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The role model to all tankers IMO.

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This guys is nuts. (Probably old news but still pretty impressive.) Couldn't help but notice this guy plays only on tight maps such as Seine Crossing and Grand Bazaar. Would have liked to of seen if he fairs as well as he does in the more open maps.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

mmm I love me some canister shell

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Damn he controls that thing smooth as butter. Thats the one thing he does a lot better than I do. Because I can kill people with the thing, I've went 36-0 in the tank before, but I'm always running into shit and whatnot.

I will say, he is lucky there weren't any supports on that map. I saw about 10 times when a support would have blown him to kingdom come.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

He's good but not great. He just uses his surroundings to his advantage, he probably plays on tight maps so he doesn't have to use smoke since you can see he rushes behind buildings(or tries to engage the people with Javys), which leads me to believe the thermal is his crutch. But he does have some pretty good aim, though. He made some pretty insane kills with the canister shell. Better than me.

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