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Talk to me SeC!

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Epyk MD
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
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1Talk to me SeC! Empty Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 12:20



Tell me something going on in your life! Or tell me your first memory of DL! And then I'll you mine of you. Or some other humerus story.

For instance a moment I remember fondly is playing BC2 with Terry we werer playing conquest on Laguna Presa. Capping the Barn flag and I doe. I was eating pizza so I was like good time to take a bite. Start to eat and Terry revives me in the middle of a firefight. I go O SHit drop my pizza on my chest and start playing! HAHAHA Something I will always remember about Terry!

If I get enough responses I'll tell you of a story that happened recently to me. It involves me getting the shit scared out of me and I swear I have not been that scared in a LONG time!

2Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 12:30

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

talking of scary, i got scared shitless a few day ago, playing Skyrim Embarassed

i was at Labyrinthian and i knew there were a few frost trolls around. i killed the first one easily and as i was running through i saw the red marker for the second troll. i drew my bow and aimed towards the dot, trying to see where it was since the dot was quite far away (didn't move far when i strafed)

then there was a roar and something hit me from the side and there was a frost troll standing right next to me. just about near shat myself.

3Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 12:56



>___> scared me being harassed by 5 cops yesterday

for BC2,hmm,idk,maybe circle strafting chopper whoring with manilla and all them

for BF3,idk,my mind's blank Razz ,recently joined the sucky losing team with zillah on metro conquest,and we're the only ones with the balls to push up,we take B,he holds down the middle ticket booth as medic,and I'm support with the pechangegegegegegegeg Razz holding down the right side w/bipod set up on that little booth to the far right at the wall,we came back and won,I got SOOOOOO many kills,I know they must have been mad.

I guess just any time we went against the odds to win.Or the other week joined a close ass kharg island conquest with duck and goin aginst camel and soap and got tbagged alot and did some tbagging too Razz ,lost by like 4 tickets

4Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 13:11



Taking my driving test in less than 2 hours, so that will be fun. Meet The Pyro comes out the same time so I should hopefully be able to see it before I take my test.

5Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 13:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:
For instance a moment I remember fondly is playing BC2 with Terry we werer playing conquest on Laguna Presa. Capping the Barn flag and I doe. I was eating pizza so I was like good time to take a bite. Start to eat and Terry revives me in the middle of a firefight. I go O SHit drop my pizza on my chest and start playing! HAHAHA Something I will always remember about Terry!

It was Nelson Bay I thought. lol

I remember when we were playing against each other on Arica Harbor on CQ and we were messing around. I was on the ATV trying to run you over and you jumped and swung your knife and killed me off the ATV! Mad

6Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 13:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Shall I regale you in the adventures of being a mattress delivery man?

Last edited by Epyk on 2012-06-27, 13:30; edited 1 time in total

7Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 13:27



I've been playing Alliance of Valiant Arms for the past few days, really fun stuff. Just wish I had a better internet connection here.

8Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 16:34



My life is boring as hell Razz

Trying to get my mom to take me to get my hair dyed soon...apparantly I need a consultation beforehand? (never had to do that before)

Been reading more than usual (ask pariah, I never read xD) he got me into dune though, and it's a fantastic read so far. Love it ^^

Uhm...drawing, sleeping in, sitting outside, generally avoiding people, playing minecraft, that sort of stuff. It's relaxing.

Our family is taking a trip to yellowstone soon, so that's exciting Very Happy

9Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 16:43



Still looking for work here in SHITTY Oregon.

Not much else it new. Having a bbq with my band on Friday and plan on getting shit faced drunk.

Having coffee right now

Listening to the new Gojira


Children avert your eyes!!!!

10Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 16:50



I'm pretty sure it was the barn on Laguna Terry. And yea that ATV knife take down was pretty awesome! Another infamous moment was knifing Lead as he parachuted on Arica after his chopper was blown up. Lead would always get soooo man when you got his tags! Mmmmmmm I savor his anger and frustration like a fine wine!

Tom, Good luck man! Hopefully all goes well with the test!

Siren, What kind of die job needs a consultation........ Crazy. I used to die my hair in high school! It was green for awhile, then Purple, then I dies it a almost white blonde! I recomend the green! hehe

Sym! MMmmmmmm coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 16:56



Ok so heres a story.

My wife works second shift at a hospital. She typically gets off at 11:00 but sometime patients will make her a little late. I get up at 6:30 so it can be hard for me to stay awake much past 11:00 but I typically try to at least be awake for a moment when she gets home. Well Last week I fall asleep in bed waiting for her. Our driveway is outside our bedroom window so I typically hear her pull up. Well I thought I heard her and woke up but realized hey that's not the sound of her pulling up. I look at my phone and see its 12:15 and thin hunh she should be home by now. So I turn the tv back on and sort of lay there half asleep. Well we have a bathroom off our bedroom but we also have a treadmill in our bedroom that blocks the line of sight from were I lay to the bathroom door. As I lay there all of of a sudden in my half asleep daze I see my wifes head sort of float around the treadmill. I sweat to god it was the scariest shit I have seen and I sat up and back pedal and made a whaaaaaa kinda noise. She had come home walked past me and went into the bathroom without me waking. I guess her in the bathroom woke me but I didn;t realize she was in there. She was laughing her ass of at my reaction. I was sooooo not expecting her to be coming from the bathroom or even be home so I thought some ghost or something was coming at me! HAHA I am serious tho. I've been startled some but I was genuinely terrified in my half asleep state that night. HAHA

12Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 16:57

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I haven't been up to much other than my usual drunk promiscuous ways. Got pool tonight and I'm supposed to play against the guy that is currently leading our league in the MVP list. To put it into some perspective, I'm in a 4 way tie for 16th. There are roughly 150 people shooting in our league.

13Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 17:04


Epyk wrote:Shall I regale you in the adventures of being a mattress delivery man?

I think one day you'll be delivering a mattress to some young girl and she'll want you to help break it in.

14Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 17:14

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:I haven't been up to much other than my usual drunk promiscuous ways. Got pool tonight and I'm supposed to play against the guy that is currently leading our league in the MVP list. To put it into some perspective, I'm in a 4 way tie for 16th. There are roughly 150 people shooting in our league.

you should be used to 4 ways Kalei. Cool

15Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 17:15

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Actuall,y today some lady kept touching my shoulder and asking me the best ways to break a bed in...

16Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 18:05

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Epyk wrote:Actuall,y today some lady kept touching my shoulder and asking me the best ways to break a bed in...

*ques cheesy prono music*

17Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 18:08



Nothing interesting really happens in my life. Just finished school on Monday, getting back together with my girlfriend, bout to build my own gaming computer. That's about it Razz

Oh, and yesterday was my cousin's graduation, so we all went to her place, got wasted and sang songs by the fire. AND to make the night even better, my phone died, which means I didn't drunk text anyone Very Happy

18Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 18:43



I just started my new job this week. Pretty easy shit, but I'm still in the "training" portion of it. They're trying to get me acclimated to their system and read all this documentation on it, but in my last job there was no documentation and their systems were confusing as shit and I got by.

19Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 18:47



Been working like a dog lately.

Working on the house, yard work, painting rooms, cleaning garage, getting rid of useless crap you naturally aquire. (watch one episode of horders and you'll look around your house and want everything gone.)

Bought a Kia Optima, I was really on the fence with this one cause of the brand but I think they are really turning that "low grade" stigma around and it's hands down best bang for buck.

Goin to Seattle next month for mine and my wifes anniversary.

Tried playing Diablo 3, but blizzard did such a piss poor job, I can't bear to even turn it on.

I want to buy my buddy's Motorcycle, he needs to get rid of it and I want it, but I can't really afford it.

Planning out new tattoo work for my leg.

hmmm, yea that's about it I think

20Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 18:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was just thinking I haven't seen you for a while Crombie......... I miss you Sad

21Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 18:52



you should Smile

22Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-27, 20:22

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Getting ready to have a bunch of time off of work. Woooo, I love vacation time. After next week I'm working four ten-hour days for awhile so I get a three day weekend every week. I'm pretty excited.

Other than that, my life has been the usual. Trying to decide if we are going to the Final Fantasy concert in August or going to see Journey for my birthday. Probably both, hahaha.

23Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 09:05



Crombie!!!! Yea I looked the other day and it said like 18 days since youve been on live. I got sad face and stuff man!

24Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 10:38

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Crombie!!!! Yea I looked the other day and it said like 18 days since youve been on live. I got sad face and stuff man!

I did the same. I was clearing out space when I noticed how long he had been offline. Not that I would remove Crombie but it still makes me sad.

25Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 11:10

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Alpha Brit wrote:
Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:I haven't been up to much other than my usual drunk promiscuous ways. Got pool tonight and I'm supposed to play against the guy that is currently leading our league in the MVP list. To put it into some perspective, I'm in a 4 way tie for 16th. There are roughly 150 people shooting in our league.

you should be used to 4 ways Kalei. Cool

Yeah, I know. On the brightside of it all, I won 3-0 last night. Kind of stomped him the first two games then toyed around in the final game.

26Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 12:54



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Crombie!!!! Yea I looked the other day and it said like 18 days since youve been on live. I got sad face and stuff man!

awww chucks Embarassed Yea, I started playing D3 for a bit, but then realized how god awful terrible it is and stopped playing. I haven't played any BF3 in a while cause I was waiting on the cqc patch. I may try and get on tonight or this weekend though. I'm sure my leet chopper skillz are trash right now...

27Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 13:26



be ready to spend all day downloading that huge patch Sad

28Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 13:30



Well glad to hear you may be back on soon Crombie! You are missed for sure buddy! Hopefully I'll catch you this weekend. Tonight I'll be watching the Germany vs Italy match in the Euro cup. Hoping Germany beats Italy!!!!!!! The suck is I'll be watching it recorded so I have to avoid updates and scores all day........ so.... hard.... not to peek!

29Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 15:15



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Well glad to hear you may be back on soon Crombie! You are missed for sure buddy! Hopefully I'll catch you this weekend. Tonight I'll be watching the Germany vs Italy match in the Euro cup. Hoping Germany beats Italy!!!!!!! The suck is I'll be watching it recorded so I have to avoid updates and scores all day........ so.... hard.... not to peek!

Dude! me too! I'm in my cubicle right meow and the game starts in 30 min. It is REALLY hard to avoid it cause I'm in 2 different pools at work.

I managed to avoid everyone yesterday but when I PVR'd it I didn't acount for the OT and penalty kicks! 5 min in to OT "would you like to delete this recording?"


I had to watch the highlights to finish the game. ugghh. But yea, go Germany! I need a Spain Germany final for my picks.

30Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 15:23



O no!!!!!!!!!1 Dude if it happens again go to ESPN on the xbox apps page. Its free and they have the entire games replays on there. So if today's game goes to penalty kicks then you can catch them there if your recording stops.

I was chomping at the bit to get home and watch the game yesterday and it will be the same today. Overall I want to see Spain win it. I've just watched more of their games than any others and theres a few players on there I like to watch. All I know is Spain better play Torres!!!!!!

31Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 15:37



Im hoping Germany wins the whole thing. Spain has won too much and is getting old. Its been a fun tournament though ive watched almost every game

32Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 15:48



I like Spain because they way they handle the ball is brilliant! I know it gets boring but I love to watch them pass! Its something I try to teach my own kids. THe art of the pass. I can see where others think its boring, and sometimes I wish they would attack more. One reason I want to see Torres in the next game but. Its awesome! Go Spain!!!!!!!!!!

33Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I love football!..... oh wait this is soccer Sad

I only really watch soccer when the good ol USofA is playing. Even though we aren't very good.

34Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:14



Terry Corp. wrote:I love football!..... oh wait this is soccer Sad

I only really watch soccer when the good ol USofA is playing. Even though we aren't very good.

I dont like soccer at all. Im a football and baseball man all the way.

35Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:16

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

baseball I don't care for until the playoffs. All the games seem so meaningless you know? I'm all about college football and b-ball, NFL, and then MLB and NBA during playoffs.

36Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:17



I love me some American football just nothing to talk about on that front right now. I hates the baseball. It bores the shit out of me. College basketball is over so I'm all over the Euro baby! I enjoy it because their is constant action and a lot of strategy to the game and it creates some damn exciting moments!

37Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:20



I love baseball!

Mainly because before I had a back injury I played and had a scholarship offer to play at Kent State ( woot they did well in the CWS ).

Baseball is a very deep game, with a crazy amount of strategy. But its not for everyone.

My feelings on soccer are probably best kept to myself haha.

38Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:22



Sym, I liked it as a kid and I played but not anymore.

and its cool. I used to think Soccer was for pansies. How I was wrong. Its a good game!

39Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:24



Soccer is for pansies. Very Happy

40Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:25



HAHAHA Go try and play it and come back and tell me how you feel! HAHAHAHA

41Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:27



Go Spain! Yea I have them beating the Germans in the final. They have a fantastic team, Torres is hit and miss though. I like Ramos, he's such a damn good defender... that also scores.

One of my coworkers just came up told me the current score -_- what a fucker...

42Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:27



Im going to try and play soccer this fall season just in a rec league... kinda scared to find out how out of shape Im in

43Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:27



Naw Im just kidding.

I do prefer rougher sports, where serious injury is a a second away haha.

Soccer requires incredible amounts of cardio conditioning, which I know, but so does football and basketball.

44Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:28



Crombie wrote:
One of my coworkers just came up told me the current score -_- what a fucker...

gotta hate people like that >_>

45Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:30



Zillah wrote:
Crombie wrote:
One of my coworkers just came up told me the current score -_- what a fucker...

gotta hate people like that >_>

Thumbs up

Im giving a +1 for this.

46Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:31



Crombie, Yea I agree e can be hit or miss but I think he should start next game! Other players I like are the Mid Xabi Alonso and the Defender Gerrard Piqque. But Yes Ramos is a pretty damn fine player also!

I know know the score from first Zillah then someone on FB!!@! GAH!

47Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:33



Tbh all of spains players are really good. They also have a bit of an advantage because most of them play all year together for Barcelona.

I just want Germany to win this game because I think Germany v. Spain would be a better match then Italy v. Spain

48Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:35



Well Italy did hold Spain 1 to 1 earlier. But I agree Germany Pain seems like a better matchup.

Just looked since I knew the score. The guy that scored is the guy I can;t stand on theri team!!!!! GGGGRRRRRRR Evil or Very Mad

49Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:41



Iniesta! so good... and Jesus Navas, another good one.

I think it's the low scoring and lack of stopped play that puts off most north americans on soccer/futbal. The rest of the world seems to get it though.

50Talk to me SeC! Empty Re: Talk to me SeC! 2012-06-28, 16:43



Crombie wrote:Iniesta! so good... and Jesus Navas, another good one.

I think it's the low scoring and lack of stopped play that puts off most north americans on soccer/futbal. The rest of the world seems to get it though.

Spain will probably end up winning the final again... oh well.

Ive gotta go to work now so I wont be able to watch the 2nd half Sad

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