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Dark Knight shooting

The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Keyser Söze
16 posters

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1Dark Knight shooting Empty Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 09:33




2Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 10:08

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

This is so sad and disgusting at the same time.

My only question on the article is why someone would bring a baby and a six year old to watch that film in the first place?

3Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 10:21


Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:This is so sad and disgusting at the same time.

My only question on the article is why someone would bring a baby and a six year old to watch that film in the first place?

That stuck out to me as well, as soon as i woke up this was on the news but they didn't really talk about who got hurt.

4Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 12:02



Kinda odd to say, but whenever I watch a movie, I always think "what if some maniac just comes in halfway through the movie and shoots up the theater?" I never expect it to happen, but it's a weird thought I always get.

People have serious issues. We'll see how long it takes for the media to tell us he listens to Marilyn Manson while playing CoD or something.

5Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 12:10

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Watch the media blame Batman...

6Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 12:20

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well of course it's Manson's fault. And he was playing BF3.

7Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 12:26

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

All jokes aside, what would posses a man to do something like this?

This is why I said in another thread that if aliens have discovered Earth, they've probably seen us do shit like this to each other and thus are staying well away from our sorry asses.

8Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 13:06



what made him do it:

the voices

You can't do something like that and not be sick in the head. And a lot of these people claim to do it for God. I wouldn't be surprised if someone labels that the reason.

9Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 13:25

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:what made him do it:

the voices

You can't do something like that and not be sick in the head. And a lot of these people claim to do it for God. I wouldn't be surprised if someone labels that the reason.

You act like you know what made him do it. You don't. Your reasons are pure speculation that could be lumped with another possible reasons.

I dislike religion as much as the next guy and even more so, but you seem to be going out of your way to place blame on it.

10Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 13:39



I saw this on Kotaku just a bit ago and it immediately put a knot in my stomach. Could you imagine? You're waiting in line with your friends with excitement, itching to see a cool new movie when an an instant, it's all over. Even worse than the people who got killed are the ones who survived only to watch their friends die. Gone forever. And for what? Fuck this...

11Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 13:40



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:what made him do it:

the voices

You can't do something like that and not be sick in the head. And a lot of these people claim to do it for God. I wouldn't be surprised if someone labels that the reason.

You act like you know what made him do it. You don't. Your reasons are pure speculation that could be lumped with another possible reasons.

I dislike religion as much as the next guy and even more so, but you seem to be going out of your way to place blame on it.

Dark Knight shooting Tumblr_li361tpsx41qdlkgg

12Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 14:11



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:what made him do it:

the voices

You can't do something like that and not be sick in the head. And a lot of these people claim to do it for God. I wouldn't be surprised if someone labels that the reason.

You act like you know what made him do it. You don't. Your reasons are pure speculation that could be lumped with another possible reasons.

I dislike religion as much as the next guy and even more so, but you seem to be going out of your way to place blame on it.

I see I've made myself unclear. The purpose of the last statement was that just like video games and Marilin Manson, religion is cited as a huge cause for things like this. My personal guess would be that he was just messed up, not that it was a religious thing.

13Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 14:24


If I had to guess... It's usually money problems that he thinks he can't deal with, added with maybe he knew some of the people and strongly disliked them.

The thing that makes me wonder is that most people who do this shoot themselves to avoid capture, he stood there allowing himself to be arrested

14Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 14:26

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Maybe he just wanted his 15 minutes of fame, some people are that depraved unfortunately. Once again, pure speculation of course.

Maybe he's just a Marvel Comics guy. Who knows?

15Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 14:30



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Maybe he's just a Marvel Comics guy. Who knows?

I lol'd.

there was a mega-thread on reddit, about people's darkest secrets. One guy confesssed to almost pulling a school shooting when he was 17. Looking back at that, it was really scary to read how close he came. And I imagine it could have been similar to this guy, maybe he just hated the world.

16Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 14:36



Dark Knight shooting Tumblr_ll5eo7UbfU1qb5gkjo1_400

17Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 14:37

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Really really sad stuff. Its impossible for the sane to comprehend the thoughts of the insane.

18Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 16:48



Jesus Christ...

19Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-20, 22:22



Im kinda surprised he didnt dress up as either the joker or Bane...

20Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 00:23



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote: possible reasons.

Thats my IP address im going to have to go on a massacre thanks to this sign!

Also saw this last night as well but none of us live in Colorado so I wasnt really bothered

21Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 00:36



He thinks he is some sort of badass criminal mastermind. Nothing made him do it. Just like every other mass shooter hes fucked up in the head. Think of him as a murderous Tyler Durden.

He actually sounds like a pretty smart guy tho considering his apartment is wired with a shitload of explosives and the bomb squad doesn't think they'll be able to get into there safely for a few days.

22Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 00:39

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

23Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 01:01



He's the joker. Didn't you know?

24Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 01:32


ThePeavstenator wrote:He thinks he is some sort of badass criminal mastermind. Nothing made him do it. Just like every other mass shooter hes fucked up in the head. Think of him as a murderous Tyler Durden.

He actually sounds like a pretty smart guy tho considering his apartment is wired with a shitload of explosives and the bomb squad doesn't think they'll be able to get into there safely for a few days.

One of the articles I read said the guy is an Honor's Student in med school working on his PHD so he's smart, and no previous criminal record which makes this all the more disturbing to me.

25Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:06



I wonder what made him snap

urgh.....this makes gun owners look bad -___-

26Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:10



Maybe he didn't snap. Maybe he was just curious what would happen if he did it. Like a social experiment.

Anyway, I found out just a bit ago from a friend, that his daughter had a friend that was killed in the shooting and another that survived.

27Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:34



male friends
then as a father you would know why he did it but if it was female friends im still lost

28Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:37



ThePeavstenator wrote:
He actually sounds like a pretty smart guy tho considering his apartment is wired with a shitload of explosives and the bomb squad doesn't think they'll be able to get into there safely for a few days.

Reminds me of that dude who was a paranoid Schitzophrenic and loaded his house with a shitload of booby traps some involving explosives

When he died they had to call in the EOD's from the army to disarm his house basically

They removed like 37 homemade traps

Thing is before he died he warned his daughter there were 38 Very Happy

29Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:42



infadel117 wrote:male friends
then as a father you would know why he did it but if it was female friends im still lost

I'm not sure what you're referring to?

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2012-07-21, 02:46; edited 1 time in total

30Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:44



Metalzoic wrote:
infadel117 wrote:male friends
then as a father you would know why he did it but if it was female friends im still lost

I'm not sure what you're referring too?

Cocaine its a hell of a drug

31Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:47



Frostbyrn wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
infadel117 wrote:male friends
then as a father you would know why he did it but if it was female friends im still lost

I'm not sure what you're referring too?

Cocaine its a hell of a drug

You just made me wish I had some...

32Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 02:49



Metalzoic wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
infadel117 wrote:male friends
then as a father you would know why he did it but if it was female friends im still lost

I'm not sure what you're referring too?

Cocaine its a hell of a drug

You just made me wish I had some...



33Dark Knight shooting Empty Re: Dark Knight shooting 2012-07-21, 04:02



you are

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