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Might not see me for a week

Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
10 posters

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1Might not see me for a week Empty Might not see me for a week 2012-07-27, 12:28

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

So if there is anything you want to say to me before I go i would do it today. I will be in the middle of nowhere from monday to friday visiting the GFs family. And when I say middle of nowhere I mean it. about 60 miles from the next town, and a population of less than 1000 >_>. but lucky for you all I will be around for the next 6 hours or so. so try and drink up the awesome of my presence for a while before you have to go without Razz

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

are you sure its only a week? can't you take some extra leave? Wink



<3 Terry.



>___> sounds like my town lol

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Adli Corporation wrote:are you sure its only a week? can't you take some extra leave? Wink

Adli, you will miss me most of all Cool


Chill the fuck out terry

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

say hey to these peeps for me. Might not see me for a week Courage-1 also, take care terry.



Bah have fun in podunk town.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well if it's a population of less than 1000, I'd say get really drunk one night and start a riot.

10Might not see me for a week Empty Re: Might not see me for a week 2012-07-27, 18:07



there is a chance that you might be missed

11Might not see me for a week Empty Re: Might not see me for a week 2012-07-27, 19:22



If you see any freaky children playing the banjo get the fuck out of there!

12Might not see me for a week Empty Re: Might not see me for a week 2012-07-27, 20:48



Sounds about like where I went for a few days to see my moms.

No one had teeths...

Have fun Terry!

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