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My friend's first kill (EVE)

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1My friend's first kill (EVE) Empty My friend's first kill (EVE) 2012-07-30, 04:49

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

ever since i started into pvp combat my friend has wanted to get his feet wet

well our first night out and i found us a pirate in low sec

his ship was worth more than double what both our ships are worth combined

eve is awesome

Last edited by Manila Plague on 2012-07-30, 04:55; edited 1 time in total



Oh your talking about Pyro Very Happy

Did he swallow the ship with his vagina?

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

no we murdered this guy in style

he did most of the damage with his rockets and i tanked



Analyzing Manila Plagues post

Possible return posts

>A.Why didnt you get Uni to do it,He is always tanked

B.Ever seen a snake swallow a mouse whole? Imagine that but with a vagina,tell me that isnt a classy way to die

C.An inebriated eskimo child slapping people with a trout could do more damage than Pyro,That guy probably felt bad. It was a pity kill



I was going to continue playing eve until i realized I could buy good games on steam for two dollars.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

well contract your stuff to me if you are done

i can always use more isk for ships



Bah, I'm thinking about renewing my sub to this. WoW is dead to me until Pandaria and I need something to play while I'm resting my brain from Dwarf Fortress sessions. If I do though, I'm re-rolling and making an all out combat pilot. Kill ALL the pirates.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I'm thinking about starting a new char too, wasted a lot of time on skills I'm not bothered about and I could do with a name change to make things less confusing.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

if you guys want i can really help with the skills to train and i can always use more gang members for my pirate hunting crew

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

IMO minmitar are among the best ships for PVP

i personally fly amarr and have had lots of success but i will eventually cross train to minmitar

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

oh and ante since you old account was able to fly a retriever and a noctis i would suggest reactivating that account.

from there you could neural remap for the combat attributes then just focus train

having the retriever will allow you to fund PVP. if you started from scratch it may be hard to make money

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Manila Plague wrote:IMO minmitar are among the best ships for PVP

i personally fly amarr and have had lots of success but i will eventually cross train to minmitar

Their ships look awful on my current settings though. Other than that, they're awesome and I'm seriously considering making my new character a Minmatar.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

just focus train those skills

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