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Google (owners of Motorola) are suing Apple.

Epyk MD
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Patrick Star
Cardboard Fox
Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
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infadel117 wrote:
Khfan60 wrote:infadel for admin
why would i want to run a dying site

more beef



Frostbyrn wrote:
infadel117 wrote:
Kurz wrote:Now are you going to try and turn it into a whole thing about how it was derailed because you were attempting to troll us?
actually this time that wasnt what i was getting at at all

im saying this site has become overrun by pony obsessed 19 year olds that think communism and anarchy are better forms of government than democracy based off of the assumption that america sucks and on top of that all of them consider themselves trolls and cant wait to stomp on infadel because he is a "stupid" texan when i say absolutely nothing about your nonstop complaining about how "my computor did this" or "i have lost faith in this brand of product for x reason"

call me stupid all you want people im here and im enjoying watching the site quickly become gamefaqs but with freedom for you to do whatever you want

those of you that are still on my friends list are there because i think theres still hope for you, those that arent reverted to snobs the second the majority of all the original members left

Lets break this down

Pony obsessed 19 year olds? Well I think me and Soap are both 20 and Adli is 18 , And bringing up Pony's is usually peoples way of taking a swipe at Ante who hasnt really had any beef with you lately to my knowledge

Communism and Anarchy, I assume that was aimed at Pariah as he is the only one who really holds Anarchist views. This was also a reference to a topic that happened over a year ago in which case you really need to let it go and hating someone based on their political idealogy is just silly unless they are trying to start a new Reich or something

People "making the Assumption" that America sucks,Fair enough your brother is a soldier and you come from a pretty patriotic family.I dont think you were here when this started with Sym making a topic asking why people disliked America then getting pissed off when people gave him honest answers but whatever

Most of us consider ourselves Trolls fair enough once again.Then you say we target you for being a stupid texan.The fact your Texan has nothing to do with it,The fact your an idiot has everything to do with it.You cant blame predators for attacking the weak member of the herd thats nature man

Im being kicked out of the computer lab now but trust me I had alot more to say
for age thing i was going more for an averaged age you know gathering abunch of numbers and adding them all together and then dividing the result by the amount of numbers

and if your being kicked out of your computor lab thats your fault



Actually it was because another class was coming in



meh its just situational then but if you have enough time to say that then your fine and just cut it short cause you got worked up



infadel117 wrote:

im saying this site has become overrun by pony obsessed 19 year olds that think communism and anarchy are better forms of government than democracy based off of the assumption that america sucks and on top of that all of them consider themselves trolls and cant wait to stomp on infadel because he is a "stupid" texan when i say absolutely nothing about your nonstop complaining about how "my computor did this" or "i have lost faith in this brand of product for x reason"

call me stupid all you want people im here and im enjoying watching the site quickly become gamefaqs but with freedom for you to do whatever you want

those of you that are still on my friends list are there because i think theres still hope for you, those that arent reverted to snobs the second the majority of all the original members left

Ok, breakdown by section.

The brony part. I'm not sure the exact number, but I'm willing to bet that less than half of the userbase is bronies.

Communist/anarchist part, pretty much only aimed at me (or is anyone else here siding with those?) and I'll take it. I was born in a barely post-communist country, and I believe in an idyllic, utopian anarchist state as the paradise for mankind. More realistically, I'm a democrat though. Lesser of two evils. Also, this is a topic from a rather long time ago, so let it go.

the "trolls" comment. Yeah, some of us are trolls. Frost absolutely is, I am for the most part, Soap, and several others, but again, we're a minority on this site.

The part about us attacking the "stupid texan". We're not attacking you because you're from Texas. We're attacking you because you say stupid things then try to pass it off as trolling, genuine higher intellect, or just make up more random bullshit. I don't mind that you're from Texas, that's perfectly fine and unimportant. I actually liked TexasMace a lot before he left.

The SeC is a gamer's site. We've got a pretty sizable PC-playing population, and problems occur sometimes, so we share the problem with friends and help eachother. If you've got an issue with that, pull the diamond-encrusted stick out of your ass and leave.

second section of your post: We don't need your approval for anything. We need Epyk's, since it's his site, but not yours. As my father once told me "opinions are like assholes, every idiot has one"

"theres still hope for you" and people call me condescending.

TL;DR...We think you say stupid things, and call you out on it. If you wanna be molly-coddled and worship for every moronic syllable that comes out of your mouth, go to a daycare and start talking to the kids. They're just barely below your level.



more beef



Sym wrote:more beef

It's whats for dinner.



Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:
infadel117 wrote:

im saying this site has become overrun by pony obsessed 19 year olds that think communism and anarchy are better forms of government than democracy based off of the assumption that america sucks and on top of that all of them consider themselves trolls and cant wait to stomp on infadel because he is a "stupid" texan when i say absolutely nothing about your nonstop complaining about how "my computor did this" or "i have lost faith in this brand of product for x reason"

call me stupid all you want people im here and im enjoying watching the site quickly become gamefaqs but with freedom for you to do whatever you want

those of you that are still on my friends list are there because i think theres still hope for you, those that arent reverted to snobs the second the majority of all the original members left

Ok, breakdown by section.

The brony part. I'm not sure the exact number, but I'm willing to bet that less than half of the userbase is bronies.

Communist/anarchist part, pretty much only aimed at me (or is anyone else here siding with those?) and I'll take it. I was born in a barely post-communist country, and I believe in an idyllic, utopian anarchist state as the paradise for mankind. More realistically, I'm a democrat though. Lesser of two evils. Also, this is a topic from a rather long time ago, so let it go.

the "trolls" comment. Yeah, some of us are trolls. Frost absolutely is, I am for the most part, Soap, and several others, but again, we're a minority on this site.

The part about us attacking the "stupid texan". We're not attacking you because you're from Texas. We're attacking you because you say stupid things then try to pass it off as trolling, genuine higher intellect, or just make up more random bullshit. I don't mind that you're from Texas, that's perfectly fine and unimportant. I actually liked TexasMace a lot before he left.

The SeC is a gamer's site. We've got a pretty sizable PC-playing population, and problems occur sometimes, so we share the problem with friends and help eachother. If you've got an issue with that, pull the diamond-encrusted stick out of your ass and leave.

second section of your post: We don't need your approval for anything. We need Epyk's, since it's his site, but not yours. As my father once told me "opinions are like assholes, every idiot has one"

"theres still hope for you" and people call me condescending.

TL;DR...We think you say stupid things, and call you out on it. If you wanna be molly-coddled and worship for every moronic syllable that comes out of your mouth, go to a daycare and start talking to the kids. They're just barely below your level.

i wasnt being condescending saying theres still hope for you i was meaning that everyone else has "gone to the dark side" i dont want or need you to worship any part of my speech and the stupid texan thing was frosts whole point when i joined.

from everything that i looked at it was more than just you with the anarchy stuff when i looked (two weeks after i joined) it was pretty much 6 or 7 people (very rough estimate) all agreeing that communism was the way to go and after Texas got mad about it and almost punished for openly saying so he quit and i started looking into it.

the whole its epyks decision thing, thats why i dont go around saying "hey epyk i dont like the way people are talking around here shut it down" your right its not my decision and i dont want it to be, ever.

the whole pony thing is not pointed at ante and i dont have any specific "beef" as symbolic keeps saying with him its a deep, deep hatred of the fact that anyone above the age of 13 likes the show and continues to watch it.

i wouldnt normally have a problem with you guys bitching about your pc as i ask for help too and you know what i get "look on google you moron" at one point i did think of most of the members on this site as friends and ive been taught that you ask your friends first when it comes to problems related to technology not more technology.

as i said before this sight and most of the things it stood for have fallen away from view and Texas agrees as it turns out last time i talked to him (last week) he said that was why he left here, gamefaqs, OFC, and i think a few other sites.

and frost really "patriotic family" Tex is the only patriotic person i know of thats left of this family my horrible (i say horrible because he made my life hell) brother only joined the military because he didnt know what he was gonna do with his life and took that path to see how it went and possibly get some money for college.



i hope you people are happy, all this "beef" has me constipated from dissapointment, irritation, and just a little bit of excitement at all the activity. you have officially interrupted my daily shit



what the everliving fuck is going on here



everyone hating on me, possible implosive diarhea, and me both defending myself and pointing out all the faults of the site and those that dwell in it

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ouch bro, ouch.



it's alright epyk i still love you. who else showers you in fancy jewelry?



Ante wrote:what the everliving fuck is going on here



Ante wrote:what the everliving fuck is going on here

No damn clue.

Is the article...hard to understand?

I think I got it, is it just me? AM I SUPERINTELLIGENT?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

hang on...the last topic in ponyville was in July... it has 4 views.... and no replies. the last serious topics were april/may. i also don't think many users have anything pony-related in their profile anymore (only Ante and Soap?).

you being a ''stupid texan'' isn't the issue here, you being stupid is. i have nothing against texans, just against idiots.

as for being an asshole when you asked for help, i gave you the fucking help and then you completely ignored it since you cant follow basic instructions, then claimed i didn't understand you (despite completing the entire game and by having the manual both physically and via steam) and when that failed you claimed you were trolling.

i will help you (such as me explaining things in GW2 for you... yesterday, i think it was.) but when the information is the top result in a 5 second google search of your exact question... that pisses me off. i'd rather make you learn to google and have a useful skill (and make you less obnoxious to other users) than have to spoon-feed you information all the time. there wont always be people around to ask, so use google first. most of the time google will save you, or at least give you more info on what the problem is.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well, that sure escalated quickly....

But seriously...on the whole Bronies thing? The last pony related topic posted outside of our board was like a year ago man. I know I posted one a few months back but that was only because it wasn't entirely pony related.

And we don't pick on you because your a texan. Bro Im a texan as well.
We tease you because you say stupid stuff quite often.
And don't act like your the only one it happens to. The only reason it happens to you is because your ratio of stupid posts to normal ones is very lopsided.

Everyone here gets teased and picked on when they do something stupid. Happens to me ALL the time. Hell I still get flail jokes tossed my way and that was something that happened over a year ago.

And I am confused about the whole communist topic your talking about...I may have missed that one.

Anyways, no one here is out to get you like you claim. Sure I was messing with you in this topic and so were other people. But if you would actually think and coherently write your posts this wouldn't happen so often.



Everyone gets made fun of when they do something stupid. Happens to me often, and you should have seen the topic Sym made the other day. Get off your high horse and go buy a sense of humor.



Hey guys, stop bringing me into this. LOL

And yes, like an idiot I made a stupid post last week lmao. Robots owned the fuck out of me.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Sym wrote:Robots owned the fuck out of me.

And it was hilarious.



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:
Sym wrote:Robots owned the fuck out of me.

And it was hilarious.


Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap





Me being a fan boy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Oh yeah, that was hilarious.



I still hate IGN

Horrible, horrible website.

Regardless on how soon I jumped the gun



IGN is pretty bad.



They cater to the frat boy types, you know them, the ones that only play CoD and Madden.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That they do. I can't even stand looking at any article they put out. I think the last time I willingly read one was back after MW3 was out and all they did was pander and praise it.


Sym wrote:They cater to the frat boy types, you know them, the ones that only play CoD and Madden.

Well duh they're great games, after i am done owning as Tom Brady i like to shoot people.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Kurz wrote:That they do. I can't even stand looking at any article they put out. I think the last time I willingly read one was back after MW3 was out and all they did was pander and praise it.

The last one I read was this lolworthy article trying to defend EA. I might try to find a link if anyone's interested.

Although I gave up actively browsing the site well before that, and only read that article because someone sent me a link.



chunckylover53 wrote:
Sym wrote:They cater to the frat boy types, you know them, the ones that only play CoD and Madden.

Well duh they're great games, after i am done owning as Tom Brady i like to shoot people.




I must of missed the communist topic too,might of been one of the days my internet was fucked off lol. Heard it made some people rage quit >__>

IGN sucks so bad, you can tell their reviews are bought off

personally I don't even consider the frat type people who only play COD and Madden to be gamers. They're worse than the casual kinect-phase crowd

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

then why are you still here

also......... hahahahhaahahaah apple

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

The amount of shots fired in this thread was staggering, I approve of all of your conduct.

And for the record, we love you Soap...if it wasnt for your weapon related blunders, I wouldnt have stories to tell about leaving dangerous weaponry in the hands of the mentally bankrupt.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I love you too!

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Kurz wrote:I love you too, ive been waiting for this moment forever!

Im sure you have, enjoy it kiddo...never happening again.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But you were so into it last night....




Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

lol no. Keep trying to bed me Soap, its a long line ahead of you.



Sym wrote: Shocked

Laughing Laughing Laughing

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:lol no. Keep trying to bed me Soap, its a long line ahead of you.

Google (owners of Motorola) are suing Apple. - Page 2 FL49U-huUE-h3kE-ZsyJow2



If Google really wants to fuck Apple why dont they just pull google search, gmail, youtube, and google maps off of Apple products? and iPhone without those is literally useless.



I'm old

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Those fish still beat you Adli. For the record, Milk is first...he just aint putting out.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:lol no. Keep trying to bed me Soap, its a long line ahead of you.

Don't know about you, but I have my own special express line for Soap so he can just skip straight to the front whenever he wants.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

You have a thing for guys who enjoy hurting themselves...I aint even mad.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:You have a thing for guys who enjoy hurting themselves...I aint even mad.

I view it more as a thing for stupid people.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


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