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Band broke up....

Epyk MD
Ron Swanson
6 posters

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1Band broke up.... Empty Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 20:39



So basically two weeks ago I went to the beach with my wife and band. We spent all day drinking and smoking....

I ended up getting into with my other guitar player and it escalated into the physical nature. Anyways, he got all butt hurt about a woman.

Fast forward to today, the band is finished( as is our friendship of 8 years) over this shit.

I'm really frustrated by this and rather pissed off.

It was such a minor thing and I even apologized right after it happened to smooth things over.....

I dont know what to think.....years of work lost, just like that.

2Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 20:44

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Peoples emotions get the best of them and most are to proud to ever go back on that kind of shit. Sorry to hear that sym. what can I say but that really sucks.

3Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 20:46



Yea Its been two weeks and I havent talked to him. Thought he was just cooling down.

But I got a wall of text just a few minutes ago how it was done, and not to call him or show up at his house etc...lame.

Im just going to blow it up now and work on some solo stuff for awhile. Fuck other people and their drama.

4Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 21:28



Guess everyone got the text....nice... couldn't do it face to face.

5Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 21:35

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

so it was just the one guy?

6Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 21:39



Epyk wrote:so it was just the one guy?

Yea he just quit.

But the way our band works is the main dynamic of our band is our guitars, and we write all the lyrics and drums as well. So we are(were) the band. If hes not in it, Im not in it with the other two.

I might still jam with the bassist though. Who knows, he was his friend and I never thought he fit our music that great anyways.

He has a kid coming, and I think this was his out and he took it without making that excuse. I dont know. Shitty situation.

Harsh words were said by both of us, but Im over it, and figured he would get over it as well.

The vocalist, he was just a fill in anyways. Cool

7Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 21:39



Sorry dramaclinic

8Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 21:58




9Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 22:51


Possible it could change in a few weeks? Be kinda odd to end 8 years of friendship over that.

10Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 23:02



I dunno. He is a stubborn SOB. Once he makes up his mind, its made up.

Came at a really bad time too, we were set to start recording next month.

11Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-03, 23:12



That sucks man.

Gotta love stubbornness. Grudges are the most useless things to have but everyone thinks it's in their best interest to have them.

12Band broke up.... Empty Re: Band broke up.... 2012-08-04, 09:48

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I feel you man.

Both the bands I were in are pretty much toast. Drama killed one (guitarist was canoodling with drummers ex) we tried to go on as a three piece and even talked about getting a singer but it wasn't really the same after the guitarist left since he was the main song writer.

And then my other band well that's kind of been a dying whale for awhile and the drummer left so now it's just me and the one guitarist and I've been through that shit before and I ain't doing it again. Crappy "jams" where he pitches me every crappy riff and song idea he can come up with and he's always saying "Man we just need to get a few people together and we'll be good" or "If we record a demo we'll be able to find people to join"

Being in a band with this guy is frustrating as hell but if there's other people around they kind of keep him in line. Just me and him? not again...he can barely even play right anyways. So yeah I'm pretty much officially looking for a new more serious project.

I really need to start gigging again.

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