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Close Quarters Thoughts

Ars Diaboli
Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
9 posters

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1Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 10:41



So yea I'm a whore and I bought premo.

Close quarters will be worth the money spent either way. The maps are GREAT! Ziba Towers and Scrap Metal are my two favs. Ziba wins because I kick ASS on that map pretty much every game. Ask Metal. He played one game with me and I rocked it! I went like 36 and 12 and dominated the score board. Then yesterday morning I had a match were I went 20 and 5 or something like that. Even my wife was impressed watching me. I like Scarp Metal because there are so many paths you can take and its just a cool looking gritty looking map! Donya Fortress is pretty bad ass in its own right. Maybe not as many paths but it still looks really cool and plays very well. I like the basement and the blown out entrance in the ground. I've had some good firefights there. Op 925 is my least favorite but its still decent. I guess its just the blandest of the maps. I still have fun on it but its more vanilla than the other 3 if that makes sense.

Conquest Domination is a blast to play. I don;t mind the smaller teams because it works for the size of the maps and I've had some GREAT battles over the weekend! I enjoy this so much more than conquest. Action is tight packed but you still need teamwork to get it done. I've managed to get on some teams were the people just clicked and we all focused on certain flags for defense and offense and just dominated! TDM is still TDM but they are good maps for it. Gunmaster is a novelty. Honestly I likes gun game on Black ops so I have fun playing this but now that I got my top 5 for the assignment in my second game I may ad I'll not likely play it much. I liked on black ops how you could humiliate someone and set them back plus it was free for all. The team thing really dosn't make sense to me for this since there is only one winner.

Assignments are pretty easy. I have them all done except for two. THe second engi and the second recon. almost done with the second recon. The AUG and Scar are both really good new assault guns The Scar L is a awesome marksman rifle and really dominates at range with little recoil and good accuracy. At least it feels good to me. Support, the L86 seems really good to me but I've not used it much and I only used the LSAT for like 5 minutes so I can;t really judge it. Just started using the ACW for engi last night and it feels pretty well rounded. I seem to get beat in close quarters ALOT with it tho. Recons M417 is AWESOME to me. Its what I use recond for a semi auto battle rifle. I've only used it a few games but I love it! SPAS seems fine, tho I just love the 870 for some reason and the MP5K is just a novelty weapon. the MP7 is soooo much better.

Anyways. I think its well worth the money. I wish they could have fit rush in somehow but I still like COnquest DOM.

Last edited by DRGN LRD 1213 on 2012-06-18, 17:38; edited 1 time in total

2Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 10:58

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm still up in the air about the maps. They look great, and are great for what they are (CQB Maps), but I would have loved to see them somehow put Rush in there. I still don't like the Gun Master mode though. That game is just basically free for all with teams, although it doesn't matter how your team or squadmates do because only one person wins. I like the concept behind it, I just think they could have done it better.

3Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 11:05

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Cool, I was gonna ask you what you thought of it yesterday, but you went offline before I could send you an invite. I'm patiently waiting for CQ to release for us common folk.

4Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 11:14



Kalei, I hear ya. I love rush. I was a little disappointed that it was not included somehow but Conquest Dom is still a lot of fun and worth it. I'm not a big conquest fan really. I just get bored with it easily but Conquest DOm is pure action! Yea Gunmaster could have been better for sure but hey no matter how they did it it was always going to be a novelty mode. Its worth it I think. I've had a ton of fun with it!

Terry, I think you'll enjoy it. In the meantime I'm still down to play on the old maps with the commoners anytime. So if you see me shoot me an invite.

5Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 17:28



Its growing on me.

6Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 17:35

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I just noticed the classic DL spelling fail in the title Very Happy

7Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 17:37



=o/ Nice.

My fingers move faster than my brain most of the time. Or my brain has moved on to something new?

Damn spelling nazi!

8Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 23:25

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's all right, but not worth the $15 in my opinion. I'd pay $5 for it at most. I got a good deal for the points to get premium (about $30), so that's the only reason I actually got it.

The only real new game mode is Gun Master (carbon copy of one of CoD's modes, I hear. Correct me if I'm wrong Razz), which is all right I guess. Nothing I'll play more than once every 20 or so games but I can see others liking it more than me. It's a good way to learn the weapons, but it would be better if the weapons were all randomized, instead of always the same.

The maps are... OK I guess. They don't suck, but aren't amazing either. They just... are. I can play in them and have a good time, but have no love for them.

Conquest Domination (terrible name <_<) is just a tiny Conquest, I have a hard time considering it an all new mode.

Overall, 4 tiny maps, only one real new game mode (for the franchise at least Laughing), 10 extra weapons. I would gladly pay $5 for that amount of content. No more. I just think it's a rip-off at $15.

I hope DICE introduces some good game modes in the future. I mean, MAG for example, got some really nice ideas that could be implemented in BF or used as a reference, based on objective play instead of HURR DURR RUN AND SHOOT!

9Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 23:45



0___o the new weapons always insta-kill me,so the 50 bucks seems worth it just for them.....I wanna try out that M417,it seems better than the SKS,I don't even know I'm gettin shot with these new guns and I'm already dead,that ACW is like the old famas for the engies

I picked up an AUG the other day with front grip,suppressor (supposed to make gun weaker right?) and red dot,and just insta killed people with it,even at longer range,and that thing has zero recoil

I think I'm gonna get premium just for the new guns Razz

10Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-18, 23:59



None of the weapons insta-kill anything so I'm not sure what you mean. The ACW is good, I like it, but it also takes 1 more bullet to kill than the other Engi weapons which keeps its kill time down.

The only new guns I haven't used yet are the Tar and M5k, but none of the others seem out of balance to me.

11Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 00:01



Yea I dont get the deal with the AUG. I have 150 kills with it and find it an average AR compared to the rest.

12Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 00:58



AUG isn't THAT good. The faster ROF weapons deal the same damage. Like AEK. And apparently FAMAS was patch to be not horrible but not god tier either.

13Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 01:29



well yea that's what I mean,they shoot so damn fast I have no chance to kill the people using them,the ACW and MTAR are beastly up close,AUG does some decent damage and has no recoil,and I was very surprised how quickly I killed people with it using a suppressor

14Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 08:52

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Before I read the wall of text that is this thread, I would like to first add to it.

CQ is great. I find it is indeed reminescent of CoD, but with positive connotations. A nice change of pace really.

15Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 09:45



Hmmm While I do think the maps op 925 and maybe DOnya fortress are nothing outstanding I think Scrap Metal is just an amazing map. Maybe its because I enjoy COD as well as Battlefield but Scrap Metal is one of the most fun and well laid out maps I've played on. For the new game mode its a perfect size. I love the multiple levels of it. There are so many angles and flank routes. I was capping center flag and got killed by a RPG by some guy running past on some pipes on the top level. It was awesome and I got killed! HA

I want to go home right now and play some scrap metal goodness!

Also what I think is cool is you can see the train go through the center of the map. Also on OP 925 if you look out the window by the coffee shop you can see a convoy of Hummers drive by. I thought it was a cool touch.

16Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 11:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I wouldn't know anything about that stuff Sad

17Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-19, 16:00



I love the layout of Scrap Metal, but I don't really like the art direction. It's too dark IMO. The bottom room of the taller building (without a flag on the roof) really sucks too.

18Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-20, 00:30



Overall I really, really like it.
However playing run n' gun like crazy and trying to finish assignments more than play good has dropped my KD by .03... makes me sad...

Still it is crazy stupid fun. And Scrap Metal is awesome because it has some Metal in it.

19Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-20, 09:13



Yea mine dropped also because I just wanted to complete the challenges. THe worst was running around with my RPG trying to get rpg kills haha. Or following my squad mate just waiting for him to die so I can revive him! HA

20Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-20, 12:46



I got the ACW-R in one match. Decided to get the EOD bot kill too.

I got it, but I could pilot an RC car better than that thing.

21Close Quarters Thoughts Empty Re: Close Quarters Thoughts 2012-06-20, 13:22



I got my EOD kill playing rush. I walked up behind a sniper and zapped him in the ass while he was oblivious to me.

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