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What would you do-Week 1

The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
Patrick Star
17 posters

What would you do?

What would you do-Week 1 Vote_lcap57%What would you do-Week 1 Vote_rcap 57% [ 8 ]
What would you do-Week 1 Vote_lcap43%What would you do-Week 1 Vote_rcap 43% [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 14

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1What would you do-Week 1 Empty What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:40



Also going to be adding a weekly topic like thing as well

PM ideas are welcome and would be a relief so I dont have to use my brain Very Happy

Ill try and make them challenging and if at all possible please avoid the urge to type Other:I use my power of flight to etc etc etc


Your child and wife have both fallen over a cliff you are holding each one in one hand but need two hands to pull them up meaning you have to drop one to save the other

Which one do you drop?

2What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:42



I'm neither married or a father, ergo I haven't a clue what kind of choice that'd be. Most likely torturous. I'll abstain.

3What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:45



Neither am I but I still know what option I would go for man

4What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:52




At least to me. At this point in my life.

5What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:55



I figure your wife is the mother of the child and she would want you to save the kid

If you did save her I imagine she would always resent you for doing that ,She may know its unfair but I reckon she would always feel that way

6What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:59

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I would drop the kid you can always make another one, but i'm not married or have a child so my view has a possibility of changing

7What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 21:59



I;d probably drop my wife

8What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 22:08

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Can I drop both of them?

9What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 22:09



Its Unorthodox but I will allow it fox Very Happy

Going for that pity sex are you?

10What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 22:18



Well I dont really like kids. Depends if my wife is still likable and how much I like the kid.

11What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 23:18



Both options have their benefits, but if I had to choose I would go with kid.

12What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-30, 23:21



I'd drop the kid.

The only reason for his existence is so I can make a hockey player out of him. I could just have/adopt another one.

That and if I were to get married(I hope >_>) it would be because I unconditionally love my wife. I wouldn't want to lose that.

13What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 01:20



Wife, for reasons I think should be obvious.

14What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 01:30



you can always make another kid Razz

15What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 02:17



I remember when I was immature and thought "Meh we can always make more kids"

You just dropped the womens child off a cliff even if you did it to save her life she is going to hate you forever

16What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 03:15



Really hard to choose between the two but I would probably go with Wife.

17What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 11:31


Khfan60 wrote:I'd drop the kid.

The only reason for his existence is so I can make a hockey player out of him.

This was great.

Hmm most likely i'd drop the kid but it'd depend on how i felt about both of them, if the wife truely wanted me to save the kid then i'd have to respect her wishes.

18What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 17:40



So, what, I'm a lesbian now?

19What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 17:45



Myna wrote:So, what, I'm a lesbian now?

Yes, yes you are. Cool

20What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 17:45

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Myna wrote:So, what, I'm a lesbian now?

pretty much.

21What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 18:08

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Myna wrote:So, what, I'm a lesbian now?

At least for this topic lol

This would be pretty tough I might have to say kid, but it really depends on what our relationship is like.

22What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 19:42



Well, can't wait to break THAT news to Pariah....

23What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 20:46



You like the pink tacos Very Happy

Just change wife to husband for you though Siren Very Happy

24What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 20:51


Frostbyrn wrote:You like the pink tacos Very Happy

Just change wife to husband for you though Siren Very Happy

So would you drop Pariah or Pariah jr?

25What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 21:06



if the wife gets mad I dropped the kid can I drop her then too? Razz

26What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 22:01



chunckylover53 wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:You like the pink tacos Very Happy

Just change wife to husband for you though Siren Very Happy

So would you drop Pariah or Pariah jr?

Yes Very Happy

27What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-05-31, 23:47



Myna wrote:So, what, I'm a lesbian now?

I wanna watch.

and not the kind that tells time.

28What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-01, 12:10



So many marriages end up in divorce these days... I would probably drop my wife.

When parents lose kids theyre never really the same again... people can get over losing spouses more easily (generally)

29What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-01, 19:04



You would have to see a women naked to get her pregnant zillah

unless you were jerking off into a pool Very Happy

30What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-03, 14:27



chunckylover53 wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:You like the pink tacos Very Happy

Just change wife to husband for you though Siren Very Happy

So would you drop Pariah or Pariah jr?

Pariah jr.... If I ever had a kid I'm sure I'd love it, but the first love comes first. Kid can go die D:<

31What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-03, 16:39



This thread is quality. I approve.

32What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-03, 20:01

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Cardboard Fox wrote:Can I drop both of them?

Fox, What movie is that gif of yours from?

33What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-03, 21:13

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


...and then the kid too.

34What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-03, 22:18

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Artimise Flare wrote:
Cardboard Fox wrote:Can I drop both of them?

Fox, What movie is that gif of yours from?

No idea, the only thing I know is that it's from India.

35What would you do-Week 1 Empty Re: What would you do-Week 1 2012-06-03, 23:10



it's fucking bad ass

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