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If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4?

Gary Effin' Oak.
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Cardboard Fox
Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
The Adli Corporation
17 posters

For next gen,what console are you picking

If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? Vote_lcap21%If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? Vote_rcap 21% [ 3 ]
If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? Vote_lcap7%If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? Vote_rcap 7% [ 1 ]
If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? Vote_lcap71%If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? Vote_rcap 71% [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 14

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For me personally,idk,it'll be several years until a price drop anyway and to see if the new consoles have reliability problems like the damn RROD problem. I've been thinking of building a pc but honestly that's alot of money up front for me,I know consoles have worse graphics,but they're cheap and will play any game you put in them. Plus by the time of a price drop on the new consoles,lots of the games will be cheap by then.

I really wish PS4 would have party chat and free online,I've heard rumors they're doing away with the free online,not sure.

As of right now,for me,since I've had so much trouble with Xbox,I'll probably go PS4 if I go console after price drops(most likely due to being broke)

another thing going for the console for me,is,my sucky sucky small town's internet....never can tell when it's going to work or not.I'd rather just pop in an xbox game or PS4 game and play,instead of spenting hours downloading 6GB+ over steam due to the sucky connections available here

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

PC all the way. my laptop will probably be more powerful than the next-gen consoles, and when i finish Uni and get my own flat/apartment/whatever ill get a good desktop and repeat he process Razz



I will never buy another console again.

I love PC, but consoles are killing the industry.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i really dont see a reason to get any of the next gen consoles.

steam will probably keep my firmly planted in the PC camp.



I remember when the Sec was against PC lol

When I made the switch there were only a few on PC( Storm, Ante and Art )

Now the only one who is outspoken against it is Metal lol



If the next gen consoles do something amazingly innovative I may pick one up, but I don't have high hopes.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have no idea what I will do honestly. We don't have any specs on the new consoles, or prices, or anything really. I don't really want to go PC, I really don't. I have had consoles since I was a little kid and I'm getting too old to change. PC just doesn't appeal to me even though that may be the way I have to go just out of sheer necessity. I will never have the natural quickness or reaction time on a keyboard/mouse as I do with a controller, and using a controller against experienced key/mouse players would be foolish.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

PC. I might pick up a console later on if it has good games and enough of my friends get one.



You don't have the play every PC game with a KB and M

I wish more people would realize that

I use a controller for half my games

M/KB does require more time to get used to. But the control set up is undeniably superior once you get used to it. ESPECIALLY in an FPS

A console is a PC, just a watered down, closed source box.



720 and PC. My laptop is pretty powerful, I'm upgrading my pc soon and it'll be good, and I migh tjust pick up a xbox 720 later on for social play.



Well lets put it this way, I wont be buying a Microsoft or Sony console.

I MIGHT, might look into the WiiU once its cheap. Again MIGHT

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Mr. Lundegaard wrote:You don't have the play every PC game with a KB and M

I wish more people would realize that

I use a controller for half my games

M/KB does require more time to get used to. But the control set up is undeniably superior once you get used to it. ESPECIALLY in an FPS

A console is a PC, just a watered down, closed source box.

about 75% of the games I play are online. and I would not enjoy the period of time that I would totally suck ass getting used to it.



To each his own

Im just trying to help you see the light, man.

Cant blame me for trying. Cool



I'll get the next Xbox.Im not a techie,I wouldnt know where to start with pc hardware/software nor do I care for it.Ive thought about upgrading before but I dont even want to bother with it.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

an hour to two of reading will give you a pretty decent knowledge.

just think of them as high priced electronic legos.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Terry Corp. wrote:I have no idea what I will do honestly. We don't have any specs on the new consoles, or prices, or anything really. I don't really want to go PC, I really don't. I have had consoles since I was a little kid and I'm getting too old to change. PC just doesn't appeal to me even though that may be the way I have to go just out of sheer necessity. I will never have the natural quickness or reaction time on a keyboard/mouse as I do with a controller, and using a controller against experienced key/mouse players would be foolish.

I'm with you on this. Been playing console since childhood and don't really want to change. Change scares me and I don't like it! Not only that, it seems that with every "new and awesome" game that comes out, it seems like you have to upgrade your PC to play it. At least with a console, I get some years out of it.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Mr. Lundegaard wrote:Cant blame me for trying. Cool

I can and do blame you. Evil or Very Mad

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:I have no idea what I will do honestly. We don't have any specs on the new consoles, or prices, or anything really. I don't really want to go PC, I really don't. I have had consoles since I was a little kid and I'm getting too old to change. PC just doesn't appeal to me even though that may be the way I have to go just out of sheer necessity. I will never have the natural quickness or reaction time on a keyboard/mouse as I do with a controller, and using a controller against experienced key/mouse players would be foolish.

I'm with you on this. Been playing console since childhood and don't really want to change. Change scares me and I don't like it! Not only that, it seems that with every "new and awesome" game that comes out, it seems like you have to upgrade your PC to play it. At least with a console, I get some years out of it.

that's, in most cases to play it on ultra settings, which is 3-4 settings higher than what you would see it on as a console.

i have a 7 year old gpu and can play skyrim on max.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well I like things on max settings. Crying or Very sad

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I want to change my name to Max Power

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Terry Corp. wrote:I want to change my name to Max Power

Best name ever!



I'll build my PC eventually, but I'll probably pick up a 720. PS4 down the line maybe. Consoles still have exclusives and whatnot.



I only like PC's for MMOs and i am pretty sure that chapter in my life is over (Been MMO free for two years now)

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

720 for the bros

PC for the starcraft.



Where is the option to buy both consoles and continue on with PC master race?

Consoles only for consoles, specific console only for PS4 and 720.

Rest PC.

If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? ToLOVE0806107319-18-46



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Well I like things on max settings. Crying or Very sad

Well you're not gonna get that with consoles lol.

Not sure if I'm getting the next xbox or not. Probably not, but I guess it depends on the price.



Terry Corp. wrote:
Mr. Lundegaard wrote:Cant blame me for trying. Cool

I can and do blame you. Evil or Very Mad

If you're not going pc,for next gen,Xbox 720 or PS4? -0600452421-15-34



None of the above

Im not too big on PC gaming and I didn't buy a 360 until ~3 years after it came out so im not going to buy a next gen console right away, if ever. Shit, I still play my PS2.



Depends on the games. I have this feeling I'd enjoy Demons's Souls on PS3, but it's past it's prime now. Don't want to shell out cash for it, PC is taking the spotlight now.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Terry Corp. wrote:I don't really want to go PC, I really don't. I have had consoles since I was a little kid and I'm getting too old to change. PC just doesn't appeal to me even though that may be the way I have to go just out of sheer necessity. I will never have the natural quickness or reaction time on a keyboard/mouse as I do with a controller, and using a controller against experienced key/mouse players would be foolish.

I felt the same way as you a few months back. I've been gaming since I was 3 years old. Started on NES. But now you see less and less console exclusives. I just don't see much reason for me to stay with consoles when the PC experience looks to be so much better. Yeah I'll probably suck at first with kb/m when playing BF3 but I think it'll be worth it for maps that aren't ghost towns. I want to get the DLC that's gonna be coming out but I can't see Armored Kill being very playable with just 12 a side. I'm just bored of BF3 on the consoles. And that was my main game. I haven't booted up my xbox in months.

I'll still rock the shit out of my NES, SNES and N64 but I'll be doing most of my modern gaming on a PC from now on. I don't see myself ever getting another console. I mean they're basically computers now anyway.

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