memory helps in predicting what the enemy players will do.

Throwing a grenade will more often than not make the enemy run a specific direction. Use that to your advantage in locations like B where they like to hide behind the crate. Throw it to the left corner, and they'll most likely run right, or throw a grenade behind the crates and quickly shoot them, they will most likely run behind it for cover, only to be taken out by the grenade.

You have to do this stuff on the fly, you can't really think about it, it has to be something you do automatically, it must be committed to muscle memory if you will.

There's more I could add, but I think you see my point. And no offense to you if I came off as being a prick or something, or if I accidentally insulted anyones intelligence. I have a bad habit of getting into these "lecture" or teaching type modes I suppose. So my bad if I irked anyone >.>

19BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 03:43



Personally im a very aggresive player. I try to catch the enemy off guard by flanking or just plain force. Map knowledge is huge as well.

20BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 09:56




Cover: Use it and use it well. Whenever i can i make as little of my body visible to the enemy!

Traffic routes: There's usually well defined paths that most players take! and knowing this enables you to set up traps and ambushes very successfully.

The road less traveled is a road i watch A LOT. I try and keep the "sneaky" bastards out, keeps those pesky flankers from shooting our "asses".

Weapon of choice: Not only a necessity but depends on the level design.

Long range: i choose either m24 for defense m14 for med-long range or m16 as i know i do well with these.

FRAGS: Use EM!!! i've gotten beyond enough random grenade kills to satisfy my appetite. nearly 800 g-nade kills now. Using them on choke points may cause people to second guess running through an opening, and with any luck bunches people up. In turn helping with the next tactic.

Flanking: show no remorse! shoot em in the ass!! yes those dog tags can be tempting. but lighting up a whole squad that's concentrating on that fragged corridor makes it all the sweeter. Their focused on the frag and your obliterating them from their 6.

Timing and travel: This has more to do with the beginning of matches. Knowing how fast a person with lght weight or an atv can get to a point is in-valuable. If you can get to a heavy traffic area first and set up AT mines or c4 and wait. ALL the better. sure your probably gonna die, but taking out 5-6 guys by yourself before they kill you makes it all the sweeter. AND you just gave your team the edge in the beginning of the battle.

Loadout: Choose whatever works best for you.

Tight maps: i saiga or usas with extended mags and lght weight

open maps: m16 with smoke launcher and extra grenades. now i have 2 frags and 4 smoke grenades, before i have to throw a ammo crate down. (this is my most used class)

Vehicle heavy maps: m14 with c4 if there's plentiful amounts of cover. if cover isn't an option or there's choppers then i go to mr winslow and my aks74u with expl mk2 and extra explosives.

RELOAD!!!: All too much people die because they get in a fight with 5 rnds in their mag. I'm a reload whore!! i do it after almost every engagement. If i have the time!! If you don't have the time to reload see Transitioning.

Choices: common sense helps when playing. Don't run across huge expanses where alot of people have been shooting, your just gonna die 90% of the time. Motion sensors! YOU HEAR A BEEPING! stop and check the minimap, if you don't see a sensor ball YOU"VE BEEN SPOTTED!! i've stopped moving soo many times as randoms have kept moving and i ended up getting that pesky wookie that picked off the moving teammates.

Proper loadout comes into play here as well!

Kickin ass:having a steady right thumb also helps! don't over shoot your enemy. most people just lay on the trigger when face to face with an enemy. control your trigger finger!

Transitiong: All too often people run out of ammo and need to reload during a gun fight! FUCK THAT. I hit that little yellow button and suprise you with 7-15 rounds from my sidearm! this has saved me numerous times and actually gotten me 3-4 kills at a time.

You already play smart just get used to the levels and know the timing and what the majority of players are gonna do! NEVER being suprised by something also helps. ALWAYS expect someone to be where your going!

21BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 10:01



Don't play with SeC. They steal all your kills. Haha.

22BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 10:54



After reading all this great advice I realise my two biggest faults. I don't know the maps and I don't play a lot so I don't completely know the flow of the maps and I don't have enough experience to fully utilize any play style.
Back when I was playing a lot I was only playing maybe two hours a night and now I play once every two weeks or so.
Guess I gotta get more play time in!

A note: I'm always trying to flank but by the time I get there the battle has always moved somewhere else.

Thanks for the advice.

23BC2 Questions From a Noob Empty Re: BC2 Questions From a Noob 2011-02-11, 10:56



Yea map knowledge is the key. Also as attacker you gotta know where to NOT go.

Aiing down the sights is fine but hip firing is a good skill to learn. I use irons tho so the time it takes me to aim down the sights is not as long as someone that uses 4x scope. I used to sed 4x scope ALOT!!!! Once I got off that crutch and used irons and light weight my game went up alot. I LOVE light weight. Been preacing it for monthes now.

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