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[BF4] M249 SAW and the support class, terribly underused

HydrasBreath ♜
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Once again it appears to be happening, there never seems to be enough good support players. The ones that you do find rarely seem to be throwing ammunition to you.

That said, the M249 SAW is an excellent LMG, very accurate (for an LMG) but like the beta's T88 LMG, if you want to hit anything, even something that's 10-25m from you, you must tap fire.

You'll definitely lose to SMG's in a straight up CQC fight, but from my experience so far, the belt fed LMG's are a night and day difference to what they were in BF3. Even the irons are pretty good, though having a red dot of some sort is usually preferred

If you play slightly more reserved and don't go all John Rambo with it (finger on the trigger trying to hose everything in sight, you'll likely do very well with it.

I'll have to play with the class more to give a better feedback as to how the other LMG's behave.



I've barely seen any as well, and the ones I do see never throw ammo, which makes the reload "glitch" where you lose the whole mag even worse lol.




Thats all support needs.

LMG and pistol are there just to give you access to Ammo Box.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The XM25 is an excellent and nifty gadget for sure. Right now I'm slowly clawing my way to ammo boxes so that I can replenish my stock of them.

By far my most favorite classes so far is the Support and Recon, but for the most part, all of the kits feel very good. The SRAW however feels terribly weak, at least against armor, I can't wait to unlock a different one.



The claymore is really cool now how it deploys multiple tripwires out in front of it.
I've played support by far the most.

Ammo pouches now re-supply weapon explosives too (but not gadget explosives)

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Weapon explosives? So like the rocket launchers?



Not sure. Seems to reload the XM25 and grenade launcher, but not claymores for example.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah okay, that's really good to know. I thought it still only replenished ammo for your guns and not explosives.



Now I wonder if it does re-supply rockets. Probably does since they are a weapon.

It definitely doesn't with grenades, mines, claymores etc...
Hmmm... now I wonder if it only replenishes the XM25 and nothing else?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Metalzoic wrote:Now I wonder if it does re-supply rockets. Probably does since they are a weapon.

It  definitely doesn't with grenades, mines, claymores etc...
Hmmm... now I wonder if it only replenishes the XM25 and nothing else?
Maybe it's a glitch? And yeah from the little I played with the SAW it feels really good. I'll have to unlock some attachments for it and then make a final judgment.

And yeah the predominant class still seems to be assault.



HydrasBreath wrote:
And yeah the predominant class still seems to be assault.
On 360 most seem to be Engis and recons.



Yea Im seeing more engies than anything



I was planning on going mainly support for BF4 since they have more of a use, but after spending the entire beta as one and playing the full game, I started running engineer mostly.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yet no one revives, that's the hilarious part. What I do notice is that you tend to run out of ammo on a fairly frequent basis in BF4, this necessitating the support class even more if you don't want to pick up some randoms kit.



Again Im not seeing that many assaults

Half the people I get killed by are engies

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Weird, I mostly get nailed by assault players, engineers are in a close second. A few recons now and then but very rarely do I see a support player



It goes like this for me

Engies > assault> recon>support



I run out of ammo very quickly since you lose the ammo now, due to a glitch or whatever, thought it was only hardcore. I'm very OCD about reloading after every kill....I feel paranoid with even 20 rounds in the gun left



You guys dont have ocd

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Can't remember, you were actually diagnosed with OCD weren't you sym or am I thinking of a different person here?



SAW is great. Shame I have no kills with it because of a server crash. But that was the server, not on my end at least.



Artimise Flare wrote:Can't remember, you were actually diagnosed with OCD weren't you sym or am I thinking of a different person here?
Yes Ive been clinically diagnosed lol

Im sorta a nut case

Sorry just my biggest pet peeve is when people say they have OCD when they are particular about something.



Arm yourself with knowledge.



Some of those are true ha

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:I run out of ammo very quickly since you lose the ammo now, due to a glitch or whatever, thought it was only hardcore. I'm very OCD about reloading after every kill....I feel paranoid with even 20 rounds in the gun left
Yeah I reload after almost every kill too...I have to force myself not to do it when I'm using the SAW haha. I'll have used like 30 bullets out of 200 and I'm like "better reload just in case...wait! No!"

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:
JrTapia1991 wrote:I run out of ammo very quickly since you lose the ammo now, due to a glitch or whatever, thought it was only hardcore. I'm very OCD about reloading after every kill....I feel paranoid with even 20 rounds in the gun left
Yeah I reload after almost every kill too...I have to force myself not to do it when I'm using the SAW haha. I'll have used like 30 bullets out of 200 and I'm like "better reload just in case...wait! No!"
Lol, that's me, I find myself being a little twitchy and reloading just out of habit. I have to remind myself I have a 200 round belt and don't need to reload all the time.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
JrTapia1991 wrote:I run out of ammo very quickly since you lose the ammo now, due to a glitch or whatever, thought it was only hardcore. I'm very OCD about reloading after every kill....I feel paranoid with even 20 rounds in the gun left
Yeah I reload after almost every kill too...I have to force myself not to do it when I'm using the SAW haha. I'll have used like 30 bullets out of 200 and I'm like "better reload just in case...wait! No!"
Lol, that's me, I find myself being a little twitchy and reloading just out of habit. I have to remind myself I have a 200 round belt and don't need to reload all the time.
Yeah same it's like a reflex to reload after I get a kill.



Metalzoic wrote:Not sure. Seems to reload the XM25 and grenade launcher, but not claymores for example.
Okay, then I have to change what I have said earlier.

LMG and pistol should step aside to stop distracting support users while using XM25.



But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Kenshiro wrote:But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).
I was on a server with FF on with Hydra last night, was a little annoying getting killed by FF.

Question is, does that contribute to my death statistic?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).
I was on a server with FF on with Hydra last night, was a little annoying getting killed by FF.

Question is, does that contribute to my death statistic?
Yeah I got FFed once in that game too. It made my eye twitch a little.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).
I was on a server with FF on with Hydra last night, was a little annoying getting killed by FF.

Question is, does that contribute to my death statistic?
Yeah I got FFed once in that game too. It made my eye twitch a little.
You ran me over with a tank in that round too lol

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).
I was on a server with FF on with Hydra last night, was a little annoying getting killed by FF.

Question is, does that contribute to my death statistic?
Yeah I got FFed once in that game too. It made my eye twitch a little.
You ran me over with a tank in that round too lol
Really? Fuck I'm sorry man. I never even saw weren't in our squad.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).
I was on a server with FF on with Hydra last night, was a little annoying getting killed by FF.

Question is, does that contribute to my death statistic?
Yeah I got FFed once in that game too. It made my eye twitch a little.
You ran me over with a tank in that round too lol
Really? Fuck I'm sorry man. I never even saw weren't in our squad.
I think I was, but ya'll were having issues with the mics or something. I don't remember, it was pretty funny though lol



Haha that sounds hilarious

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, I was trying to shoot someone lobbing rockets his way and next thing I know I'm reliving the scene in Band of Brothers where that unfortunate wehrmacht troop got ran over by a Panther. Last thing I saw was Hydra backing up into the sunset, completely oblivious that he pulped me lol.



ha only in BF

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:But man, that non-HC FF-on server wasn't too bad. Fairly refreshing to be careful (and see people shoot their allies by accident [I got shot that way, good thing he fully charged his defib to get me up]).
I was on a server with FF on with Hydra last night, was a little annoying getting killed by FF.

Question is, does that contribute to my death statistic?
Yeah I got FFed once in that game too. It made my eye twitch a little.
You ran me over with a tank in that round too lol
Really? Fuck I'm sorry man. I never even saw weren't in our squad.
I think I was, but ya'll were having issues with the mics or something. I don't remember, it was pretty funny though lol
I don't know if voip is working for me...I tried talking to rem but nothing...I actually haven't heard a peep from anyone in any of the games I've played.

I wonder if voip is bugged?



This gun is the only reason why I'm playing the SP. This is my IRL gun in the Army and I love it.



I believe you have to hold down the bottom left Alt, or CTRL to do VOIP, it's press to talk by default, well in the beta it was

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

ctrl is the hold crouch...must be alt.



Fuck control for crouch

C all day



I need to map prone to my mouse button like it was in bf3 and other mouse button to throw medic pack, I got used to it but it's weird to sorta pause to move up and press 4 for the pack, and scrolling with the mouse wheel takes too long

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

ctrl is good when you need to keep popping out of cover during firefights. I still have trouble hitting X and C reliably in the heat of the moment. The rest I can hit pretty good without looking.



I am a beast with Z,X,C and V.

I hate control for some reason, I really do.

Maybe I have a short pinky?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:I need to map prone to my mouse button like it was in bf3 and other mouse button to throw medic pack, I got used to it but it's weird to sorta pause to move up and press 4 for the pack, and scrolling with the mouse wheel takes too long
I'm forcing myself to get good at using the numbers. You don't have to stop moving if you keep your middle finger on W and use your ring finger for 1 or 2 and your index for 3, 4, 5 or 6 (who uses 5 or 6 though really?)



This is why my mouse is the best

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:I am a beast with Z,X,C and V.

I hate control for some reason, I really do.

Maybe I have a short pinky?
I'm getting better at hitting the lowest row of letters. Before I'd have to practically stop and take my hand off the keyboard to hit Z or X.

Just need to get that muscle memory down.

And I've always been good with my pinky from playing bass. I use it all the time.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:This is why my mouse is the best
Haha yeah you do have the advantage there as long as you don't hit the wring button.

I don't have anything mapped to my 2 mouse buttons yeah...not sure what I should put.



HydrasBreath wrote:
Sym wrote:I am a beast with Z,X,C and V.

I hate control for some reason, I really do.

Maybe I have a short pinky?
I'm getting better at hitting the lowest row of letters. Before I'd have to practically stop and take my hand off the keyboard to hit Z or X.

Just need to get that muscle memory down.

And I've always been good with my pinky from playing bass. I use it all the time.
I use my pinky alot too ( lead guy here lmao ) but yea, its all muscle memory. For some reason control is just awkward for me. I use C for crouch and - for prone.

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