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Which is worse:day 22

Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
9 posters

Which is worse?

Which is worse:day 22 Vote_lcap67%Which is worse:day 22 Vote_rcap 67% [ 8 ]
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1Which is worse:day 22 Empty Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 16:33



Which would you least like to be ruled by

Im just really Anti Religious

I dont want to be told what to do by some invisible sky man that would put the voices in my head out of a job

2Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 16:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


Religion can cause some seriously fucked up shit to happen. they are all bad, but a Religion-State just worries me.

3Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 16:37



There already is one man

Ever heard of the Catholic church they literally have their own country

4Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 16:44


You guys are more scared of a theocratic dictatorship because you don't like religion than a military dictatorship that will have you shot if you say anything wrong about the dictator? Mmmk.

5Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 16:54

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Just beacuse some parts of religion are bad doesn't mean everything is. Lots of great things come from religion too (not that I would know, I don't do church). I would hate to be told what to believe but I fear military oppression more. the idea of seeing soldiers patrolling my street makes my blood boil with anger.

6Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:01



Its better than a theocracy where if you say anything wrong you get crucified or set on fire

Or drowned to prove your innocence

Also I can respect a man with a guns thought process but some fruit loop who is claiming a divine power told him to do all this evil shit? That I cant understand

7Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

'i have a gun, do as i say' = its a dick move, but his attitude is understandable.

'do as i say, Mr Bossman in the sky says so. if you dont... crucifixion time! it says so in this book that is proved by circular logic!' = makes no fucking sense at all.

8Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:23



Frostbyrn wrote:Its better than a theocracy where if you say anything wrong you get crucified or set on fire

Or drowned to prove your innocence

Also I can respect a man with a guns thought process but some fruit loop who is claiming a divine power told him to do all this evil shit? That I cant understand

9Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:25



Oh oh oh I got another

Stoned to death because you got raped

10Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:28



I guess it would go hand in hand though since they would be the leaders and have the army in control anyway

11Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:40

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

At least with a religion you have clear rules written in a book. Think about the worst people who ever lived as far as human atrocity. The names Stalin, Mao, Hitler come to mind and none of them were part of a theocracy. And I know they weren't a "dictatorship" but I thin most of us would agree they ran their goverments very much like one.

12Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:41


Wacco wrote:You guys are more scared of a theocratic dictatorship because you don't like religion than a military dictatorship that will have you shot if you say anything wrong about the dictator? Mmmk.

Agreed i'd be a little worried if people walk around with huge guns in public and roll tanks around freely...

13Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Terry Corp. wrote:At least with a religion you have clear rules written in a book. Think about the worst people who ever lived as far as human atrocity. The names Stalin, Mao, Hitler come to mind and none of them were part of a theocracy. And I know they weren't a "dictatorship" but I thin most of us would agree they ran their goverments very much like one.

Nazi Germany and Communist Russia were Dictatorships.

whether they were more political or military is up for debate though Razz

14Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:44



I'd have to be more scared of a theocratic dictatorship. For the plain fact that if the theocrats follow any holy book I know of, then the punishment for the most basic parts of modern life is extreme as is. I don't really care how I do (preferring painless of course) but I'd rather it be by someone who will understand the action and regret, than by some deluded zealot serving their "god".

15Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:53



Hitler replaced every single picture of Jesus in catholic schools with pictures of himself

He was trying to set up a theocracy

And sure Military Dictatorships are bad but Theocratic Dictatorships are usually far worse once they get going

16Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 17:54

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah Carey wrote:I'd have to be more scared of a theocratic dictatorship. For the plain fact that if the theocrats follow any holy book I know of, then the punishment for the most basic parts of modern life is extreme as is. I don't really care how I do (preferring painless of course) but I'd rather it be by someone who will understand the action and regret, than by some deluded zealot serving their "god".

i'd rather have someone censor my life due to the understanding of how control of Media can be used as propaganda and how control of populatioon groups can minimize dissidence, than someone censoring my life because the holy book doesn't mention facebook or the pub for example.

17Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 18:24



Egypt is the only military dictatorship I can think of right now, and the military there is actually held with a lot of esteem... Theyre going through a prolonged revolution so I dont know how long the military's power will last. I guess North Korea could also be called a military dictatoship, but its almost a theocracy too as the head of the military is also treated like a sort of demi-god (Kim Jong Un)

It mostly depends if I were of the same religion of the theocracy I was living in. If I lived in an aethiest theocracy (... i dont know if that could exist) i'd probably be a lot happier than if I lived in a country under Sharia law like tribal afghanistan where I could get stoned to death for looking a woman in the eyes

Political Dictatorship is pretty much like modern China, life wouldnt be too bad there as long as I wasnt a peasant living in the gobi desert

Monarchial Dictatorship... I dont think these really exist anymore outside of tradition (like british royalty)

18Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 18:32



Little bit of research...

Military dictatorships
North Korea

Lawless regions of Afghansitan (run by Taliban)

Political Dictatorships

19Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 18:38



Not 100% but I think Fiji may still be under Military rule

Its funny the guy who took over was only a colonel and dint actually promote himself to General or anything after coming into power Very Happy

20Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 18:59



Isn't Laos also under political dictatorship?

And i'd much rather live under a military dictatorship then a theocratic one.

21Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 19:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Zillah wrote:Monarchial Dictatorship... I dont think these really exist anymore outside of tradition (like british royalty)


thanks for the laugh Zillah Razz

22Which is worse:day 22 Empty Re: Which is worse:day 22 2012-05-29, 19:12



Yeah the Queen is pretty much a figurehead Very Happy

Oh did you see the monarchy now passes to the first born child instead of just the firstborn son

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