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 » The Lounge » Archives » M249 SAW

M249 SAW

Artimise Flare
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1M249 SAW Empty M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 21:43

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This seems to be a problem only apparent with LMG's, while it does not hinder my ability too much, it has gotten me killed a few times.

The muzzle flash while using this LMG with irons tends to make it rather hard to engage targets at times, and that minor pause in fire has some times cost me my life in game. Anyone else feel that other LMG's suffer from similar issues when using irons? I normally dislike using optics since I like the increase to medic stuff.

2M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 21:45



Doesn't MG3 have the problem too?

Though I do not really experience too much of this in any LMG, including M249.

I know the existence of voice of concern, just not experiencing it myself.

3M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 21:48



<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

This might solve your problem.

On topic I dont have a problem with muzzle flash on any other LMGs but the saw is pretty bad with that. However stick a scope on it and I love using it. Although I havent played battlefield in a while.

4M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 21:54



I usually use a RDS on the SAW, but I use Medic R+ to make up for it.

5M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 21:58

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Thats what I'm talking about though, I usually don't like using optics unless I really feel the need to. I usually run with irons since I like having the medic pack bonus specs. But glad to see that I'm not really the only one who finds the SAW's muzzle flash a little obtrusive. The MG3 I think doesn't have as much of an issue, because the barrel is further away from the user, while the M249 SAW in this game is the one paratroopers use, which is a design that is more compact and is much shorter than normal.

M249 SAW
M249 SAW M249saw

M249 SAW Para
M249 SAW FNM0040mb

6M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 22:15



Well you need optics on the M249 to make mid-range kills.

It's a fun gun but that muzzle flash is a huge hindrance so you can't run H+ unless you're just going to run around defib-spamming and tossing medkits everywhere.

7M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-05, 22:52



I run with both medic specs as a medic, so no optics, unless I pick up enemy kit. Though, I have not used M249 for a while, heck BC2 in general due to the you know what reason, but it was my second favourite LMG.

I have not really experienced too much problem. I usually cut the fire in burst, and once I start firing, I do not aim with iron sight, but with center screen method (compensating for recoil and spread). Probably the reason why I have not noticed much.

8M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-06, 00:11



I honestly have never had a problem with the iron sights.
I usually use lightweight and H+.
I never really noticed the muzzle flash. Maybe it's the way I burst it; I dunno.
Love that gun, though.

9M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-06, 00:13



I tap it very quickly. Sure it doesn't take advantage of firerate and they die slower, but recoil becomes non-existant and I seem to see better with it.

10M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-06, 00:44

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I useually stick a RDS or 4x on the SAW, not just becasue I perfer a scope on almost every gun, excluding SMGs, but becasue I have trouble tracking targets I'm firing at with the M249. That flash is VERY obscuring, especially when firing down at targets

11M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-06, 01:19



I just platted it today.

Yay me.

12M249 SAW Empty Re: M249 SAW 2010-10-06, 04:33

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

remShotz wrote:I tap it very quickly. Sure it doesn't take advantage of firerate and they die slower, but recoil becomes non-existant and I seem to see better with it.

This. I seem to kill faster like that though.

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