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Useless team mates...

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1Useless team mates... Empty Useless team mates... 2012-06-15, 04:15



Joined metro CQ on the losing team 1300 something to 1700 something,took B and got them down to like 1000 tickets or so then boom they just slaughtered our team and we never came back,I had like 150 kills,mostly from the pecheng w/bipod covering that right side on B.Useless team mates were going like 6-40something...I got so mad I send the dude who went 6-50 a message saying to just quit cuz he fuckin sucks and was draggin the team down Evil or Very Mad

uurggghhhhhh lmao I had em with the bipod =/ but the pussy team mates wouldn't push forward and kept dying and nobody bothered reviving besides me....the randies were in 500% herpa derp mode.Weird thing is the battle report didn't even show up on battlelog.Maybe cuz I froze out.

edit: oh damn,I left the part out where we made literally every person on their team quit except for 1 person,then my useless team got cocky spawn killing them from A,then they snuck around,and the ending was near....

0__0 I've never had that happen,made a whole team quit in the middle of the match


sorry asses got slaughtered without us....that guy went 7-44 I sent the hatemail to.Why does it always have to put me on the sorry ass team?

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