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so i was storming a castle on Mount & Blade when i noticed one of my soliders had an archer problem

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i didnt know chuck norris was in my war party
so i was storming a castle on Mount & Blade when i noticed one of my soliders had an archer problem Chuck11



I dont like Nord troops they get obliterated by Swadian Cavalry

And I always piss off Swadia Very Happy

Do you use any mods K?



i havent found any mods i like in particular for m&b
i like having nords around cause i recently found out on Tex's side of the family im viking lol that guy was one of only three people left and there were still like 200 archers left for the other guys

Edit* ive completely taken over the kergits
all they have left is a few generals running around with no troops



Im using Floris Expanded Modpack

Just wiped out Swadia and the Rhodoks and half the Nords

And they still wont recognize my right to rule

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Im using Floris Expanded Modpack

Just wiped out Swadia and the Rhodoks and half the Nords

And they still wont recognize my right to rule

i know that feel bro.



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Im using Floris Expanded Modpack

Just wiped out Swadia and the Rhodoks and half the Nords

And they still wont recognize my right to rule

i know that feel bro.

Yeah its a stupid behind the scenes calculation out of 100 and it takes like 50 to make them respect you

It only counts

Lords who have joined your side-5 per lord (doesnt include companions you promoted)
Marrying a Lady-25 ( Cant be a companion you promoted either)
Making Peace-50 (This is stupid because you cant make fucking peace if you dont have right to rule)

It should count Areas owned,Renown,Honor and Battles Won and maybe Army size

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